Τρίτη 6 Αυγούστου 2013


                NIKOS KOLESIS






They Reveal the multiple passages leading to-open-.a disjoint where different times reveal year of Βίg Time.
Let him go, do not see-turned his mind.The-same-condemns It self in Eternal loneliness of travel in Wandering said PenelopeThe Code of Ithaca  was Other Ithaca A THIRD CONTINENT. 
The Man the ingenious helped oh Muse to Sing
Many people saw cities and intellect he knew.
Realises planetary Nostos
Making the travel of Return of big time into opening
 Goddess Athena reminded the conference of the gods,the sufferings of Ulysses on the island of Calypso. Immediately  Jupiter called Mercury and ordered to transfer commands to  Nymph.The long-suffering Odysseus in twenty days would arrive in Scheria,the island of Faiakon-Corfu. Phaeacians will honor him as a god, and with boat would send him back to desirable Ithaca , after they give him gold-silver and clothing.Mercury moved the command of Zeus to Calypso, who foundIn the cave of the loom to knit and sing. Goddess treat  with ambrosia and nectar winged Hermes and said
How to carry the divine Odysseus the command of Zeus.Long-suffering Odysseus just learned the new, in four days prepared the raft and sailed from Ogygia with a fair wind. Seventeen days sailing across the sea, on the eighteenth day saw the dense forests of the Earth Phaeacians.
The ruler Neptune returning from the land of the Ethiopians, and when she saw him floating in the sea was angry a lot .The gods changed their minds he said  he is written to be saved, but until he reach in hospitable people will suffer more.

Shook the sea and a large wave threw Ulysses in Sea destroying the raft.
Nausicaa - the daughter of the king of the Phaeacians helped Odysseus when she found the castaway in herisland. 
Told what to say - what to do once he meet her parents. Resourceful Odysseus fell to  knees  queen Ariti, saying words of soul to spare the queen. After he approached the ashes of  fire and sat as supplicant. King Alcinous said he is not suppliant and asked to sit in a royal throne, immediately ordered  to look after as  stranger.
  When they went to the Market to meet  Phaeacians Odysseus there he ordered to prepare his ship.
In Symposium Demodocus - the blind rapsodos   of palace sang the Epic of Ilion. How the king of Ithaca, proposed the Achaeans to build the Trojan Horse. 
The resourceful Ulysses moved much listening history. 
And reveal who is.
Then  king Alcinous asked Odysseus to tell the tortured Nostos-the ingenious Nostos.
 Ulysses strar to say 
After the fall of Troy with twelve ships and the companions
We started the long journey of return In Ithaca. 
 He spoke for  the country of Kikonae where it lost seventy-two companions.   Plundered the city Ismaros and the Thracians reacted.
After series was the land of the Lotus Eaters,companions ate magic Lotus and forget who they are.
Odysseus refused to taste the fruit- took their comrades and left.
In the land of the Cyclops blinded the Cyclops Polyphemus the son of Poseidon to save for the comrades.This provoked the anger of Poseidon for this pursuing them.
Aeolus the god of winds helped but foolish companions opened the bag he gave them-

They thought he had gold into rushed -out winds and went back to the island. When they saw Aeolus realized what had happened and sent them away.
In the land of Laestrygonians -tAntifatis heir king and Laestrygonians chased Partners throwing large rocks at the port was the fleet, sunk ships  and ate their companions.Οne ship was saved only because Ulysses was left out of the harbor.
On the island of Circe -  beautiful goddess transformed his companions in pigs throwing in their foot magic herbs. Then the magic spillikin made his work. 
 Mercury helped- Ulysses he gave  Moly-the-antidote-antifarmako, to protect himself from the spell of Circe. From this  divine goddess fell in love with Odysseus, and said that she had to descend to the underworld, to ask the seer Tiresias if he go back to Ithaca.
Blind rapsodos Demodocus I have a request said divine Odysseus to continue singing about the Trojan Horse, how Troy fell - holy Ptoliethro you  left in the middle
Dimodokos the blind aoidos in palace of Faiakon began to sing.  Multiform  Odysseus proposed Greeks τo build a wooden horse crypt. They would enter into Ulysses - Menelaus-Neoptolemos and the most important warriors. The army would put fire in camp would come on board and would leave with destination to  island Tenedos, there would be hidden. Achaeans left outside the walls of Troy the statue.Just saw the Trojans opened the gates and went out be the way around. Although Laokoon with Cassandra they were opposite Trojans moved into the city the wooden horse. Set up crazy celebration for the end of the war and fell asleep.

 In the evening Odysseus and  other Greeks came out, they killed the guards -  opened the gates and made signal to the fleet that was hidden to come to occupies the city.
Trojans were surprised - they fought bravely but in vain. Massacre was wild – it followed a incredible slaughter.  Achaeans scattered havoc, plundered and burned Troy. King Neoptolemus killed Priamps although he fled suppliant in the temple of Zeus.Beautiful Helen in her effort to be saved, fell onto Menelaus, but when he saw her again could not kill her - dazzled by the beauty and lowered his sword.
 When the boat reaches in Ocean , In the country of  Cimmerians, we jumped out of the moored ship and we went to the shores of  ocean said divine Odysseous.
Once butchered carcasses of the neck and filled the pit blood αppeared the souls of dead from the darkness of Hades. First came the soul of Elpinora, αsked to be buried when we return to the island of Circe why  left unburied.
Then came the soul of his mother, but he preferred to speak first with the seer Tiresias. The blind Theban predicted how to return home without their companions with  foreign ship.Then prophesied something more deep and enigmatic- when he  go back to Ithaca-the SECOND EMIGRATION.  .Then he spoke to the soul of his mother- Antikleia.With what longing he tried to embrace her this slipped constantly – it was a Shade of Adi. 
  Phaeacians took Ulysses asleep from the boat and left him in a secluded shore of Ithaca near the root of olive leaving rich gifts.  Goddess Athena was appeared as a shepherd and said to Odysseus

 How he arrived in Ithaca, and that in the hut of t shepherd Eumaeus,
You will learn what happens in  palace with the Fiancees. There become  also recognition from his son-Telemachus. Together they drew the Mnistirofonia-Murder of Fiancees At the palace - multimode Penelope wove the shroud of LaertesTricking the suitors. Throughout the day and evening wove the unpick.
A servant betrayed the secret - could not escape anymore. For this it shouted their Fiancees announced officially.Whoever from the Fiancees achieves it strains the string the arc and passed the arrow through the forked chippers, he will win the prize-will be his wife, is the new king of Ithaca. Fiancees accepted with joy the test, but failed - nobody stretched the string of arc.
Only  resourceful Odysseus as beggar managed the impossible, Passed the arrow from chippers without firing anyone. Suitors left speechless - looks confused. Follow savage murder-such carnage did not become the headless bodies of Fiancees went like drunken and slumped down.  Filled the place  hands and feet cut one hundred and eight  were Fiancees  - no one was spared.
First I will taste  divine Ulysses, I will not sleep with him easilyIn the bridal bed, after twenty years. I will say that someone moved the bed perhaps a secret lover.
The recognition of Odysseus from Penelope became when he said that he made the bed of the great olive that grew in the yard of their home. She fell into his arms crying from joy, Whispered that an eternity waiting for his return  weaving the shroud of Laertes.

