Τετάρτη 10 Απριλίου 2013





Only Venice It would go to the Greeks 
After the fall of Constantinople.
Refugees came to the Signoria
To create a new home

Venetians they greeted overwhelmed the Greeks
When downloaded from the boats.
All together  laughed and cried from joy.




Venetians arrived at the waterfront in  Square
St. Mark's from Rialto, San Giovanni, San Jakaria
from across the city. 
Mothers were looking for their children
 and others ran the churches to pray.
The new start transmitting
from mouth to mouth.
Those who heard it stopped
beat their hearts,
until he was sky-cry
when they heard the Turks.


The-Same-cried gondolier in Venice
Venetians --toddlers.


Nebo-Nempia captured the city, 
a white army unfolded everywhere 
Nobody could enter or leave from Venice.
Goddess Fog troubled by the news 
and wanted to freeze time
Changing History.
Indignation sun
Such wild slaughter did not know the Humanity, 
Women were raped and men mow like cobs,
Those who survived - were waiting to sell them slaves
in slave markets of  East.
Three days and three nights kept the carnage.

The Lion of Venice is free
The-Same-and Greeks.

Mills on the island Tzounteka grind the wheat
Millrd the dreams of  Venetian empire.

Quickly get into the gondolas
We were late. 
Waits for us Anna Palaiologina 
The favorite of  last emperor
It's a queen.

All together, the Greeks of  Brotherhood of St. Nicholas
 they went to meet  Anna Notara.
Constantine Paleologos truly loved Anna.
Wanted a successor, he thought he could save the City.
Archduke Loukas Notaras belonged to another camp.
 Was against the Union who believed that marrying his daughter
With the king, would influence Constantine.
Paleologos was a great king,
He understood  intentions of Notaras and did not make the marriage 
even if it loved Anna. 
Arriving at the palace remains the Duchess Anna
Constantly changing homes because the Turks spies
They want to kill her.

 She  is the only successor of Constantine Paleologos
Only this can  be overthrown Mohammed the Conqueror.

Servants waited for  at the entrance of  white palace Laurent.
Divine Ithakisios-Cardinal Bessarion-and other Greeks
 followed Anna Palaiologina and the Great Seals 
Emmanuel Laskaris opened the secret stash to pass through.
They were stunned when they saw unimaginable treasure

with gold coins-precious stones in naval chests.
Countless Codes-scrolls-books were on the shelves

Anna Palaiologina
The aim is Sacred
The treasure intended for the enslaved Greeks.
 Poor groaning under the tyranny of Ottomans.
The Last Emperor shortly before he died
He asked the money to be credited to  Greeks
To buy weapons
and to revolt against the Turks.
Mr Emmanuel
Give the gold key with the seal of King
It's time to show the code Constantinople
He will be our guide.
 Greeks alone will make the Revolution
said Constantine.
The liberation of enslaved Fatherland
It's inevitable.
Venice is the second home
Accepted us as Brothers. 
The faster we  drive out the Turks
So much better. 
Our proud population should not 
Bend from sklsbia. 

Anna Palaiologina left three hundred ducats
To build the Greek church in memory of her parents
And her sister Euphrosyne-Efrosini. .
Leave- money in order each year released
A Greek Christian prisoner from  Turks.

Only the white noise of Venice was heard from outside 
This exquisite music of waves with shells,
When you touch upon with the ear
Hear the heavenly music of ETERNAL RETURN. 
Good morning Venice
Good morning Bella Venezia
The sea breeze gets drunk the souls 
Gondolier - gondolier
I want to get lost in the labyrinthine canals of Venice
Gondola gondola gondola
Gondola lift - Gondoli
We live in absolute love
keeps centuries
One Night and one Day.

Remember we are guests
in the Doge's Palace
for the dance of  masquerade.
If we are lost 
We will meet in  Palazzo Doukkale,
When the bell of St. Mark
Hit midnight.
Life is Beautiful
Life is Beautiful
Ithakisios – Eleonora- Rodolfos and Isabella 
they  were Lost - seduced from Carnival
Luckily they had given an appointment for later.

So Ithakisios had the chance to go to  waterfront
 of slaves, where waited Cardinal Bessarion,
Markos Mousouros-Theodore Palaeologus-brothers Manesi
Trusted dockers from Arsenal loaded on ships
Weapons and ammunition for the enslaved homeland.
The Revolutionary Plan called
had the approval of  Greek-Ellino Orthodox community.

The white fog had blanketed the waterfront -
the slave of Serenisima.
Venetians came here to buy slaves.
The Brotherhood with orders of Anna Paleologinas buy
Greek slaves and release them.
Stratioti-Greek mercenaries of  Serenissima Republic
pedestrians and horseback guarding the waterfront for any possibility
Were alone-Allies help informally.
Pope-the-West- Council of Ten waited to see what would happen
When loaded the last box  cried alll together
-The Revolution Began-

Prince Ithakisios left running  anticipates the dance 
At Palazzo Doukkala-fortunately she managed.
Ithakisios're late
Little still and we would leave said Beautiful Eleonora. 
The Night of  mad carnival- the Night of mythical lovers
It's magic - fabulous.
 Fog drifted lovers in  labyrinth of Venice. 
Only a Venetian can get us out of the complex channels
And the streets cried divine Eleanor.

