Τετάρτη 10 Απριλίου 2013






          - D- 



Multiform Ulysses
Together we turn to foreign Stateless.
Strange fate brought us
In  Serenissima Republic.
 Lygri nostalgia flooded my soul
 Multiform nostalgia of returning to Ithaca.

The image of Catherine Cornaro captured my mind,
Madly fell in love with the Queen of Cyprus
said  divine Odysseus.
He did not bury her husband and came to Venice
Forgetting the king.
Mourning - mourning the poor replied tingling. Elpinoras.

Every night makes celebration to forget her husband,
Changes men like shirts.
All Venetians want to become lovers
Caused a civil war in Signoria.
God forgive me but I live in Venice a great love
Continued proudly multimode Elpenor.
What Julianna GRITI daughter of  duke,
friend of Katerina doing the same and worse.
Fabulous Odysseus
Watch how you talks about my girl
Constantly rejects Suitors
He loves me.
Night will persecute us from Venice
Replied smiling prudent Ulysses.

Voices - songs flooded Piazza San Marco,
The colorful buildings mirrored in the waters,
While singing gondoliers the song of Venice

Bella Venezia
The most beautiful city in the world

Square-the city looked like a stage set of opera or theater
A scene of  Commedia del Arte.
I'm the greatest lover in the world
Women fighting over me cried Elpenor.
A clown walked behind him mimicking his movements
And people burst into laughter.
Acrobats walking on flaming ropes
Making circles of death.
The teasers teased the world
and saltimbanques made pappardelle.
Life is Beautiful 
Bella Venezia

The Council of Ten- Venetian aristocracy
The Brotherhood of  Greeks in Venice waiting
In divιne Odysseus and  diverse Elpenor,
To officially begin the Carnival of Venice.
Two legendary heroes just went in wearing uniforms
 -Of-Stratioti, a whisper was heard in living room.
First spoke doge Andreas Griti 
Fabulous Odysseus and godlike Elpenor,
we wait for with distress to declare
 the beginning of Carnival.
Superiority doge
It is a great honor for us
And the Greeks of Venice.
The Brotherhood of St Nicholas welcomes
 Supplemented said Theodore Palaeologus.

Venetians are waiting to meet you said the doge
Elpenor made a curtsey to the Ladies saying
Beautiful of  Sinioria  I am at your disposal.
Then multiform Odysseus  with meliflous voice
dedicated a song to Venice - the song of love
Requiem of Love in Serenisima.
Venetians were listening elated
 when finished applauded warmly.
Nice Julianna're irresistible the most beautiful of Venice.
From small I dreamed knight of fairy tale. 
Meanwhile fabulous Odysseus and  Beautiful Katerina
they were  lost in i labyrinth of Palace. 
They will look us cuddly said  Cornaro
What you're so fierce.
The  loved did crazy love in the dark room
While Elpenor looking the unsuspecting couple
when he saw them coming he said curious.

Investigate the palace 
you were lost in  corridors and rooms. 
Oyf!!! - oyf!!! 
What smells so bad.
Open the windows to blow the air
Cried Anzelina Forseti - the mistress of  duke.
Opened windows -from  outside listening to music

Voices of carnival.
someone fart-someone  unleashed farts
Shouted Elpinoras looking Ulysses.
Began to smell each other
To see who fart.
Fart  is health-sample of kindness
 said t doge and everyone broke into laughter.
who  hiding.
Tingling Elpinora stop-stops
You become provocative - that's the smell,
Breeze smells fragrant aromas-
Coming from the square filled multiform Odysseus.
Divine Ulysses
We are not all good.
You fart !
Ha-ha-ha-, ho-ho - ho

Only your own farts
They smell so much.
Ha-ha-ha-, ho-ho-ho
Fart divine Odysseus
Kidding-kidding replied Ulysses
To Elpinora
Such you made
And I can not forget you.
The Others broke into laughter
Caterina Cornaro-supposedly annoyed
Enough - enough
The farts in fabulous Odysseus is fragrant
They have the flavor of  mountains.
So too farts in bed and then turns back!
Or can not stand the stench go out  said Laurent
And lovers of  Siniora laughed loudly.
Multimode Ulysses - not not worry 
said doge Andrea Griti
 Venetians  are -ironically-gossipers and did the same to me.

The guests of  Doge Andrea Griti left Palazzo Doukkale
to go to one of the thousand dances
which took place in Venice.
Late in  evening I went to Palazzo Cornaro
To commemorate the Queen of Cyprus.
Signoria brightly illuminated at night,
It looked like something out fabulous city 
through the more beautiful fairy tale.