When I was in danger  - lost in the abyss of death I thought the divine form of you replied Ulysses. The recognition of Odysseus by Laertes became the property.There he lived his father desperate-withdrawn -to forget the loss of his son.
My child Ulysses in truth you are. I tremble entire- I am ready to faint said Laertis his father.
 A new beginning - a new life began through cycles of Eternal Return making passages in  wormhole of Big Time.
Multimode Ulysses you are  an unsatisfied wants to travel beyond the limits. Your mind was always elsewhere. did not intend to stay in Ithaca said angrily Penelope

 - Τhe Other Nostos - The Second Emigration -the multiple passages leading to the opening replied divine Odysseus.
 Return - return multiform Ulysses αn eternal castaway among Thrinakia and Ogygia, αmong Ogygia and Scheria.
Who it is Other Ithaca – the THIRD CONTINENT. 
The Odyssey of  open-aperture-- Odyssey reveals that vindication is here - and no Elsewhere..
.....................   ................     ...................
 Divine  Odysseus and godlike Partners once they set foot in Attica Land they got drunk from nice smells. The holy rock appearredbright - reflected the Athenian LIGHT. Goddess Athina transformed in Athenian showed the street for the Conservatoire where became the recording of Homer. More before they went to the theatre of Dionysos – it was played 

OedipusTyrant. . After the show discussed the play with Socrates-Plato-Aristotle-Aeschylus- Sophocles-Euripides -. When arriving at the Conservatory saw that it was full of people-had a few posts the galleries where they went and sat down.
When they left the underworld and reached in Aiaia they cut wood and buried him Elpinora as promised.Witch Circe offered hearty meal comrades, and advised Odysseus  how to escape the dangers. first obstacle was the Sirens.It said spread the ears of companions with candle, do not hear their divine song. He will not put anything, he would say only tie him to the mast ordering that as  begged them to solve,they tied him more. So passed the Sirens.
After the series had Simpligads - Scylla and Charybdis-Odysseus advised to go through the bitch with six heads and twelve feet high.It was better to lose six companions because from Charybdis. Nobody is spared when sipping the water three times They took off and after making terrible noise.Advised not to tamper  the oxen of Hyperion Helios .Do not eat the sacred cows because you lost all companions.Only he would be spared reaching castaway in Ogygia on the island of Calypso.
 Reseourcefull Odysseus -   multimode comrades and Athenian  friends they left from Conservatory ecstatic of what they heard.Beautiful Strangers hosted by Plato. Together they went to the market for shopping of Symposium. There they met-political orators-sophists Protagoras--Gorgias Pericles and discussed for policy - philosophy-the democracy of Athens.

The guests discussed for  the Being of things,
-The obstetrical method of Sokrati-the-ineffable Authority
And Indefinite Duad of  Plato-the One and the Many,
 Eternity of the-same-and the different,
The eternal essence-the type of Aristotle-Science
Ethical of Human.

Many Athenians gathered outside the home of Plato, to see closely the divine Ulysses and the mythical Partners. Some said he was indeed the king of Ithaca embodied from a rebirth, Transformed into an Athenian citizen. The travelers of big time came in Athens, until they find the mythical Ithaca the THIRD CONTINENT. 
 The journey never ends
This is the Democracy of Big Time 

             GOLD HERO


Aristotle, the great Greek philosopher and his disciples,
Alexander successor of throne, Ptolemy, Seleucus
Hephaestion, Cleitus, Lysimachus made ​​lesson in Classroom of palaces.
Dear students
The courses begin with Tragedy and the famous Aristotelian friendship pursuing human happiness. Friendship for-use is because man is not self-sufficient.-Friendship fourth idonin-the presence of friends provides fun-satisfaction shared by all, while friendship - by Agathon-based Virtue and the Good.
Master  divine Aristotle
Tragic heroes Oedipus-Electra - Antigone follow their destiny without being able to change, while they know that leads to death replied Alexander.
The-Same -is a  Games -the  Games of time marching towards the unknown experiencing the wildest Passions completed Ptolemy.
My friends, the poetry of tragedy reveals the truth said the great philosopher Aristotle.

One is my dream to lead the Greeks against the Persians Said Philip king of Macedonians.
Father  is the dream of all to unite the Greeks against the Persians, to save the Greek civilization and the spread around the world..
King Philip B' of Macedonia entered in the full theatre of Aiges without the guard.

We both have a pending, you did not satisfy the heavy hubris
On behalf of Attalos cried loudly Pausanias the bodyguard and noble of the court.
Is not the time - the place in front of the all world.
You provoke me front Macedonians
Such attack - such a shame
I do not accept from anyone-neither from king, 
said Pausanias and lunged against Philip
Nailing sword in the belly of the king.
Pausanias you - you! the most trusted my man
betrayed me - conspired against me.

Pausanias drew his sword and left the theater
Along with the conspirators.
Alexander, son you're
Lam-lam You're the new king,
Yoy Undertakes to carry our big dream.
Antipater be declared king said Philip II and died.
Antipater Alexander pulled the front
And introduced him to the world.
Alexander - the new king of Macedonia cried Antipater.
Alexander is the new king of Macedonia replied Macedonians in theater.
The resourceful Odysseus and the companions sailed in the Nile delta
 when presented  Alexander the Great and his Macedonian aristocracy through the opening of the big time.
Just became the first acquaintance the great king accompanied the warriors of light in his town, Alexandria.
My Friends
Here I dream to build my city. In this double-edged port
Incise with  barley flour limits of Alexandria.
Rodie  Deinokratis - what do you think-
My King here will build  the more beautiful city of world 
Will stay famous forever
When Ptolemy A-the Saviour was in his palace in

Alexandria, vision of the great king was  appeared in front, along with the warriors of  big time.
Alexander what brought you to the mythical Alexandria your city,
I see  with you another divine hero Odysseus.
Ptolemy my old friend and classmate watching you surprised with sorrow and admiration, but now is the time of the king of Ithaca
and their partners to learn about Alexandria.
Alexander-divine Odysseus
Come we wander in your favorite city said Ptolemy.
Knidian Sostratis built the lighthouse.
From here it seems the famous Library-Museum, the Naval Station-The Greek Temples-High School-Academy of Sciences.
 The city has five districts

Once the actors-the mimes-the jesters saw the Ptolemies
accompanied by them, they began to tease everyone.
Then Alexandrians Rhapsodies stepped forward and began to sing the feats of the great king - of Odysseus .. Cried tossed king and said to himself.
Still ringing in my ears, the voices of lost warriors.
Alexandrians bards-rapsodoi continued singing the roamings 
In the land of  Cyclops -of Lotofagon-of-Laestrygonians,
While the world cheered and cheered at the sound of achievements.
In the Museum of Alexandria was imprinted in paintings
The   Epic of  Macedonians.

Granikos Rivers- Gordian knot-Issus-oracle Ammon
The battle of Gaugamela-death of Darius III
The killing of  Kleitou-to-Indian- crossing of  Hydaspes-
Alexander who hurt-the-Gedrosia fleet and Nearchus.
The big conquests in Soysa-stopping in Babylon.
The death of Alexander.
Zenodotus of Ephesus - the first librarian of the Library
Poets - philosophers-copy-librarians
Welcome  multiform Ulysses in the famous Library.
Divine Ulysses being alive - alive
If you also one of a secular vision of big time..
You come from far away-and goes very far 

said Zenodotus of Ephesus the first librarian to vivliothikis.
Then eplied the great Odysseus.
As you know
Back into the folds of the long time
One-Idol-a-Apparition- I am of opening up,
With me back all the time and history.
Together they wandered the halls talking
with Euclid-math-geometry, Proclus Platonic philosopher, the Alexandrian poet Theocritus,
For numerical geometry of time and the harmony of numbers,
for big time  as difference - Otherness.

Macedonians continued their headlong advance. They came victorious in the legendary Babylonian-Susa eternal city of  East,
until they arrived outside the walls of Persepolis, with  rich palaces 
of Darius.
Then Alexander said to the generals-officers
And the soldiers. Brave Greeks there is no other street 
we must occupy Persepoli with the winged bull. 
there is no return reached the last hurdle.
Resourceful Odysseus wa there with Partners ................
Persians mowed like swords from the Greeks.
Like a ghost Ι walking over corpses.
What to do - to leave how I will live such a shame!
Eternal would condemns me- in History said to himself Darius the III
Outside the walls-Macedonians-SOLDIERS
But where is Darius
where  disappeared the Persian king.

They say he ran away he left the battle
What say these multimode Greeks-what rumors spread
Did you miss our king
Never  you do not be believed resourceful Greeks
Our King is here with us.
The big escape of Darius-Time we leave also we we are saved

Alexander - Alexander
The great conqueror - the great King on Bucephalus headed to the palaces of Persepolis-exactly like god of Olympus.
Alexander is the great moment of your Coronation
Proclaim king of the Persian Empire.
Shouted the Macedonian soldiers.
Heroic Greeks fought bravely for the Fatherland
You deserve every honor and glory.
Alexander the Macedonian conqueror- a bigger conqueror of world. 
Macedonian king chased Darius III until his death.
The man who started from Greece and arrived to India
 and China. The greatest commander of all time.

