Δευτέρα 10 Δεκεμβρίου 2012




                            OPERA THEATRE-

Began the siege of Constantinople
Cried Turks fanatical make assaults 
Accompanied from nakarades- tabors swearing vulgar.
Most people were dropping dead before they reach the walls.
The city will be invaded by me-the-Hadith said that
will fall  Constantinople.
-The chronicle of Fall-Alosis
Constantine Palaeologus ordered to prepare the palace
To greet the warriors of light.

Last emperor waited for splendid  in majestic hall-of-triconch. 
I am happy and I feel sorry to meet you under these circumstances 
said multiform Odysseus.
Divine king you that transforms  and  become another
Tell us about the end of charge.
 Does not exist end-lost-An endless,
We are players and game of game who play  us
Replied multiform  Ulysses.
Tell us then the fate of Constantinople
The end of  end began long before my king
It's late - too late.

After discussing all of them went to the Saint- Hagia Sophia
Divine chants were heard from the temple,
Residents prayed for the salvation of  reigning.
The church was  lit-first Patriarch Gennadius
He started chanting the Akathist Hymn.
The advocate general of the winning .......................

The city is ready to fall like ripe fruit said Muhammad
We must prevent the Pope and the crusaders.
One thing I think-that I wiil conquer the city.
Young Pantisach  walks on stage vermillion from anger,
Turks came from  depths of  East to conquer the city.
The soldiers of Islam vowed that they will die for it.
Janissaries -Azapides – Spachides-were ready
 to give their lives to go to paradise..
Turkish fleet sailed in Bosphorus tightening the siege.

Emperor walked on the walls.
He had a nice  stature and hair little whitened,
Beside him is the great Logothetis Fratzis - Genoese Giustiniani,
Grand Duke Lucas Notaras, Venetian bailo Minnoto
And the palatial suite.
Declaration of Union-meant the salvation of the city said some.
Disagree openly in -the-Union replied Lucas Notaras
Better to see the Turkish turban in Constantinople
Despite papish Tiara.
Brothers rationalizer said Constantine -  still exists time

The walls are impregnable-the city once conquered by the Latins,
Because they came from the sea, saying that they are friends.
When asked Mehmet capitulation the king refused.
 Imperial eagle flew on the walls,
Ottomans in myriad camped near the walls.
Sultan on his snow-white filly followed the road
Destiny. These walls are not inaccessible
even if one thousand years stood bore  told in Council.
Standing waiting for the grand vizier Tzantarli Halil
The leader of those who wanted peace.

Slender aga of  Janissaries Mustafa Bey
Baltaoglou - pasha Sarraj, his teacher
 AK Semsentin and many other dignitaries.

Constantinople-bravely resists,
 residents love the city
Take courage from their god said Mehmet 
just walked on stage making sense to sit.
This forts must be conquered- many years standing  free
 front the rule of  Ottomans.
Constantinople- is the flower of  east 
with beautiful palaces,and fabulous riches,
 but has walls inaccessible,
losses are large and do not know how long
It will keep the siege replied Halil Pasha.
Constantinople will be invaded this-says-
the-Hadith of Prophet fill  Ak Semsentin.
Pope with Venetians after the union 
of two churches preparing a crusade
 to save the city.
Sultan is the right time to make  agreement-
with the besieged answered Halil Pasha.

Completed some Advisers
War - War
Replied the others.

 Many years of war weakened the empire 
continued Halil Pasha,
 that created danger of being destroyed.
The siege resumed until the city was invaded,
The sons of Osman will not stop in front
 of the city walls.

Warriors of  Gospel and Qur'an warriors
Slaughtered mercilessly-such carnage 
never happened,
 the climax of war in all  splendor.
Ρesourceful Odysseus said shocked
Greeks killed before our eyes
Forward my brave show whο is the immortal
Greek  soul.

Share his men in various portals
And he remained at the gate of St. Romanus 
with Constantine,Justinian and others.

Sultan ordered the fleet to move against  Keratioy horn ,
 Christian ships were in the bay.
Sea of ​​Marmara filled Turkish ship 
Warriors of Islam will beat the infidels.