 Montsenika Montseniko-her  daughter  Eleanor and the Others
Came out  from Casa Vecchia they entered in gondolas
 with destination Palatso Dukkale. 
What   lovely breeze- the Hymn of Venice said Eleanor
Breathing deeply. The Venetian Dream-magical palaces
Non Nobis Domin- Not in us Lord-.

Singers of Venice  sang songs
Siniora-Venice had a big heart - as much  the sea.
The Warriors of Light believed that the Holy Sword of Venic Could change the world.

You were late said  doge Alvize Montseniko
While  Ithakisios and the others began to sing
Requiem posthumously in Venice.

The shapely port
Sleeps the ships
with Flisvos of wave
................ .......
Requiem Postmortem
a blue wave
from beautiful voices

Lord  Mercy

my people
What it made

All together Venetians and Greeks applause hotly
When he finished  Requiem.

 Famous Ithakisios I want to talk to you said Eleanor
My soul was flooded by love- live an impossible dream
The most beautiful of my life.
I was thinking of you on the battlefields replied Ithakisios
That's why I remained live.
 How many times have I dreamed of this moment.
You're a goddess -a fairy tale-of Venice.


The clouds of war spread over the legendary Venice.
What  friendly replied Viletar to duke ,Loudobikos Manin,
The word does not suit in the conquerors.
Venetians let's keep to themselves the word.
Divine chants heard from St. Markos
All together Venetians took place in last Divine Liturgy
Before passing her  threshold Napoleon Bonaparte.
O Cardinal of Venice was on the pulpit
Along with Loudobikos Manin the last doge of Siniora.
Democracy of Saint Markoswas seized from Napoleon
Said Manin to Venetians.

  To us it fell this  tragedy of  loss and destruction.
After thirteen hundred years to surrender to the Frenches.
The death of the lion of Venice
 is the end the democracy of Saint Markos. 
I thought my duty to save Venice,
The city had to live-survive the fall.
French troops were spread properly
Occupying the Signoria,
As the Goddess Nebo-Nebia silently conquers Venice.
Martial  of Frenches captured key positions
Near the islands encircling the archipelago.
Napoleon Bonaparte said in room
War Council of  generals.
I will be Attilas of Venice if not delivered by the Venetians.
I can not wait anymore.
Must surrender or differently I will  burn the city.
Since childhood I wanted to conquer-the most beautiful Mistress.

Be saved the treasures of Cyprus and Constantinople
Crete cried divene Ithakisios
Napoleon ordered to melt the gold, that is valuable
To continue the war.

All together,Venetians prayed to Mary Nikopoios
To save the city from the French and the new tyrant of Europe.
Napoleon Bonaparte.
Louis-Manin the last doge of Venice
Shed Black tears  to save Signoria.
Did not  like the  Serene Republic burned-burn
with no reason, did not want the fate of Constantinople.

The four bronze horses of Lysippus
Brought the crusaders from  Hippodrome of Constantinople
In 1204 already saw a new exile, went to France.

Goodbye - Goodbye
A large Goodbye
This only suits

Non nobis Domine
Non nobis Domine

9   .......

Palazzo Montseniko Casa Vecchia- Palazzo Nero- Casa Nuova
Fabulous palaces rises majestically,
The airs find them  from everywhere, lonely windswept-
As the history of Hellenism in Venice.
Through the lords of Siniora,  doge Francesco Foskari
His daughter Helen-doge Alvize Montseniko
His wife Montsenika and their daughter Eleanor,
Contarini- Pisani - Sebastiano and daughter Sophia Pisani,
The Greeks Brotherhood  welcomed the  knights
 of  Greek Code with great joy.
They made posthumously passes through different
Rebirths-mortal-Immortals lived many lives.

Multimode Ulysses
It is time to narrate
Something of your troubled life.
How many times you returned to Ithaca
Or  Ithaca is a journey.
Resourceful Odysseus shocked
When he heard about the Return to Ithaca
The lygri nostalgia flooded resigned soul.
Who man best
Who traveler of stars
Make the journey of  Eternal Return.

Who among those who conquered Troy-holy Ptoliethro-City
He returned to Ithaca
He has only friends and not nationals.
Exile-fugitive fled to Venice
After the fall of Constantinople.
You Muse
Teach me to recount the Odyssey
Of Big Time.