The emotion flooded the brave soul,
When he thought the troubled life.
Conquered countless cities and peoples
I met different religions cultures
Languages ​​- attitudes-arts. One thing I did not forget-
 that I am one Greek that comes from Macedonia
And I reached untill here THANKS TO YOU.
King Alexander the greatest commander the world.

We are all-EQUAL-
-Independent from color - race or gender
Women - Kids - olds.
We are all - whether same- if also different


Alexander gave battle with the death in Babylon
At the palace of Nebuchadnezzar B.
The idea that he would die young were in the mind of great king.
First seer Pythagoras and then  Chaldeans priests
Predicted that he will not live a lot

Ptolemy rose up against the general  Perdica , he marched against them. When crossing the Nile-many soldiers eaten by crocodiles. 
The army reacted and two officers  Antigenes Seleucus murdered Perdica - the largest Macedonian general. then the - successors-killed Roxane and her  son - Alexander D- the son of Alexandros.
Alexander - dearest how happened  this
You were most robust and from  lion said divine Roxanne.
- Leaned over kissed him - you burn  whole
What is this fever-Doctors-doctors.
Cool little I had a bath.
Alexander-not leave us-what will become
is in danger our son Alexander.
It comes-it comes-on time. -caressing her belly-
Reassured you will be under the protection of Perdica
As he remained faithful to Me, - Same-will do for my son
And his mother. -General Perdikas agreed-
Coughing incessantly-thirsty - bring little water to drink.

same -they  reply
My friends Game over, there is no other time.
Light faded-the-Light.
said Alexandros  and fell into a coma omitting to leave a successor.
Let << succeed with the best man >>
He said when asked.

Nobody knows from what died Great  Alexandros. 
This is the democracy of big time
This is the story


          THE ROAD OF SILK

The Royal Silk Route by Herodotus-yet- allow the free movement of people - Ideas and merchandise.
Persians - Scythians, Indo-Chinese, Assyrians,Babylonians, Egyptians, Roman-Byzantine Greeks prevailed at times.

Only Big Alexandros opened the street,
 leaving free the field in the creation of different Culture

This raises a proposal - project for centuries.
The composition of different cultures having as Beginning base Greek culture, Aesthetics, Education Knowledge,Language.

OPIS 324 - BC

Great Alexandros  created a universal state
Where tolerance to various nationalities were observed.
Everyone had EQUAL RIGHTS
Regardless of race, color, or leaf.
They spoke the same language-Greek.

He built large projects, established the Free Economy
The International Trade.



Emperor Manuel II Palaeologus 1391-1425
And the Empress Eleni- Helen were waiting for Prince
John Palaiologos, Crown Prince and Prince
Michael Katakouzinos in great palace, the hall of Triconch.
They decided to send two princes in mythical China,
To ask the Alliance of great king Yongle.
Empire is threatened from Ottoman Turks.
King  gave to them Justinian Code-628 - AD
The Legal Project of the great king, the premier achievement Human, on the road to Freedom.He gave  also the Code of Codes-Kodikelo- of Constantinople where he wrote about the secrets, Knowledge, Wisdom of Byzantium.Empress Eleni-Helena gave a gift to Chinese kings, one naval chest with an unimaginable treasure inside.


Joseph B - Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople 1416-1439 along with the People of  City waited to Hagia Sophia,
 imperial procession to bless the journey to China.
When everyone sat in their seats, the emperor Manouel-II-Palaiologos stood up and said

Empire is in immediate danger - Deadly from Ottoman Turks. Soldiers of Islam want at Constantinople,
 the city of Cities.
Ioannis I'- John- Palaiologos- Successor of Throne filled
Caravan starts soon for distant China. Silk Road is long and difficult,  wait us ten thousand kilometers. When I return from the trip I will ask the Council of convergence for the Union of  two Churches.
Pope will have no objection muslims are a threat. We are the breakwater, the bulwark of Christianity.
Popish  want a fair solution to the doctrinal issue
Separating East and West.
With the Union will save the empire and the City.
I will be head with Patriarch
In a sizable task for the session
In Italy.
I wrote articles on the Union speech I
The most serious problems is  <Primary>
And <Filiogue>
Catholics believe that - the Holy Spirit-
 proceeds also from the Son-Christ.
We believe the Eastern Orthodox -
How - Holy Spirit, proceeds only from God
the Father.
One-time this has caused disputes, conflicts,
The largest gap between the Churches.
So I propose a middle way-a middle path-
a compromise
To say that the - Holy Spirit - proceeds through
 the Son--.-

We are in favor for Union-Unionists-beloved Constantinople deadly danger be conquered fromTurks.
We need alliances.
We are against the Union- Anti-Unionists-
Pope wants total victory.
 Turkish Islamists threaten Empire
We will be subjugated in Them!!!!!

Caravan from Constantinople arrived in fabled Palmyra,
After  first paid a toll to enter the city.
Byzantine Greeks left their horses, camels goods
In a caravan station and proceeded to the house
Kounadi Demetrius Kounadi, a Greek merchant
supplier of caravans.

The Bride of  Desert is amazing we walk to the road with kyones. I think somewhere will suddenly appear
 legendary Zenobia, queen of Palmyra
Night magic fairy
Will Full moon night in legendary Palmyra.
Byzantine Greeks entertained in palace Kounadi,
Where did the great reception.
Mimes, jesters plenty scattered laughter,
Wonderful singers sing oriental purposes
While the dancers danced ecstatically.
The oasis of Palmyra swept city- drifted travelers
In  Thousand and One Nights of East said Ioannis.


Byzantine Caravan arrived outside Susa,
In the camp where the mercenary army encamped
 famous general Nikiforos Theotokas.
Desert Warriors became autonomous from  imperial army,
 and offered their services to anyone who pays better.
Friend Nikiforos – brave warrior Constantinople
 is in danger from the Islamic Turks said Ioannis - successor of thron.
They want conquer the Rose of the East for this we ask for your assistance.
We go to Beijing to ask the Alliance Yongle of the great king said Ioannis Palaiologos.
Prince John-Ioannis
The Army and I personally
We are ready to offer our services.
We accompany you to the Great Wall.
Retire now-tomorrow we're going to Susa responses Nikiforos Theotokas -General of Mercenaries. Great Alexandros  occupied the city in 331 eg and conquered  Persian Empire.

 Greek Caravan crossed the Takla Makan
The desert of no return-the Land of Death.
The sandstorm covered up everything
Do not get lost just before read the gateway of China,
observed Markos Chrysoloras -General of Caravan.

Appears Great Wall.
cried the Greeeks 

Brave Greeks
Welcome to China.
The commander of the wall and the envoy of the Emperor
wait for you said Zhen officer of Guard 
Greek Friends you are guests of Emperor Yongle.
completed General Bao-governor of  Great  Wall. We'll accompany you in Beijing In Forbidden City added Guang Bo - General o emperor Yongle.
General-Zheng-He - was here yesterday  Victorious fighting  Mongols and Turks. Once defeated enemies he will marry  princess Xianning-the daughter of king.

And we have a war with  Ottoman Turks
They want to occupy the empire.
The view from the top of the wall is enchanting 
Cut Breathtaking,
It spreads over the serpentine ridges
And lost in the depths of celestial empire.
 Byzantine Greeks and  Chinese imperial started
In Xi'an - the ancient capital of China.
4400 km was the Silk Route in China.
 said Guang Bo Chinese General.