Was shocked when he saw Beautiful Helen
You have the beauty of East 
and West together.
Polytla Odysseus is absurd what I do.
My soul ascended lips, live the ultimate love
And death, waiting to die living the great love.
You are the incarnation of absolute female
One of the transformations of Helen.
After the fall of Troy returns-as-Other.
Breeze of Bosporus caresses softly  persons.
This is the last night.

Dervishes reconstructed the dance of death 
before Walls reign,
While Christians prayed silently over the castle.
Prophecy said that after one thousand years
A monk will fry red fishes
Who they would come out of the lake,
And would fall into the pan.

Janissaries first-first made the leap of death
On the walls of Constantinople shouting
Allah Akbar- Allah Akbar-.

Around the gate of St. Romanus played
 one of the greatest dramas in history
Hands - Feets - heads mow as wheat

Abdomens gore and guts thrown out
While the blood jumped like jet.
Warriors of Islam hanging like grapes on the walls.
How much longer will bear shouted Ioustinianis
Tired to killing Turks.

Lovers went to Constantinople small  palace
Next to  Marmara, light illuminated the face of Helen
with the colors of City.
I fell in love at first sight said divine Helen ,
I live and breathe only for you.
An untold passion overwhelms my soul 
when I'm near you
Said mythical  Odysseus're beautiful 
with blonde hair and  fiery eyes.
 Helen- Eleni Love-Death lurks around us
siege is unending
Lovely Helen this moment I want to keep an eternity
Replied fabulous Ulysses.
Late in the morning the warrior of fire started 
for the gate Agios Romanos where fighting 
other Greeks.

Unionists with Palaeologus want to surrender 
the city to Pope. 
We want cooperation with young Pantisach
to save Orthodoxy and the Empire
said  Duke Luke Notaras.
Never was man more lonely than Palaiologos
He was free having the prospect of death.
Muhammad was more alone and from alaone,
His opponents will devour him if he did not take
 the city.

Constantine Palaeologus fought like a lion
In his face lived all the emperors together.
When was wounded Justinian in  fled of battle,
advised to Constantine make the same
 but he refused.
Suddenly a whisper began to be heard 
from mouth in mouth 
Those who listened to their breathing cut - the legs.
After the Greeks began to say it louder.
when Turks  heard did it great cry. 


souls of  Greeks were thrown out of  mouth
 Lord Accept our prayer-forgive us.
The great exodus had begun, 
nor Constantine could stop the world.
 He shouted in vain-stop
Stay in your seats, it fell Town.
answered them.
The last Greek emperor fought alone
<< Essential is the Christians to take my  head >> 
Downloaded from the horse, divinely handsome
 with his shield in one hand and the naked sword 
fighting  in St. Romanus gate looking in the eyes the death.

Kill countless Turks but was alone,
From behind him he found a strong swords-
then another-and another
fell dead Constantine Palaeologus, 
the stone-dead king
Eternal Lament-died last emperor

EALO the City- Fail the City
EALO the City- Fail the City

Turks pulled the royal,
Thousands of corpses lying discarded
-the blood was running river.
Entire neighborhoods burned for three days,
boats were leaving laden with countless world 
and gold,
Cried the mothers and children,
the Greeks paid with their lives.
Heartbreaking heard the screams of women being raped 
Inside the homes from the Turks. 
There were bodies lying everywhere.
Every Turkish soldier caught any home
 and wanted as his own.
Those who survived the massacres 
were sold as slaves in markets of  East.

Mehmet the Conqueror entered from the gate
 of St. Romanos
Riding a snow white horse, 
as happy as if he was passing the gate of paradise. 
Walked among thousands of corpses,
dilapidated houses  following the road 
to Agia Sophia.