Hospitable Venetian sovereigns 
And you tormented Greeks,
It is difficult to talk
For my eventful life.
But I never forgot
How  recognized me my father Laertes.
I never forgot when I went

In the underworld -in big Nekyia
A I saw the image of my mother's Antikleia,
And the seer Tiresias.
I wanted to know if I go back to Ithaca.
I never forgot the second Emigration-over-the-opening
Living many lives - Same-and different APODIMIES-.EMIGRATIONS. 
Ulysses died
Odysseus lives a lot of Emigrations.
telling stories for his  achievements 
As another rapsodos of Homer with the mellifluous voice.
Even heard through in my
The terrifying voices of fugitive Greeks.

Screamed and they ran like mad to be saved.
Still haunt my inner voices of Turks
They shouted and killed everyone there before them.
The royal city was ablaze in  flames. 
People were running in the horrified port
To get on board to be saved.
Constantine Paleologos was fighting the Turks monosna
<< Essential Esomeone  of  Christians
-take my head . >> shouted the last emperor
and died heroically fighting for Constantinople.
The Greeks will eternally glorify his name.
What was the real Helen
Nobody ever knew the real Helen.
Never entered the boat with blue -bow
Never set the valiant Troy.

A queen in Sparta
An idol in Troy
A fairy on the Nile
A fairy-a goddess of Venice.
I never went to Troy
Said convulsed multimode Helen 
When I met her on the banks of Nile.
Paris slept with my shadow.

In front of  San Marco Square-near the gondolas.
Kingfishers Kingfishers-
You sweet birds seabirds
You carry my fate.

Tears of joy and sadness
When Troy was taken the inaccessible castle.
Death - Death
When the city was captured.
At times circular march perpetually.
Kingfishers Kingfishers-
You sing the song
οf Eternal Return
Tell to me when
I will return home.
City of legendary loves
How I loved
I will never tell you.
13   ...................


The lagoon of Venice is Acherousia Lake of Big Time
Said the cunning Odysseus.
Divine Ithacans was retreatants and Coming
A secret passage leading to the heart of the Eternal Return.
Only then traveled to the wormhole of big time
Living the different times.
Furies reign in hell of Inside Time
Completed from Michelangelo - the grandson of Ulysses
And his father-Ithakisios and son of Odysseus
Added that must cross the light gate.
Hell of inside Time-passing posthumously
Foretell the future.

Who are you - who sent you
Your  armors are  invulnerability.
Conquered Constantinople in 1204
What god or man
What fate or power
Sent you to hell
Through the Time.

Doge Dandolo was burned in a being ablaze sea 
Made from the liquid fire of  Byzantines.
What sins  pay
What did irreparable
In your Long-suffering life.

Lucretia Borgia-the most corrupt woman of  Middle Ages,
Had a son with her brother, and her father, Pope Alexander the 6th

Recognized as his son and son of her brother exclaimed Ithakisios. 
Burned by the fiery flames who make the red dragons
Hell. What grief-what curse haunt you.
 Giacomo Casanova the greatest lover of Sinioria
Tortured from women locked up in a cell.
The torments of the damned have no end
Why did you come to this cruel place
What you are looking to find.
Death is unbeatable.
Why did the way down 
Within tin hell of Big Time.
I'ma Other- None-
Damned erupted voices and screams
They made like mad.

Figuring out the secret of love and death
 the Code of Requiem-Code of Venice.
Figuring out the secret of  Eternal Return
The Secret of Eternal Life
Only cunning minds
They would say such blatantly lying.

Michelangelo what is in front of your feet,
Beneath the ashes said Ulysses
An old rusty one-ring.
Is that what I think
The lost ring warriors of light.
This we are looking for so many centuries.
Makes like crazy for a ring said doge Ntantolo
Constantly speaks with riddles.

the sacred ring of warriors of light will change the world
Said Ulysses. Miracles-have brand of plus or minus infinity,
The key that opens  codes which solves mysteries
And the riddles of  world. 
Anyone have the ring becomes immortal,
It hides the secret of Eternal Life.
Wretched of Venice
I'm resourceful Odysseus-King of Ithaca
My son Ithakisios and my grandson Michelangelo.
We are damned to Hades
We want to come with you
We could not bear the Underworld.

I give you the reason - the king of Ithaca
How one day I will turn into
from the cycles of eternal return.
When becomes clearance
You will understand the journey unfulfilled Nostos
What they mean – ITHACAS 

Odysseus tells STORIES
He felt great crash when he returned alone to Ithaca.
Stood friend of comrades-never left their companions.
It is not true that he left Ithaca
And the faithful Penelope for the eyes of Beautiful Helen. 
Suitors ate my livelihoods besieging my wife
I just had a thought-that I will kill the suitors.
When I saw my son Telemachus-I thought I met a God
Thought  mythical Odysseus.

All together, Ithacans and others were on the-same-boat
Erotic Nostos brought us in Signoria said resourcaful Odysseus.