Silk - the export commodity of China concentrated in Xi'an,
And from there the caravans transporting goods,
Ideas, cultures, from Silk Road. all over the world.
Get out from Xi'an, emperor Yongle ordered  reveal you the big secret of  city.
Tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang-246-209-p, x
The splendor of ancient China is reflected in grave,
An entire army of life-size
It has real weapons and pottery horses.
The terracotta army of Emperor Qin Shi Huang-
The terracotta army of Xi'an informed Chinese Officer Hong.
BEIJING 1391-1430 AD
Greeks of Byzantium and imperial Chinese arrived
In  mythical Beijing after a long and tiring journey.
informed officer Hong, imperial City is surrounded by two others. First, stand the walls of inner city where live the famous Mandarin, the magnates and officials The Outer City walls surrounding the other two in this resides the common people.
The whole empire is celebrating the wedding
Of Princess  Xianning and General Zheng-He.
The war with  Mongols and Turks ended.
General returns victorious and triumphant
To marry the most beautiful woman of China completed- gemeral Bo

We arrived in  Forbidden City
in South central gate-Meridien-.
 Chinese and  Greeks passed after permission
Of emperor and were driven to  utmost Harmony Hall.
There waited for  Emperor Yongol and the imperial family.
Great King
 Emperor with face of Dragon
I submit my respects
As  emperor Manuel II Paleologus.
said Ioannis Palaiologos

Brave Prince
John- Ioannis Palaeologus
Welcome to China  responses Emperor Yongle

Emperors of Byzantium sent some gifts
As a token of friendship.
Code  Justinianic contains Legal Project
Of great king.
The greatest achievement of Man
On the road to Freedom.
While the Code of Constantinople writes
For Knowledge, Wisdom of Byzantium.
What I see - here is an unimaginable treasure
The most beautiful jewelry in the world
First time I see such masterpieces observed Empress XU
Famous Yongle
I came to mythical China
Asking the Friendship, cooperation of  great king.
The Ottoman Turks threaten Byzantium,
So I suggest the Alliance with China
To Face the common enemy.

General Zheng-He returns victorious from  north
After yet another war with Mongols And  Turks.
They constantly invade in China
The-Same-making and in Byzantium.
TIslamic Turks want to conquer the Empire,
For this I propose the Alliance, a common forehead.
Prince John- Ioanni
Confirms the high reputation
Of Byzantine diplomacy.
I can only agree
You are my guests.
Multimode John Palaeologus he walks in  garden
When  met accidentally  princess  Xianning,
Love was a sight at first glance.
Awesome Xianning- In love with at first sight
Once I saw you-hear me!
You came late - too late I am engaged.
My husband, the renowned gemeral Zheng-He--
Returns victorious from war. Immediately  get married
Preparations have started.
It is not true Love all exceeds 
All overcomes following the cycles of stars.

Once  Emperor Yongle and his Empress Xu-
They learned about the love of Xianning- with the Greek prince Immediately called  princess to find out if it's true.
Awesome Xianning
What is the man with face of Dragon who charmed your soul ask empress Xu.
DANCE - Mandarin
Prince John- Ioannis is chosen
Prince John!- Ioanni
My daughter Xianning
What did you do - and General Zheng-He-
 your future man returns victorious
from the war.
We are preparing for marriage.
Will react - is risk
Turn against us, in  Forbidden City.
What happens when he learn
How you left him for someone else.
He feel betrayed - abandoned will never forgive.
said her mother.
Love is invincible Nobody can fight him.
 exceed us replied Xianing
General Zheng-He asked the Emperor Yongle
Provide the throne and  will give it life.
He and the princess Xianning
They would go into exile Monastery
In  desert Takla-Makan near Great Wall.
It's time  to Conquer   Forbidden City.

It's time to pay princess Xianning and Emperor Yongle
As for the Greek prince does not have no Chance shout General Ζheng He 

The most brutal massacre was around the Imperial City.
People killed as if it was anything-inanimate creatures.
Did not exist no Mercy.
Only we the warriors of light   we can change the time
And History shout John Palaiologos to win the general Zheng-He.
The cries of wounded were heard in all Beijing.
Watching the brave fight at death.
Princess  Xianning sent her adjutant,to find John, she wanted to see for the last time the prince, nobody knew the outcome of the battle.
John- Ioanni multimode the war will not end quickly.
Feel bad a warrior never leaves the battle.
To build a palace of Love
With Games-Symposia and untold erotic passion suggests the princess
CHINESE  PARADISE-  cried mandarins
In the garden with the illusions we saw in deep waters said princess Xianing .

Then I found the White-Innocence οf your soul.
Has brought spring into my life,
They turned the minds bewitched by love die for you.
Divine Ioanni-John
Stopped time as if we had to Eternity.
Dying for you I am totally yours.
The Death of General ZHENG-HE
You learned,  learned
Crazy just heard
We did not think that is true
Caught our breath.
was killed  General Zheng-He
was killed  General Zheng-He
OTHER SOLDIERS - scream on the walls
You learned
was killed General Zheng Zheng-
Soldiers of General Zheng-He
-hear the new Cut away the breath.
They say true!
Struck  General Zheng 
What we will do.
Our misfortune fell ingloriously
He is dead - does not live anymore..

Soldiers of General Zheng-He began afraid to leave the battle running left to save.
My brave go  why you leave.
I am here live you do not see me..
Remain in your seats together we will win.
The Phantom of General
The Phantom of General -answered the soldiers do not leave me alone to fight an empire, even we can win.

The officers of  Emperor Yongle  surrounded  General Zheng-He who fought alone against all and killed the general.
Emperor Yongle-went-winner on red horse passing over dead corpses. Beside him on a white mare followed
 divine Princess Xianning-. Emperor gave his life for prisoners  as requested from Xianning the crown prince.
In front of all  army thanked brave John Palaeologus
And  heroic Greeks who fought at his side.
It was inevitable Fatal-to divide.

Adio  - Adio
Listen to the last Adio
Divine Xianning
Nobody can resist  in your beauty.
Neither the war hindered
Love is invincible
Adio - Adio
The last Adio in  Forbidden City.
This is the Democracy of Big Time
This is the Story.

            LAFCADIO HEARN

A resourceful man made ​​the journey of ETERNAL RETURN
He traveled in a lot countries, met many people,
 Study habits, traditions and wrote fantastic stories.
 Not scared  Laestrygonians and Cyclops, dragons and monsters.
 He lived  terrible adventures and know exotic ports.
 Although important for him was the trip
 at depth look for a port to arrives.
 He did not  sought fame and riches,
 But the knowledge, happiness of the soul.

 Lafcadio Hearn or Yakumo Koizumi
 was the man with  four home countries,
 Greece, Ireland, America, Japan claim to primacy.
 Embraced three religions-Orthodox Christianity
 Catholicism and Buddhism.
Of Lafcadio was Roza Kasimatis, his mother, the Guardian his Angel. Appear unexpectedly - uninvited
 or when requested from Lafcadio,
 To gives solution, to intervene  changing the data,
 Fate of  Peoples, plot, history.

says to her son Lafcadio, the Greeks were always open to others accept and assimilate anything new


The children's years of Lafcadio Hearn in  house
of aunt Sara Brenan.

When Aunt Sarah Brennan adopted  Lafcadio Hearn;
Because  does not want him his father and grandmother
was a wonderful opportunity for him.
Went to the best colleges, lived comfortably
but at home the situation was a martyrdom.
.He grew up in a conservative environment
strictly Catholic with a lot prejudices.

Ghosts,  Furies,  monsters chased everywhere Lafcadio He lived  a hell at home. Be careful how you speak said Aunt Sarah to his nephew, Dubliners will pass you for insane.
 Sarah Brennan saw that Lafcadio did not correspond in her expectations and changed the will.
She made general heir of her big fortune 
Henry Hearn-Molina, a relative of her husband.
This proved a bad manager
Aunt Sara went bankrupt and  Lafcadio stopped  College
Because there was not money to pay the expensive tuition.

 One day Molina called Lafcadio in office and told him authoritarian. Be a ticket to New York take these money from your aun they are  the last ones. from now on you are alone.


Lafcadio Hearn arrived in the harbor of NY at age 19 years.
Changed a lot of professions  to survive.
By the time the police arrested him because
 he did illegal business.
Immediately left from town for  Ohio.
Thus begins the rhapsody of Lafcadio Hearn in America.

In Cincinnati of Ohio 
Henry Watskin played an important role in his life,
 helped Lafcadio to work in a publishing house
Roberts and Clark.
There he became a journalist and writer.

When his director, colonel A. Kokeril learned
That was wedded a young mulatto Aletia Foley,
 immediately turned away Hearn from the newspaper.
Did not suit he says with the well comprehended morals
 of state,
Was immoral fallen in love with a mulatto.
Racial discriminations gave and took.