In front went the Janissaries, followed from Viziers
pashas - satraps, around his personal guard opened the way to go,
 was the climax of an emperor.
When he entered in Hagia Sophia remained speechless
He said such temple was not rebuilt before 
by a human hand,
And he dedicated the church 
to the one and only god of Islam.
Then all together  turned to the East and prayed
in Allah underfoot with knees touching the forehead
On the floor of the church of God.
Shouted after Mehmed-click quickly enough to run the city

What happened to the Constantinos Paleologos-
rulers of the city,
Just beyond the great duke waited Loukas Notaras
with some lords
My Sultan
Presents its compliments to us and worship
Always your servant said Lucas Notaras
Why not surrender the city 
and left it to unjustly spilled so much blood.
 Emperor signed the Union -betrayed Orthodoxy
We could not do anything said Notaras .
Where is the king because you're not with him.
The Party of Peace with Halil Tzantarli Pasha
 helped the Unionists and the emperor,
They wanted compromise.
Tsaousides to immediately find the big Vaziri
And to appear before me.

The head of Constantine was over for days 
in column of Constantine.
 Recognized him from the other corpses
from the gold-Jaya-wearing.
When gathered the Greek aristocrats
 in the great square,
executioners took their heads on the orders 
of Sultan.
The same beheaded Notaras and his sons
let them choose how they wanted to die.

Resourceful Odysseus could not hold another 
such horror
And cast forth as a tomcat front in Sultan
taking the form of death, and looked around for

He was a divine Greek knight,
For Mohammed had the form of an angel of death.
The great conqueror knelt and began to beg
Let him live a little longer.
How I wiil leave all this splendor he said.
Great Conqueror
Every man is a sacred entity
And not something lifeless without value.
Can not eliminate centuries of history and culture,
You can not write off Orthodoxy.
An invisible force kept immobile Ottomans
They could not shake hands - feet,
But they understand what happens.

 Only with a flick of your hand, you can get thousands of heads
Nobody in history has had such power over human life.
Time has shooting-and you can lose your own head.
Nobody can tell me-what to make-answered  Sultan.
Man I'm one day I will die-you who you are.
I am resourceful Odysseus King of Ithaca
Together with my colleagues live in the open,
Fearless warriors remain Same-Own-
making the journey of  Eternal Return
Through the wormhole of big time.
Then you can understand me great king,
I've read that I've heard about you.
You lived  the fall of Constantinople and know what pulled
Risked my life.

As long as there are people to be respectful of their
Answered  wise Odysseus, and retired with his companions
No one can do anything.Sultan would make his own.

The warriors of light night left from Constantinople
Weeping with black tear. They left behind the city of cities
in the darkness of tyranny.
Ithaca is left without  seens no one, a dense cloud darkened
the legendary ship.

Polymorphic Ulysses was shocked
That could not see for last time Beautiful Helen-Eleni.
Ithaca sailed proud for -Other-Byzantium
Serene democracy  of Venice.


Sultan Muhammad Khan Gazi
Son of Sultan Murad Khan Gazi
Twenty years conquered Constantinople
And died forty-nine.
Lala hear needs a fortress  said Mehmet
My Sultan  soon to be built as ordered
Replied Halil Pasha -
 Paskesen-be named and will do it at my own expense.

Killed Halil Pasha
Killed Halil Pasha

All opponents of Peace asked from young Pantisach
The head of a grand vizier now that the city fell.

Was captured  one thousand year old city- 
favorite Constantinople
The only thing I expect is the Hangman, only the gulls heard
and bats cry the upcoming Fatal .
Mehmet was mad for Constantinople
Die of love for her.
Forty days in  cell tower that I built myself
They made see different war.
- Paskesen-silent stretches along Vosmporou

EALO                        FALL

All I want is to see from away  my beloved city.
For this I lost everything, property, home, past
The reason of my existence.

I am ready to accept the the axe of Executioner
Died Tzantarli Halil Pasha without saying a word
He died as befits a brave.

Sultan died forty-nine years
 From the poison that gave him his doctor  Yakub.
Paid him Venetians with many golden ducats
He died one day in May as that gripped the City.

Dervishes were dancing round with  music Tambourine
and crusts. First lifted his head left
and lowered the violent part of the heart, gap-
infinity of the world, being part of Eternity
excerpt and all. - THE PAN-THE EVERYTHING-

This is the democracy of Big Time
This is the story.