Goddess Fog sucks Venice as a fierce dragon
with huge mouth replied Helen Foskari.
An unearthly conqueror ends up each freedom
Dressed in white death.
Black Rider rounded us wearing silver armors.
Countless soldiers walking on the sea.
Come with me said Helen resourceful Helen- Eleni
 and caught Ulysses from the hand.
The bow of t boat crossed-Nebbia-(fog)
like flying in clouds with wings of Cupid.
 Beautiful Helen you are a goddess - a fairy
Hearing the lapping of the waves-wind blowing,
How do you kiss so passionately-'re a witch
We are alone-alone no one can see us,
Hear us ............

Nebia began to dissolve itself as if by magic.
mythical lovers planeftikan from multimode Fog.
Who are multymode  Ulysses
An invincible warrior-an irresistible lover.
Two lovers experienced the communion of love,
The figures took the unusual-volumes diverse dimensions.


After the Greeks nobody can ignore the Greeks.

The son of Laertes never spoke-never said
What happened when he turned behind in Ithaca. 
Multimode Penelope had to deal with over a hundred Suitors.
Wretched and lustful clan ate and drank at the palace
Shattering the royal estate.
The shameless Suitors pressed the faithful Penelope
To choose one of them for  husband.

They said that tortured Odysseus - King of Ithaca
Lost to foreign-nobody knew whether he lived or died.
One day resourceful Penelope cried suitors Fiancees, 
And she said that whoever manages to stretch the string 
of the bow,
And pass an arrow through twelve axes forked,
He wins-will become her husband-the new king of Ithaca.
 Suitors immediately accepted  ordeal 
But nobody has been able to stretch the chord of  arc.
Resourceful Odysseus realized that now is the time
He stood up and asked to try his luck.
A ragged old man has managed the impossible,
He took his arc -breathe deeply 
and stretched the nerves- chord with power,

Then he put the arrow and it has left the bow
Penetrating the chippers without firing anyone.
Everyone was speechless looking at one another.
Suitors are caught in the trap set up
the resourceful Penelope.
The-Same-bow was the murder weapon.
With the help of his son Telemachus killed the brainless
Fiancees.. Became savage massacre-no one was spared.
Ithaca saved from civil war-won throne
And his wife Penelope divine.

In between came ιn the garden of monastery of San Latsaro
And the Greeks Brotherhood - the Ithakisios -Michelangelo
The Abbot Maximus Roussos-and many monks.
Holy abbot
We will never forget
What you did for us.
You put in jeopardy the Monastery
Said multiform  Ulysses .
Some sovereigns of Venice
They do not want another engagement with Turks.

Even if they are not opposite 
with the Revolution of Greeks. 
Nobody in Serene wants Turks.
For Venetians  first came the interest and then the faith.
 The revolution of Greeks created the second big wave of exile 
afterwards Fall of Constantinople.
Greeks scattered to the ends of the Universe.
Ithakisioi chartered a boat - loaded into munitions
 and weapons and started with destination beleaguered Missolonghi.
The freedom fighters crossed  great canal withe ship
When two shadows or two ghosts made sense to stop.
Lord Byron and Dionysios Solomos-two poets
warriors of Messolonghi climbed aboard and said with sadness.
It's late, too late for Messolonghi

 The poets told what happened to witness-town at-Output-Expense. 
The Greek warriors were thrown into battle shouting
And fell heroically from the vaccines of  Turks.
I Gave in Greece the property, my time,
Now I gave also my life said Byron.
Whoever dies today dies a thousand times .
Saturday Night -to Sunday of Vaios -Palm
 became the heroic - EXIT. 
A wild slaughter – a merciless war burst out without limits. 
Opponents fought with bare swords
 killing opponents mercilessly.

A terrible explosion the most critical moment made the night -day.
The old man Kapsalis    shook gunpowder in  air,
And then Joseph the windmill, they took  together  thousands of Turks.
Chieftain Mark Botsaris - Present
Athanasios Razikostas-General - Absent
Fell heroically fighting.
Kitsos Tzavelas - chieftain-Present

Swiss James John Mayer
Fell heroically fight.
Soldiers,, .... Absent- Absent-Absent ...

The rebellious Greeks - a company - Stratioti-
Multiform Ulysses and  Ithacans came
toward the center of square from the side of St. Mark's.
Doge Ntantolo the Suitors of Venice was the opposite side. 
Greeks had revolted against  Turks
And lovers of Venice believed that multiform Odysseus 
Kept by force the daughter of  duke Franzesko Foskari,
beautiful Helen-Eleni.
The grap of Helen was the cause of  Trojan War
I hope will not happen-the  Same-let free the women.
Brave-Stratioti-If you do not discipline this means death. 
 Resourceful Odysseus answered that Helen
was there because she wanted it. 
No one did not steal famous Venetians

The Turks are the common enemy, Venice is the second home.
who completed me said  Helen Foskari
Who will understand me-what I want- if I'm in love.
 Multiform Helen unfairly mock suitors of Venice
Replied Casanova - the biggest lover in Signoria.
It's time to choose who you want for  man
And let the games of love.
Resourceful Odysseus can not keep Helen with deceit. 