He left from Cincinnati  and  directed southernly
to  French Antilles, Martinique.
He arrived in New Orleans with  riverboat Thompson Dean
Without money, was forced to remain in  city  to  work.

  New Orleans 1880
 Witches of New Orleans,  Mardi Grass
Lafcadio Hearn got a job in <Democratic Time>
The largest newspaper in New Orleans
Where had boomed in journalism and writing.

Lafcadio walked with Elizabeth Bislant
A colleague from <Democratic-Time>,
On the bridge of Mississippi  when appeared
Witches of New Orleans.
Terrible Furies turned my brains
 said  Lafcadio   in Elizabeth,
Wanted to take me wiht them to destruction,
My Love  for you saved me.
 Be seen again took  the streets
 They chase me constantly- looked at -
 they spring up from water.
Their hands drip blood, anthropomorphic monsters
drove crazy my brain

Witches shout
We are the goddesses of love, the goddess of Death
Lafcadio vainly chasing chimeras, Windmills

Let's go said Elizabeth
Let's escape from the bridge of Mississippi
The witches of New Orleans.

Madness of carnival- Mardi Grass-conquered the city.
Thousands of people lined the streets,
Canal Street, Street  of St. Charles.
The frenzy of carnival was continued
in French Quarter- Vie Karrie.

 Lafcadio Hearn and Elizabeth Bislant enchanted
by Marnti gras. The Wizard Love, God's Carnival
changed their minds, lived the maddest  dream.
 Nights and Days in New Orleans, crazy world.
Lafcadio madly in love revealed in Elizabeth
His love, and she responded sheepishly
Leaving open the answer.
In Vie Karrie, the Twelfth Night of roisterer
 they drove crazy the world.

Nick Hemmings,  hoteliers of Golden Star
invited the pair to the great dance of  hotel,
in last night of carnival where ... ....
                          Marnti gras
                          Never ends
                       As soon as  began




Lefkada Hern and Elisabeth BIslant 
as soon as they came out from the building
which housed the magazine Harper,
 they were front found in a astonishing spectacle.
 OF NEW YORK conquered the City.
The kingdom of Shadows,shadings  imposed
his power,
A white veil of mystery covered the fabulous city.
The forms of persons in  streets took other dimensions,they became unrealistic.
 Goddess Fog just conquered the suspension bridges of Brooklyn and Manhattan,
 the island still strongly resisted,
 Bronx is not showcased any resistance.
 The heart of NY ceased to beat

The Shadows of Fog went furiou over Broadway
On Times Square, the Statue of Liberty was disappeaed suddenly.
Elizabeth said Lafcadio-comes the great escape-
the End

Resist - Resist shouted voices in the world

See Lafcadio
Humanoid Shadows uproot the guts of humans
And drink the blood.
Countless corpses floating in  Hudson,
The mythical river was occupied by armies
 of mercenaries,

Elizabeth heard a terrible clatter of horses
Comes the cavalry of America to save us
Nobody subjugated the mythical City.
Run - Run to go to the glade,
A enormous dragon sucks whole  neighborhoods,  Swallow  Bronx,  Queen, Harlem, broke all freedom.

Entire armies, formidable warriors runnin fanatic,
Wearing invulnerable armor, puts superiority.
They walk over the sea, flying over the homes,
Occupy  buildings, squares, churches.
Elizabeth the world of Shadow is nonexistent.
We follow the path of PURGATORY
Revealing the- IN- TIME OF NY,
democracy of big time

Awesome Lisa I finally leaving for Japan,
 I will never forget what we experienced,
you are a fantastic New Yorker.
Lafcadio stay non-leave-die for you
I'll think about you and I miss every day.
I promised the director Henry Allen
That I will go to Japan, I can make behind.

THE FOG ..........

 APAN TOKYO 1890-1904

A lot of world gathered in central square
 of Tokyo
People from all districts went to hear
The blind singer,  legendary Maki Konto.
With his Biwa- lute-, sang improbable stories.

Today I will sing for a Foreign
A mythical hero who came from far away
And acquired great fame in Japan.
His father came from distant Ireland
And the mother from mythical Greece.

Famous singer
What is the tortured man

Maki Konto
I ask  help of good spirits
The good God
to sing the history, the rhapsody
of Lafcadio Hearn or Yakumo Koizumi.

The cottage of Lord Akira Noda
was built next to sea, on a hill.
He had a fantastic view, especially in spring.
Cherry Blossoms,  bonsai, flowers
Revealed the spirit of nature.
 Yakumo Koizumi and his wife Setsu
Excited walked in  Garden, enjoying the beauty.

Bloomed cherry trees show how transient we
How fleeting said Setzouko .
Their beauty just keeps little answered Yakumo
Proving that all come and go.
It's raining, raining
The first drops fell on my face
Go through

 Come on - come on
 To protect ourselves under the blooming cherry trees.
The drops disappear as people
 Ah! the children play in defiance the rain
  What I see you crying
 From happiness, not expecting to feel
this pleasure
 A moment - waiting
 Cuts a leaf  cherry tree
 This leaf  cherry picking your tears
 as It collects the sheets of rain.
 Transparent mirror to your Beautiful soul,
  Desires, anxieties, dreams.
Was a miracle
 My tears iridescent Universe
 As a multifaceted prism,
 An open mirror reflects the Earth
 Heaven, the Ocean.


 Akira Noda and his wife  Midori
hostet pair Koizumi with relatives and friends
 for assistance in Yakumo Koizumi.
All Together  waiting for the authorities
of  University of Tokyo,
 It called  the venerable teacher in Apology.
  Koizumi openly expressed his opposition
 to big changes
 Who were in Japan, with regard opening
to West.

 His wife Setsu with her friends talked
 over tea,
Very concerned about the future of her husband,
While friends of  honorable Lord Otaka
was in his office
They spoke also about the Apology of Yakumo.
The Japanese dilemma dominated

Two and a half thousand samurai did flop
Lost their privileges, ranks
Said Mansai Tamatsuka.
The feudal system prevents
Modernize the country
Emperor Kutsu Chito  abolished Feudalism
Making opening in West.
I do not agree - I totally disagree
That was a big blow for us
Replied the prince Akira Noda.
 Students of Yakumo  Koizumi came in the night notify their teacher that the Apology was in three days.

MEIJI PERIOD 1868 - 1912


Principles of  Imperial University of Tokyo
They had a general Council.
All Together, the professors gathered to discuss
For Professor Koizumi.
The famous writer openly expressed
his opposition,
About revolutionary changes that took place
in Japan.

 I propose to  Mr Koizumi
 Getting the reason
 Yakumo Koizumi
 Dear Sirs
 Thanks for the honor.
 First time I speak officially
 Maybe finally.
I express my opposition
 In reforms,
 Because I believe that if Japan
 Uncritically adopted the western way of life,
 will lost  her Internal Self
 will lost her soul.
 But why  you are so opposed
 What evil will bring  Scientific
 And Technological Development.
 Will improve our lives.

 News of  resignation of Koizumi fell
 like a bomb.
 Immediately rumors circulated.
 citizens discussed from each other saying

 Yakumo Koizumi resigns
 From  University
 He expressed his opposition
 to reforms

 He said Japan would lose
 Identity, traditions.
 Forced Professor
in resignation
 Expel the wise Professor
 from country

 Drove  Koizumi
 From Japan
As Dangerous for public interest
 Slowly - slowly
 Do not know his wife
 Nobody knows
 How would  react Setsu.
In Apology Koizumi-Questions and answer
particularly in dialogues of Japanese citizens, but not only
 There is a path of meditation is a revelation;
 enlightenment of Zen Buddhism.
 Summarize  wisdom of poetry of haiku.

 Japanese dilemma West or East concerns
for all people.
 There should be a measure-Balance-a Middle Way,
 Between National Traditions and Economic
  Scientific and Technological Development
 What we call globalization.
The flop of SETSU
 And  intervention of Koizumi

 Setsu Koizumi prays asking forgiveness from Buddha.
 Located only in the country's ruler Akira Noda.
 When you see the cherry trees
Eternally bloomed
Then will be my soul
 Really happy.
 They drove Yakumo from country.
 The poor stayed alone with four children
 In her arms.