The guests of Queen Cornaro and the Ladies of Rates
Greeted the officials.
Over one thousand servants  looked after calling 
Queen Cornaro.
Caterina Cornaro
My Friends

I dedicate the dance disguised
in  goddess Aphrodite- Venus.
Born at sea
From the waters of Cyprus
Bathed in light.
Since then spreads the love
Capturing the souls of people.
The goddess Aphrodite
Goddess of Love

Multiform Odysseus wore his uniform prince of Akiflias
Paid Katerina and said.
Divine Queen
Give me  the dance
Taking a deep bow.
Gladly delighted replied Cornaro.
They began to dance to the sounds of great music.
Guests did one around admiring the fabulous couple.

Fly - fly
With the wings of love

Magician love conquered my soul.
Goddess Aphrodite turned my brains.
Goddess of Love changed our minds
Is among us
Let him Kesto Ymanta- bra
-bra-of Venus- brassiere of Aphrodite/ 
He bent down and caught a sexy bra
And began to show as a frag.
throw tits outside
To see in who suits.
crazy Elpinoras
tingling Elpinoras

Laughed loudly-some did earn  bra
To show sexy breasts.
In most Beautiful
In whatever makes the bra
She has the most beautiful breasts
She is the goddess of love.
He went to a lot of women trying bra
To see what fits.
Mama mia
What huge tits!
Mama mia 
Mama mia

Giovanni Pisani-her fiancé of Juliana cried loudly.
Julianna're a lovely goddess of  finest Empire
soon we will  get married - to another;
Love is Invincible replied Julianna  was dressed marquise

Not bowing to anyone.
Other loves - her friends whispered.
Love Elpinoras hearing all these restless
And made a step forward.
Resourceful Odysseus knew what it will say - and said slowly
Watch  will have trouble
Night we will leave from  Venice.
Fearless Giovanni you lost to Julianna
Another  she loves said his friends.
Who brazen dared to comes out with my girl!
Fell in love with fabulous Elpinora answered his friends.
 Which fools said Elpinoras

For me they speak
I am the darling of Julianna!!
Tickle-crazy Elpinora
Take back your words
Otherwise I challenge you  to a duel replied Giovanni Pisani.
Do something-I do not want to be killed for me sake
Intervened Julianna divine intervened.

Doge Andrea Grite and the most composed tried 
To calm the spirits, but lovers of Venice
 They involved also prudent Odysseus saying he stole
Queen of Cyprus through their hands.

Caterina Cornaro
I am a free woman
Do what I want-with whoever I want.
This is the Revolution of Women 
Bigger of all Seasons. 
The Merry Widow
The Merry Widow
said together again and started dancing

 Two couples-multiform Odysseus with the Queen of Cyprus
Caterina Cornaro,  multifaceted Elpinoras with Julianna Griti

Appeared happy inside balcony of on floor.
They passionately joked and were kissed showing 
how many love is.
Giovanni Pisani-Valentino-Laurent - Giacomo Balbi
And the other knights-all great lovers of Venice
Annoyed too much.
Giovanni Pisani
This is a cause of war
I challenge you to a duel
To resolve the differences.
The other knights drew their swords - Ready in position battle.
 Code of Honor of Siniora requires satisfaction,
We do not accept such an insult-challenge you to a duel.
Go on what you waiting for-prefix breasts
Sacred Sword of  warriors of light is invincible
replied daredevil Elpinoras .

Odysseus next said to herself 
We mixed in troubles he makes again the fit male.
Again you make  behind said slowly  Elpinoras
Leave me alone to untangle,
I will not run away.
Began the great duel
What we're fighting for fun - will have deads.
Only to injure you in  private parts we want
 replied  Valentino Laurent.
Listen multifaceted Ulysses - I can not make love.
Heavily Elpinora replied Venetsanos
Hush whiners - you make the man and after you turn
Resourceful Odysseus was one Invincible Swordsman.
With an elaborate trick disarmed  Giovanni Balbi,
Now would be dead said marking with the sword his heart
Mythical Odysseus did incredible things
impressing the Venetians

 It dueled alone with all  knights.
Proud Pisani this blow is
To avoid questioning for my chivalry told  Elpinoras.
Then intervened tdoge Andrea Griti shouting

Carnival is a Game
Finally  the Duel
We-have Love-Peace.

Knights of t Golden Bible accepted the truce
They did not want to pull another rope.
Music - music
Why stopped the Orchestra 
Bring plenty of drinks
The dance - the fun continues
Cried Doge Andrea Griti.

My soul knows how many I craved said multiform Elpinoras 
My queen stayed true to our love fill Odysseus.
So many love-feasts and you came and you changed my life
said tenderly Caterina Cornaro.
Famous Julianna  all Venice talking about our love 
Cried  proud tickle Elpinoras

Life is Beautiful
Life is Beautiful
Bella Venezia

Fireworks burned the sky of Venice
they put fire to the City-Night became day-
The past-present and future become one.

This is the Democracy  of Big Time
This is story