MURDER OF  SUITORS in Ithaca was to protect the throne,
And my wife faithful Penelope.
Now we have to defend the freedom of another woman
And a whole nation.
The voices - the screams of  warriors roused  Venetians,
And all ran in  Square. 

Do not look at from where comes the death
does not look at from where leaves the Life 
The bodies of lads fell under dead.
On the battle Giacomo Casanova beat unwittingly
Beautiful Helen with his sword in breast. 
A knight would never beat a woman shouted.
An accident was answered Helen
Somebodies wanted to die to save Venice.
Multimode Odysseus ran saying-let to see the injury
care your wound . A superficial wound was gone-closed.
Helen Foskari was saved upright

All together Greeks and Venetians broke into applause.
Mythical Odysseus is useless to continue the fight
said Ntantolo , unfairly lost so many lives.
 I have no objection Big Doge replied divine Odysseus.
Only sorry lads, my heart is torn
When I see the corpses of  warriors.
 Greeks never forgot-how Serene accepted refugees
Became the second home-the Other Byzantium.
Therefore accept a gift.

 The warriors of  Greek Code went into lifeless corpses,
And with the tips of swords formed the shape of a cross,
And  Venetians became well but could not make nothing. 
You have the power to restore the dead to life
Asked Ntantolo.
The blows were not fatal, only lost consciousness.
Multimode Ulysses and you tormented  Greeks
Just proof that you are worthy children of  Serenissima.
All Venetians ran to embrace and congratulate
the resourceful GREEKS.

21 .........................

Bella Venezia
You were built from gold and enamel
Causing untold emotions
Great love and destructive passions.

Michael Angelo and Sophia Pisani crossed with a gondola grand canal.
TWILIGHT of VENICE  had a golden brightness,
Emerge from the depths of  sea and spread in the all City, 
Lido-San Gregorio-the cemetery of San Michele,
San Marco-Admiralty  the hill of Cappuccino.
What range-a triumphant melody receiving waves
And was singing-The INSIDE TIME of  Venice.

Prince Michael Angelo  and Sophia Pisani arrived with gondola
In-Ghetto-without realizing it.

Police patrolling around the Forbidden City.
The doors closed at night-no one could enter or leave.
Jews lived mainly distinguished by the yellow symbol on the lapel,
Polish - German-Levantines and others. Venice was open
to other people but watching them closely.
Pitied just thought what happened with the Chiefs of Jewish Fraternity.

The servants with lighted torches waiting guests
At the entrance of Palazzo Pisani.
Soon the king of Sweden wait to see you,
Dear Sophia're late
doge Almire Alvize been very angry.
First I will change my dress  replied  Sophia Pisani.
Meanwhile Michelangelo's friends told the little prince
How Sophia married successor of Sweden will become queen. 

When Sophia Pisani entered  in living room of palace,
The guests-over-thousand people were left speechless.
Such dazzling beauty never seen.
Then began to applaud.
Favorite Sophia 
My Daughter
Come and meet the king of Sweden Gustav III

Such beauty I did  not met
Never in my life.
What a pity! Did  not be younger.
If he was here the successor of Sweden
You'd be queen immediately.
 king asked Sophia to dance and she accepted with joy.
Gustav III talked about his son and she listened fascinated.
She replied that if it was meant to go to see the mythical warrior.
Palazzo Pisani lulling waters of Siniora.

In the official table sat Doge Francesco Foskari - the father of Helen
And beside her husband divine Odysseus.
Helen Foskari was mother of Ithakisios and grandmothe Michelangelo.
Doge Alvize Montseniko-his wife Montsenika
with their daughter Eleanor, mother of Michelangelo
 and his father Ithakisios.
The matchmaking Pisani family
with the king of Sweden they bothered a lot.
Affect them and their Foskari Montseniko.
We are ready to marry children.
Michelangelo and the lovely Sophia are madly in love.
We demand to be restored
The honor and pride of the small prince.
Otherwise there will be retaliation./

Proud doges
The King of Sweden did not knew about the wedding
And so did the proposal
to marry Sophia the successor
Still does not happy with the answer
Venetian diplomacy required
Do not deny the public Gustav III
After all, Sweden is so far
And the king leaves.

King of Sweden a little tired from dancing
And asked to sit down.
Sophia then went quickly to the place where
Michelangelo was sitting with his friends.
Quiet please-come the Queen of Sweden
Said Horace Lorentan, successor is a fierce Vikings.

Jokes the queen is magnanimous 
Supplemented Tziobani Gkriti. 
Michelangelo replied to tease Sophia.
It does not mean that wed-
This required the Venetian diplomacy
stakes, the king must leave satisfied.
I will not allow  to become this incongruous marriage.
You need to sacrifice cried Michelangelo.
When a king propose marriage did not offend
Replied Sophia, soon will forget the proposal.