I offer my life for vindication of my husband.
 Goodbye - Goodbye Japan
 goodbye Yakumo
 Lafcadio you are the great love
 Of my life.

Yakumo Koizumi came running down the stairs of cliff.
 Distraught reached the beach and went to Setsu,
 This with sword in hand made
​​like insane

 Setsu love
 Hear me, hear me

 There is nothing-nothing
 Only death.
 The heavy curse of  Samurai
 IT follow me

 immense sea takes my soul
 Been flew in  sky
 Koizumi runs - and pops like a wildcat ... ... ... ..
  After Death- Metathanatos

She takes a deep breath, raises his sword high,
 Scanning the sky ready to pelleting the sword in her abdomen



Cassandra went to the old port of Thessaloniki.
A fantastic apparition turned, tormented on the beach of Bride
Thermaikos and began to tell. 
As the Universe  agreed to our love-knit the Game of Love.
Odysseus and Alexander suddenly appeared out of nowhere
 on  waterfront of Thessaloniki - as machina-Gods.
Multimode Odysseus you who are the traveler of big time,
and make passages posthumously through the opening of 
Eternal Return, you must know how to talk about the past-how we did .. The stories are endless, the revolution are still late.

Cassandra comes from another world. As long as I try never touch, glides like a breeze, brings great memory-
Multiform Ulysses replied 
In vain we search the Eternal Love- the Light of Love
Odysseus and Alexander spoke boldly to Witches,,
 although they did not want to cause outrage.
Nobody does not be believed, inflicted so much suffering to the people.
Said with courage multiform Odysseus 

One fool makes smart- he think it's great lover.
Lagendary Ulysses said Alexander he came from the depths
of time and history, had fought countless armies and opponents, conquered the world, the universe.
Witches transformed from otherworldly creatures in divine women,
 go to our laughed. Black bitches bring chaos and  crash.
We goddesses posthumously
live with his desire unfulfilled love
With the illusion of the real man.
Wait in vain the king of our hearts.
Look who's talking about love, the shrew live by sucking the blood
 of humans. Multimode Ulysses ran out of time.
Let's get narrowed margins., It is impossible to stay another
in beloved Thessaloniki.

Odysseus and Alexander on a boat  fled they left quickly from  city 
of Macedonia.
Goodbye Thessaloniki
Storied - long-suffering City,
You've always been in heart - wherever I go-wherever I travel,

Merciless Furies follow us everywhere. Lit up the harbor, looks so nice. 
Heard voices from the castles.
The breeze blows beautifully from White Tower.
We have the soul of a love. Laugh - sing cry like children-
 I fly - fly freely-what terrible feeling.
The Shadow of Cassandra returns an apparition floating around
Over the walls of Salonika.

Cassandra of much afflicted loves 
Cassandra of Salonikis 
Cassandra of Eternal Return 
 The Witches Salonikis go down ecstatic

From the castle  with seven towers told two friends.
Witches of Thessaloniki come out prowl and anyone getting 
 Death. The fog spread slowly - slowly at Nymph of Thermaikos ..
Alexander quickly going to leave - are frightening, Bloody.
Ali  those who get caught lacerate the flesh- make small pieces. 
The only escape is to open the wormhole of big time
shows the way.
Alexander along with Odysseus found again on the beach
Of Thessaloniki, they back through the opening.

Aristotle-Navarino-Agios Dimitrios
A nostalgic song sounds from Kalamaria
In this awesome journey of death.
In Saloniki I lived maiking dreams in Saloniki I spent
My life sang  wonderful Alexander.
At that time, appeared Cassandra like apparition
she spoke through the opening-inside Time.
Two friends were madly in love with the same woman.
Odysseus and Alexis slept with my shadow.
they  thought that I became theirs.
Odysseus with Alexander continued alone in this
great  port of Macedonia.
Witches - Witches  come with loosened hair,
red lips and nails hooked.
Descend from flying castles spreading havoc.
People terrified closed in homes. Change as
 see men become beautiful to fool them completed
Multiform Odysseus.
We are determined to confront them. as when to step back told 
fearless together.

Two friends Alexandros with Odysseus returned for last time
 in t beloved City. 
I have the sense that does not exist return, perhaps was the last travel said fabulous Alexandros. 
Always we turn in beloved Thessalonica it answered divine Odysseous

Witches of Salonika constantly chasing us we both cried.
Whenever surprised discover that ITHACA IS THE JOURNEY.
When you love the world learns that the journey
The fairytales Homecoming home replied the divine Alexander.
Displays the apparition of Cassandra so much live. 
Odysseus and Alexander die for me.
 I am a shadow exists within all women
Two friends Alexander with Odysseus went elated to Aristotle Square. The amazing twilight revealed the Inside Time of Thessaloniki.

The bad started from  the Civil War. The collision of two worlds brought great suffering caused wars disasters
Still crying children and mothers. Many fled in exile
In Eastern Europe they divided Greece in two said wistfully
Multiform Alexander.
Fortunately emerged unscathed from this calamity.
Saved Cassandra-Cassandra where was Cassandra
ask  worried divine  Odysseus.
The greater part of  war was spent with me,
We experienced a great love- Unfairly claiming the girl
We had a fight so many times. We lived together for a whole year.
You think that it's yours. Why  claimed my womem- you run from behind
 said godlike Alexander.
Instead we gave oaths of  eternal love in the Market
 St. Mark's, we bought the ring of our lovemaking
answered resourceful Odysseus.

I fell in love also both said optasia of Cassandra
That appeared in each through opening.
Alexande you are human too human,
Odysseus you're a Handsome lover.
I was glad that you did not suffer something in the war. 
You are in different camps- and this had great risk.
- Whoever does not know it makes deadly mistake.
You did the opposite that I makd -how wrong you were,

world with the big delusion. Our differences are unbridgeable-pity -.
Odysseus attacked Alexander holding knife.
He yelled, screamed wildly as she ran against him.
People around were shocked, pulled exclamations
Horror. Alexander deftly slipped from his friend.
Odysseus what's gotten into-crazy-we are brotherly friends
I waited so many years-right now.
Ulysses calmed-what you're doing.
It's time to see-who is better.
It is futile for no reason, for  collide.
Alexis so much years I endured your supposedly superiority, 
I lived in your Shade. 
Odysseus rushed like crazy against him, nobody could
to stop him, he was so fast.
It is wrong-wrong should not be shouted friends of Ulysses.

  Ulysses  I hold knife you make behind - you do not run against my.
Odysseus fell with over on Alexander nailing
the knife in his heart. Alexis in a last effort
 be saved raises his hand and   drive the knife into the side of his friend.  Both screamed and screamed overwhelmed.
Odysseus what you did, we're friends, did not respect anything.
They turned my brains out-I did not know what I did-.
You  never said what hurt you. 
I collected much hatred in me, I was at an impasse.
Unfairly we were struck - unfairly we die -why.
For nothing, only the ideas have merit, they keep us alive.
For Cassandra-you were so in love with her.
Alexander loved you, can you hear me
Odysseus die for.

Witches of Thessaloniki will follow me throughout my life.
You are wonderful people, ideal lovers,
I will remember you and I miss you every day.
Their grief is unbearable, die - and die for  both.
Ulysses you struck me rubbed in the sides, it is not nothing 
Alexis blood runs ceaselessly do not know what to do.
Courage will not let you die, lean on me.

It hurts - it hurts I can not stand anymore. Did not want to kill you.
Defended by instinct I had not intended to hurt you.
Scent the air I'm already Elsewhere
I hit my friend, brother, Ulysses. nobody will accept.
Hear what wonderful music with shouting to scurry.
Ulysses would not let them get away from me.
Fly - fly winging my soul, I became light.
Ulysses died in the arms of Alexis. He clenched firmly
his friend speaking shocked.
Froze, bruising, do not look  me motionless. Awake - Awake
Do not sleep, I'm here to listen.
God make me your miracle


A wonderful land of Tuscany is the  is the land of paradise,
 the open to eternal life.
 Angels of Lord flying over the flowers, the drunk vineyards, silvery olive groves, fragrant hills singing the song of Spring.