Multimode Ithakisioi made the passages 
From one season to another, revealing the difference.
Cuttlefish flooded Venice
And were black-channels.
The little prince and the Sophia Pisani
were -the gondolier 'Rabin of  Siniora.
The woman of my heart wearing wide-brimmed hat
with black tulle on the face.
Sophia how beautiful you are
You have the scent of my dreams.
Montseniko-the-Foskari and the Pisani
There will never divide us.
I trust you completely answered Sophia.
Dressed in white shows the ravages of time
Death in Venice.
Literary circle of Venice has many friends.
Goethe-Thomas Man-Joyce-Hemingway
Henry James-Flaubert -Proust - Balzac
Shakespeare--Byron -Solomo and many others
were great lovers of Siniora.
Never you did not take me with you-

Venice is so-mournful doves of peace were lost,
peace is one and no many or this concerns the fall 

of Troy - the Fall of Constantinople-
the French conquest of  Siniora- drop-of Hitler-Mussolini.
How can I forget those nightmarish days
When Mussolini and Hitler camped in Villa Pisani,
said Sofia  Pisani, the fascists took over Venice.

Mussolini-INSIDE -TIME- Villa Pisani
Kill Flies
Kill that it flys.
Nobody can resist
In iron-armιes
And the blackshirts.
Duce Duce-
The road to Rome was long and difficult
The road to fascism magnificent 
Worthy you wear black shirts.
No one cannot 
Stands obstacle 
If it needs will fall heads. 
Haile Hitler
Haile Hitler

The National Socialist Revolution
Will bring a real spiritual change.
The Great Night in Venice
Anyone who resisted
We relentlessly tackle our weapons.
Fire and Iron
The penalty is death.
Death - Death

The Fascist Revolution
Will changed the world
And bring peace.
Death to those who oppose
They waiting-Holocaust-.
Venice is my town
A living museum-an imaginary museum of Big Time..
Venice belongs to History replied Mussolini 
Nobody is going to hurt.
The future of dictators is heaven.
Signoria is under our protection complemented Hitler
We are the New World Order.
Michael Angelo said with agitation
I envision a Venice where the Republic of Love
It lasted an eternity,
One Night would keep a Thousand Nights
I envision the DEMOCRACY of ΒΙG TIME.

Μultiform Michael Angelo and fabulous Sophia Pisani
went in Campo dei  Grecia to meet
Greeks Fraternity of St. Nicholas.
Bella Venezia
The houses floating on the sea
The air is fragrant from the mountains
Hymn of Venice said Michelangelo.
Time flows like water-like apparition
 houses were flooded with joy, little loves
and white horses supplemented Sophia Pisani
living a fabulous love.
Famous-molecule- Mori struck the bell
Meaning the-time- of big time.

I feel Greek
I Discover the other Byzantium-
 awakes up Lygri nostalgia of homecoming.

Looking passionately my origin
Looking with passion Eros said Michael Agelo 
In Venice I Discoveri enslaved Constantinople
Is-the-Face-Mask-of Greeks.
Gives over their actions replied Sophia,
Here the Greeks articulated
Expressing the Greek Humanism-enlightenment.
The miracle of the Renaissance completed flushing Michelangelo,
Graduates of Padua founded the Academy of Harmless 
Sharing the Flowers of Reverence around the world.
Michelangelo Night I fell in love in St. Mark's Square
Night kissed under the bridge Rialnto.

In Love Michelangelo and his beloved Sophia Pisani
Attended the big celebration of Eros-Love
From the balcony of Palazzo Retsoniko as guests
Louis Retsoniko and of Faustina Savornian.
The Republic of Love refuses to accept the death
It is the greatest revolution of all time.
But Cool Venetsanos glazing
they go to other hugs,
for this cemetery of San Michele
is full of dead romances.
Being the great erotic Venice
What a beautiful you sing the love ..
The Bridal Room of Palazzo Retsoniko
Sophia're so Beautiful. 

I feel fire springs up from inside me
Dancing in the most primitive dance.
Sοng gondoliers sounded from outside.
With you reborn and die said Sophia 
You're beautiful as Angel-live a dream.
The seabed with colorful fish
Was reflected in the dress room.
The sky-the sea-the house became one,
We live the ultimate Requiem in Venice.

 Montseniko s- Foskari s- Pisani
Declined the love-the great Love
They did not left to become the Wedding.
First my family with matchmaking with the King of Sweden
said Sofia  Pisani.
And after my family completed Michelangelo,
Was hurt their Venetian pride 
They did not bear the offence they are also the Interests,
Declared one undeclared war.
Pisani against Foskari and Montseniko
And we are among them.
My beloved Sophia 
they took you  away from me
I did not forget you never.

I'm sick to reject proposals.
they  claiming unbearable.
 left gifts precious until I turn from the Exile, 
Do not ypekypses to Suitors
 said dejectedly Michelangelo,
We parted with malice-conspired against us.

Fabulous Michelangelo came and went several times
from Venice, lived many deaths and emigration.

Goodbye My Love

Bye-bye my soul
Only Goodbye
It is destined to divide
Surpass the great powers.
Pisani truly tricked them-their Foskari
I will remember every day
I'll forget every day

Does not exist return 
It is the beginning and the end of  trip.