The land of Paradise.
The soul lives the miracle touching the limits of God.
Entranced from the flavors, clarity of light pulsing of the dazzling colors that enchant the senses.
The lovely green pervades tons, only interrupted by imaginary towers, brilliant churches
Hermetically monasteries and country houses

Three hundred warriors of Florence on a horses with great companion nobles, knights and lords came into the city with the important stranger resourceful Odysseus and his long-suffering companions, with them was  Dante Alighieri, the great poet and politician- the great exile

Florence. The capital of Tuscany was celebrating the feast of St. John, most Florentines were dressed in white, and had a leader Lord Love.
Favorite Florence is in a state of complete bliss said excited Dante celebrates the feast of St. John. The Lord of Love turns in all city and 
and he withers that he finds front him.
Beatrice married around the same period that 
I married Gemma Donati - then born our first  child
continued frown.  I lived a lot of parallel lives having a unbearable pain in the heart, nowhere I could not  to confide.
Beatrice is the fairest of all earthly beings

 Divine incarnated the beauty of Greeks, the overbearing pride
 of Romans and the sensibility of  Florentines.
 Lygros Nostos the Eternal Return has enabled
To go back to his beloved Florence.
They both died in exile in foreign, expelled from our own,
Homeland. I feel that one day I will meet the Beautiful Beatrice
Into the opening.
Famous poet proposed to descend from horses,
And walk the holy soil of Florence and to become one
with residents, feel the Love that both missed.
 This is the route Rikansioli angle with Alfani.
Ntante Alighieri Welcome to Beautiful Florence they shouted hard. 
End the exile and political adventures, you become accepted with prices
As befits in a great poet and politician.
Your favorite Florence retaliates that did not made  for you,
For the glory that you gave in centuries with your books,
Thank you - thank replied excited Dante.

Tears of joy ran from his eyes, he did not think was accepted
In this way it actually died alone and desolate in foreign. This reception 
became in the opening in Imaginary Museum of big time. 

A Florentine aristocrat Giacomo Petrie announced the advent
 the warriors of light at  official Siniora, who was

In the hall of -Cinquecento
Divine Dante the great exile of Florence along with Odysseus 
and companions   their just arrived, and ask permission to meet you. 
All together, the travelers of big time passed through  and were surprised from the sight, the frescoes of  hall.
All Mentisi the dukes of Florence - the Grand-Duke of Tuscany with elite gentry were there into the opening of big time.
Everyone brightened and glorified the Beautiful Florence that during
 the 15th century had a leading position in Europe.
Kosimo di Mentisi the Duke of Florence, Pietro di Mentisi,
Lorenzo di Mentisi the Magnificent was from one side.
Popes and cardinals Mentisi as Julius II, Leo 10th
Clement VII, Cardinal Giovanni sat on the other.

Giorgio Vasari-the manufacturer of  corridor-
Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Brouneleski, Raphael,
Galileo, Botticelli and many others were in the middle.
The warriors of  long time continued imperiously until they arrived in front of t Duke Kosimo di Mentisi, the magnificent Lorenzo
And other nobles.
First spoke divine Dante, the great exile of Florence.
Famous Kosimo di Mentisi and you great Florentines,
It is a great honor for me to return to my beloved Florence after
 so many years, even through the passage of postmortem. 
My political opponents blacks  Ghibellines banished from the city because it supported the Whites, democratic Guelfs ..
 Do you only knew <how bitter is the foreign bread >.
Superiority Dante Alighieri worthy child of Florence
Welcome to your homeland.
Florentines  welcomed warmly  as worthy of a great poet through 
the opening of big time. The vindication is complete.
Ulysses-mythical king of Ithaca you who travels to opening of big time
You've lived all great revolutions of Humanity
Tell us about You, the  world, the big time,the opening.

Said convulsed divine Leonarnto. 
Nice - lovely Florentine
The price is big for me and the companions, 
Mythical Greek heroic warriors of light are Guests
 Duke of Florence. My people already prepared Respite a wing at palazzo Pitti said full of pride Kosimo di Metnsisi. 
Then Giorgio Vasari with some friends
Will lead you to the palace past the runway-in corridor-
is the manufacturer.
I have heard for the famous corridor, I am curious to walk him
 replied famous Odysseus.
Starting from the palazzo Vecchio-Florence's town hall-passes from Uffizi, Ponte Vecchio, over rooftops connecting the town hall with the Pitti palace. Great  Kosimo di Mentisi was the initiator, 
he asked to construct the secret corridor in 1565 said Giorgio Vasari.

Allow we make you a gift for the fantastic reception and 
the hospitality said divene Odysseus. 
hosting said  Odysseus.
Multiform Eyrylochos advanced little front keeping  a chest and left her in the middle of the room. Mythical Odysseus approached, leaned over the chest and said.
This is the holy sword of warriors of light cried together
Florentines approached Odysseus to peer the Holy Sword. Not Much said Kosimo di Mentisi.
Wonderful Florentines with great emotion delivers the Holy Sword 
of warriors of light in  Republic of Florence.
-This- makes the city-immune-invincible from the enemies.
You are the heirs of  opening-guards of  Republic of big time.
The guardians angels of Florence swear that they will defend
with their lives, the Holy Sword cried all together the Floreniinoi.
Kosimo di Mentisi put the Holy Sword in a golden sheath
And left in the center of a large table.
Full it moved with tremameni voice  said. 

Nobody knows where it is hidden the Sacred Sword,
A wise old man will hide Sacred Sword-will make the Code
Florence and will put him in an undisclosed hiding place.
Best gift  could not do no one in  Republic of Florence
 We are eternally grateful, not only we, but I and the whole Humanity. 
Our friends did great trip and be tired,
Time to retire-be guests in my palazzo Pitti.
Giorgio Vasari with some Florentines will lead them there from the runway-the Korintor, an opportunity to discover the Beautiful Florence - learn the secrets from another way.
Once greeted cordially resigned from the Council Chamber. Having driven by Tziorzio Vasari Corridor followed the Korintor of Florence. First you go to the south side of the palazzo Vecchio, from there joins the Uffizi .........
Now we pass the church Santa Felitsita said proudly Vasari. See believers come to church to pray, starting at just the Divine Liturgy.
We are in the Ponte Vecchio - the spectacle is unique-separates
the city in two.

 The brightness and the yellowness of light over the multiple tones 
of ocher were the facades and the backs of houses, while playing happily in the mirror of  river Arno.
-This - the elusiveness of color was the opening of Florence.
Dominated around the river, the bridges, the piers, the surrounding houses.
See-we are at the narrowest point of the river, for this they built 
Ponte Vecchio here. It is a stone arch bridge, built in medieval closed pace.
Gentlemen we cross already Lugano dei Archimpousier the north side
 of  river - at the junction with  Ponte Vecchio.
Very interesting all these observed multiform Citizen. 
We see- that  becomes in the city, but the people are ignorant, they do not know. It has to do with control, the rulers want to know what happens in every moment and hour.
This is understood to one degree replied Famous

Ulysses, however, shows that  leadership has insecurity - uncertainty
for power, challenged by internal and external factors.
Corridor does not say it finishes observed multiform Eyrylochos.
 Continues like snake - labyrinth full of surprises
As our lives. Arrive at  palace Pitti replied Vasari.
 Is  fascinating the journey through the lush forests of Tuscany
completed Dante. The trees are tall like my poetry, multilingual, listen to the accompaniment of birds  music of world, dreams bloom on the branches.Life is a chant of chants completed by Michelangelo.
Winners of time topped from the unbeaten wreath of light.
We arrive at the end of  corridor,  Palazzo Pitti is not far away.
Then suddenly a miracle of Florence - the famous Korintor-start  became the Beginning – the passage  in wormhole of big time.
 Became a all-past - present-future within and beyond the opening. 
The breath them became transparent like in dreams.