Goddess Nebia occupied Signoria-a silent army
walked on the sea-captured the squares
Churches and homes.

Let's go away from Venice
This means
That one of us must die.

We do not know who -
This is our infelicity 
They will hunt wherever we go also.
Goodbye - Goodbye
One last goodbye.


Multiform Ulysses
Together we turn to foreign Stateless.
Strange fate brought us
In  Serenissima Republic.
 Lygri nostalgia flooded my soul
 Multiform nostalgia of returning to Ithaca.

The image of Catherine Cornaro captured my mind,
Madly fell in love with the Queen of Cyprus
said  divine Odysseus.
He did not bury her husband and came to Venice
Forgetting the king.
Mourning - mourning the poor replied tingling. Elpinoras.

Every night makes celebration to forget her husband,
Changes men like shirts.
All Venetians want to become lovers
Caused a civil war in Signoria.
God forgive me but I live in Venice a great love
Continued proudly multimode Elpenor.
What Julianna GRITI daughter of  duke,
friend of Katerina doing the same and worse.
Fabulous Odysseus
Watch how you talks about my girl
Constantly rejects Suitors
He loves me.
Night will persecute us from Venice
Replied smiling prudent Ulysses.

Voices - songs flooded Piazza San Marco,
The colorful buildings mirrored in the waters,
While singing gondoliers the song of Venice

Bella Venezia
The most beautiful city in the world

Square-the city looked like a stage set of opera or theater
A scene of  Commedia del Arte.
I'm the greatest lover in the world
Women fighting over me cried Elpenor.
A clown walked behind him mimicking his movements
And people burst into laughter.
Acrobats walking on flaming ropes
Making circles of death.
The teasers teased the world
and saltimbanques made pappardelle.
Life is Beautiful 
Bella Venezia

The Council of Ten- Venetian aristocracy
The Brotherhood of  Greeks in Venice waiting
In divιne Odysseus and  diverse Elpenor,
To officially begin the Carnival of Venice.
Two legendary heroes just went in wearing uniforms
 -Of-Stratioti, a whisper was heard in living room.
First spoke doge Andreas Griti 
Fabulous Odysseus and godlike Elpenor,
we wait for with distress to declare
 the beginning of Carnival.
Superiority doge
It is a great honor for us
And the Greeks of Venice.
The Brotherhood of St Nicholas welcomes
 Supplemented said Theodore Palaeologus.

Venetians are waiting to meet you said the doge
Elpenor made a curtsey to the Ladies saying
Beautiful of  Sinioria  I am at your disposal.
Then multiform Odysseus  with meliflous voice
dedicated a song to Venice - the song of love
Requiem of Love in Serenisima.
Venetians were listening elated
 when finished applauded warmly.
Nice Julianna're irresistible the most beautiful of Venice.
From small I dreamed knight of fairy tale. 
Meanwhile fabulous Odysseus and  Beautiful Katerina
they were  lost in i labyrinth of Palace. 
They will look us cuddly said  Cornaro
What you're so fierce.
The  loved did crazy love in the dark room
While Elpenor looking the unsuspecting couple
when he saw them coming he said curious.

Investigate the palace 
you were lost in  corridors and rooms. 
Oyf!!! - oyf!!! 
What smells so bad.
Open the windows to blow the air
Cried Anzelina Forseti - the mistress of  duke.
Opened windows -from  outside listening to music

Voices of carnival.
someone fart-someone  unleashed farts
Shouted Elpinoras looking Ulysses.
Began to smell each other
To see who fart.
Fart  is health-sample of kindness
 said t doge and everyone broke into laughter.
who  hiding.
Tingling Elpinora stop-stops
You become provocative - that's the smell,
Breeze smells fragrant aromas-
Coming from the square filled multiform Odysseus.
Divine Ulysses
We are not all good.
You fart !
Ha-ha-ha-, ho-ho - ho

Only your own farts
They smell so much.
Ha-ha-ha-, ho-ho-ho
Fart divine Odysseus
Kidding-kidding replied Ulysses
To Elpinora
Such you made
And I can not forget you.
The Others broke into laughter
Caterina Cornaro-supposedly annoyed
Enough - enough
The farts in fabulous Odysseus is fragrant
They have the flavor of  mountains.
So too farts in bed and then turns back!
Or can not stand the stench go out  said Laurent
And lovers of  Siniora laughed loudly.
Multimode Ulysses - not not worry 
said doge Andrea Griti
 Venetians  are -ironically-gossipers and did the same to me.

The guests of  Doge Andrea Griti left Palazzo Doukkale
to go to one of the thousand dances
which took place in Venice.
Late in  evening I went to Palazzo Cornaro
To commemorate the Queen of Cyprus.
Signoria brightly illuminated at night,
It looked like something out fabulous city 
through the more beautiful fairy tale.