Stunned went from beauty to beauty-discovering the original game-
over Hell and Heaven.
A chaotic orange emerged from the bowels of green sea of ​​Tuscany dispelling the darkness. Brought the light of a another world just before the great exodus-the inevitable end the End.
The time of Florence was the time of big time.
All together they made passes in different dimensions 
which was surprisingly Single-past-present and future-.
On the banks of t Arno, the workers of big time cleaned the golden shore of river. Sculpts life and death of people changing bed. Worked and sang along to the beat which flowed the waters of river.
Warriors-Inside-Time-crossing Florence passing under the windows of houses, flying over the rooftops with them made immortal mythical city.
Men-women and children  admired fabulous Florence.
 Help those in need, or give advice.
They moved houses-palaces-seas and mountains to liberate

MY SECOND EMIGRATION from  Ithaca was a challenge for ITHACA People said sadly. All residents rebelled against me did not want to leave again. Resourceful Penelope sat in a corner of  palace say angry.
Nobody is holding by force-is free to do whatever he wants.
Furies turned his brains, a life will wander in unfamiliar cities. 
A life is stranger among strangers,there it will leave his last blow. 
THIS IS A SECOND ODYSSEY replied divine Dante.
-Same with mine though so different.
A big time Odyssey answered resourceful Odysseus -
An open ODYSSEY. Only with some companions we make 
the travel of Eternal Return.West of death and in the east the light do chorus passages postmortem,

Mona Lisa is the unsolved  enigma of history-the enigma of enigmas, 
the smile of Mona Lisa hides the secret of love and death, the-Same-
is eternal Same but different said Leonardo da Vinci.
But how can asked Lisa Geradini, the woman with the divine person, the wife of Francesco de Giocondo, a wealthy merchant from Florence. - This-you can not fix-a man can not procreate.
Can gives birth from  Zero and Nothing from the not being. 
On a piece of poplar wood with his technique sfoumato-like portrait 
of you that Ipaint now.
I feel so alone, I feel so naked-unprotected. After giving birth my husband with neglect,  do not watch me said playfully  Mona Lisa.
But how can repliedmythical Odysseus, the most beautiful woman
 of Florence and her husband can not see anything.
He thought  faithful Penelope when she said cantankerous at Second Emigration. Let him go- he does not know what leaves - will be lost forever in travel dying of incurable nostalgia.
You have eternity on your side replied Conductor Leonardo da Vinci. 
Do not get mad no one ignores. The puzzling question-

What is the smile of Mona Lisa. The portrait that  paint with unique smile captures the mystery of man. Look at me I made an eyelid little more detail.
Maestro - Leonardo that look-good attitude-illuminated better person asked coquettish Mona Lisa. She made a move around thanks upsetting thoughts. How to resist such beauty said famous Odysseus.
You forget who you are, you pass in the total oblivion. 
An untold miracle happened in his soul long-suffering Odysseus
Dying of happiness - from the beauty he saw in front of him.
Mona Lisa was beautiful cause the looks and teasing of Florentines when walking along the road.
Meet the contempt of her husband Francesco Giocondo which madly jealous ..
Who was  Mona Lisa - maybe that with various tricks drives  crazy Florentines, schooled from the goddess of love.

 Everyone was in love with her, enchanted from her beauty made
Like crazy. Giocondo chased his wife-was running from behind.
Became her shade, when she refused to give him was furious.
Followed fierce fighting until his own, and be delivered to the unbridled love. Many Florentines say that slept with the shadow  her husband Giocondo but then what was the real Mona Lisa-. 
Who fell in love divine Odysseus. 
Two lovers met hidden in concealed latzia  with a fantastic view over the Arno, with the depth of field in Fiesole. An open window in Florence revealing a city within a city. Elegant and furnished with tables-furniture-nice-round table made of wood Cherry Blossoms. Spiral stairs made Mona Lisa to fall into the arms of her loved laughing with that smile who kills divine Odysseus.
Dark halls until finally reach the door, it was a journey into the unknown.
Groping in the dark with senses- the whole body. They were kissed 
And they were found already elsewhere.  
 Room keys hanging behind the door to the dusty alcoves, high ceilings
Very much like the city, with lovers of Florence.
When  open the door light glare shining on them.

No one will separate us-neither the envious man, your Fight
with much stronger opponents.
I do not want anyone to get hurt-is my husband I feel compassion-
I was a good wife, you came and overturned my life defied
everything about you.
Mona Lisa perennial favorite - love will survive death
Never before have been so much in love-I'm staying here-,
I love hear me. Nostalgia of forgotten -  forgotten Ithaca pierced 
his mind and his soul divene Ulysses.
Feel guilty cried  Odysseus so long in the city, and did not meet 
the Greeks in Florence.  Platonic Academy of Florence is not far replied Lorenzo the Magnificent, is known throughout the world. The founder and leader George Plethon  is the leading Platonist philosopher. They also teach great Greek teachers, philosophers, philologists. Together they walked afterthought on the banks of the Arno enjoying the walk
 and discussion.

 The Greeks of  Brotherhood of Florence greeted the magnificent Lorenzo with Odysseus and their long-suffering partners with great joy, they did as children.
First - was the leader of  famous Platonic Academy
 George Plethon Gemistos great philosopher-worthy continuer
of Plato. Beside him stood Nicholas Kouzanos - the most typical Renaissance man. The Uomo Universalis-
Poet-philosopher-mathematician-scientist-philologist and translator
He dealt with everything the sciences and knowledge. 
Demetrius Chalcondyles- first translated - made the first printed
 edition of Homer In Florence.
The surprise of all was great when they saw living heroes of Homer
 into the opening-time of big time, only changed dimension.
 Visibly excited could not utter a word.

 All together - monitoring surprised the Council of Florence - in 1439 -. The numerous Greek mission had come from Constantinople  to discuss with Pope Eugene D for the Union of the two Churches. Emperor John VIII Palaeologus, the patriarch Joseph II as head of Church delegation

He was with George Gemistos -stuffed matches the philosopher Plato and Aristotle, advocate of  Union.
Archbishop Bessarion of Nicaea,  multilingual 
Donated his library to the Marciana Library in Venice.
Advocate-Union. When he left necessarily Constantinople 
became Cardinal from Pope.
Mark Polite - the bishop of Ephesus-opponent of Union
Did not sign the Union of two churches. 
 When they returned to Constantinople took fiery speeches
 against the Union, and revolutionized the world against Unionists.
Scholarios social-name Constantinople patriarch later as Gennadius - 1398 - 1472 -. Leader of unionists-rival Bessarion - president
The Supreme Court. Pope Eugene D was not averse to the union of two Churches, he knew how to play the future Byzantine Empire. 
For centuries it was the breakwater-the bulwark of Christianity in 
the East during Muslims. The Papal wanted fair solution to the doctrinal issue that divided East and West.
 The Bessarion in-the association - speech raised the most serious issues - the << Primary >> and the << Filiogue >>.
Catholics claimed - Saint-Spirit proceeds also from

 While the Eastern Orthodox believe that the Holy-Spirit-proceeds only from the Father - God.
-THIS-caused the greatest controversy and conflict,
the largest gap between the two Churches.
That suggested a Middle-Solution-Middle Way-a compromise
Suggest to say that emanates ........... through the Son.
Then the << >> Primary was important
The Easterners who opposed did not want to fall to the Pope,
To surrender the city to the Latins. But Constantinople is in danger  from Ottoman Turks.
The-Unionists-did not want to conquer the city by Muslim Turks,
 like an honest agreement with the Pope yo save the city.

said aloud  divine Dante. Has a huge opening that reveals in all greatness her simplicity. Florentines for centuries celebrated here
 the great moments, weddings - baptisms-anointing.
Has your  statue cried the resourceful Odysseus- the great poet looked lived-through opening all the folds - the dimensions of Big Time.

                          DANTE ALIGHIERI
                                 L 'ITALIA
                             M D C C C X V

Wrote the inscription under the base with the four lions.
But they exiled me replied dejectedly poet, I lived a life away from my beloved Florence. Florentines never understand, they turned away and they wanted me the Same.
 Perhaps with  exiled write the Divine Comedy away  to lament.
 The trip - the error-wandering of value added divine Dante-
That-has value is Knowledge-Wisdom-and not the riches and glory.
The journey never ends answered resourceful Odysseus.
The complete path to self-discovery to reveal Palintropos Harmony - leading the way.
The chorale-opening-gave the possibility in the warriors of light 
-traveling beyond the speed of light
with vehicle  the planetary hologram.They  were genuine representatives of Dimocracy  of big time.