The guests of Queen Cornaro and the Ladies of Rates
Greeted the officials.
Over one thousand servants  looked after calling 
Queen Cornaro.
Caterina Cornaro
My Friends

I dedicate the dance disguised
in  goddess Aphrodite- Venus.
Born at sea
From the waters of Cyprus
Bathed in light.
Since then spreads the love
Capturing the souls of people.
The goddess Aphrodite
Goddess of Love

Multiform Odysseus wore his uniform prince of Akiflias
Paid Katerina and said.
Divine Queen
Give me  the dance
Taking a deep bow.
Gladly delighted replied Cornaro.
They began to dance to the sounds of great music.
Guests did one around admiring the fabulous couple.

Fly - fly
With the wings of love

Magician love conquered my soul.
Goddess Aphrodite turned my brains.
Goddess of Love changed our minds
Is among us
Let him Kesto Ymanta- bra
-bra-of Venus- brassiere of Aphrodite/ 
He bent down and caught a sexy bra
And began to show as a frag.
throw tits outside
To see in who suits.
crazy Elpinoras
tingling Elpinoras

Laughed loudly-some did earn  bra
To show sexy breasts.
In most Beautiful
In whatever makes the bra
She has the most beautiful breasts
She is the goddess of love.
He went to a lot of women trying bra
To see what fits.
Mama mia
What huge tits!
Mama mia 
Mama mia

Giovanni Pisani-her fiancé of Juliana cried loudly.
Julianna're a lovely goddess of  finest Empire
soon we will  get married - to another;
Love is Invincible replied Julianna  was dressed marquise

Not bowing to anyone.
Other loves - her friends whispered.
Love Elpinoras hearing all these restless
And made a step forward.
Resourceful Odysseus knew what it will say - and said slowly
Watch  will have trouble
Night we will leave from  Venice.
Fearless Giovanni you lost to Julianna
Another  she loves said his friends.
Who brazen dared to comes out with my girl!
Fell in love with fabulous Elpinora answered his friends.
 Which fools said Elpinoras

For me they speak
I am the darling of Julianna!!
Tickle-crazy Elpinora
Take back your words
Otherwise I challenge you  to a duel replied Giovanni Pisani.
Do something-I do not want to be killed for me sake
Intervened Julianna divine intervened.

Doge Andrea Grite and the most composed tried 
To calm the spirits, but lovers of Venice
 They involved also prudent Odysseus saying he stole
Queen of Cyprus through their hands.

Caterina Cornaro
I am a free woman
Do what I want-with whoever I want.
This is the Revolution of Women 
Bigger of all Seasons. 
The Merry Widow
The Merry Widow
said together again and started dancing

 Two couples-multiform Odysseus with the Queen of Cyprus
Caterina Cornaro,  multifaceted Elpinoras with Julianna Griti

Appeared happy inside balcony of on floor.
They passionately joked and were kissed showing 
how many love is.
Giovanni Pisani-Valentino-Laurent - Giacomo Balbi
And the other knights-all great lovers of Venice
Annoyed too much.
Giovanni Pisani
This is a cause of war
I challenge you to a duel
To resolve the differences.
The other knights drew their swords - Ready in position battle.
 Code of Honor of Siniora requires satisfaction,
We do not accept such an insult-challenge you to a duel.
Go on what you waiting for-prefix breasts
Sacred Sword of  warriors of light is invincible
replied daredevil Elpinoras .

Odysseus next said to herself 
We mixed in troubles he makes again the fit male.
Again you make  behind said slowly  Elpinoras
Leave me alone to untangle,
I will not run away.
Began the great duel
What we're fighting for fun - will have deads.
Only to injure you in  private parts we want
 replied  Valentino Laurent.
Listen multifaceted Ulysses - I can not make love.
Heavily Elpinora replied Venetsanos
Hush whiners - you make the man and after you turn
Resourceful Odysseus was one Invincible Swordsman.
With an elaborate trick disarmed  Giovanni Balbi,
Now would be dead said marking with the sword his heart
Mythical Odysseus did incredible things
impressing the Venetians

 It dueled alone with all  knights.
Proud Pisani this blow is
To avoid questioning for my chivalry told  Elpinoras.
Then intervened tdoge Andrea Griti shouting

Carnival is a Game
Finally  the Duel
We-have Love-Peace.

Knights of t Golden Bible accepted the truce
They did not want to pull another rope.
Music - music
Why stopped the Orchestra 
Bring plenty of drinks
The dance - the fun continues
Cried Doge Andrea Griti.

My soul knows how many I craved said multiform Elpinoras 
My queen stayed true to our love fill Odysseus.
So many love-feasts and you came and you changed my life
said tenderly Caterina Cornaro.
Famous Julianna  all Venice talking about our love 
Cried  proud tickle Elpinoras

Life is Beautiful
Life is Beautiful
Bella Venezia

Fireworks burned the sky of Venice
they put fire to the City-Night became day-
The past-present and future become one.

This is the Democracy  of Big Time
This is story