Τρίτη 19 Αυγούστου 2014


                   NIKOS KOLESIS
                   DIVINE COMEDY
                   BATTLE FROGS
                    COMIC NOVEL

The big travel of resourceful Odysseus and tickling Elpinora began with the Descent into Hades, To ask seer Tiresias if turned back in mythical Ithaca. There he saw his beloved mother Antikleia who died of grief because he did not come back home.
The steep rise of the underworld removed divine Odysseus and diverse Elpinora in the country of frogs where  took part in the great Vatrachomachia- Battle Frogs.
After met Anthropomorphic Dragon constantly transformed by changing faces. They met planetary bird with aliens and talked with them.
Amazed they arrived in Athens of 5th century and knew the Other Lysistrata. The resourceful woman with other Athenians took the power from men imposing Dionysian ecstasy of love.
In Rome of Nero 54-68 AD they lived the persecution and slaughter of Christians in the Colosseum. Forced Nero to give them the life.

In 1453 they lived the Conquering of Constantinople from their Turks, fighting next to the Greeks, without they can save the City.
Leaving with thousands Greeks from the pillaged City reached in fabulous Venice, where they founded the eminent Fraternity of St Nicholas. With an open mind they realized one still Greek marvel
The - Other Byzantium.
The Greeks of Brotherhood were called from Doge of Venice in the dance of Carnival, Multimode Ithakisioi they lived with passion the magic, the madness Carnival of Venice.

Mythical Odysseus never forgot
the SECOND Emigration- the death of Death,
passing through the aperture was the beginning
Living at the same time multiple lives and emigrations.
Odysseus DEAD- Odysseus ALIVE,

It is not true that when he returned to Ithaca, thought constantly that will leave said prudent Odysseus.
SECOND EMIGRATION is not challenge
we are forced to play the - Game -of wandering into the opening making the travel of Big Time Return,

From the novel Battle Frogs wrote
The Tetralogy of Battle Frogs-Theatre- Opera.
Resourceful Odysseus King of Ithaca and tingling Elpinoras decided to descend into Hades, to ask seer Tiresias if they turn back to Ithaca, or they will wander constantly in the opening, in the circles of Eternal Return.
When they arrived at the lake of Big Time,
They lead them famous Gargalonia- Frog Eggs to Underworld. All together went ap on a boat of old ferryman Charon paying three obols freight to download them to the underworld, in palaces of Pluto.
                       Descent into Hades
                       Descent into Hades

Darkness covered Hades did not appear nothing,
Fiery flames sprang up from the bowels of earth, and they burned that in front of them. An endless song of death, the human pain.
we are crazy Gargalonia- Frog Eggs
The warriors of sweet water
The teasers - the teasers
No one escapes from us.
Koax - koax -ko -ko -aa
No more money - end the money
They finished the jokes, we arrived at the end.
From here the god of Hades with you.
I hope you liked and you give Life!

We confused said resourceful Odysseus
How we will find the house of Pluto, I do not see anything, it is pitch-darkly, It's like an imaginary hologram.
The passages are subtle; perhaps this it is the city of future, the home of future.
Filthy what you want here Get fast, you will gut the monster of Hades with seven heads and many hands.
How you passed from Cerberus and the madness gargalonia, they're checking around the world!
Asked Aiitis.
Multimode Elpinora hiding behind me, you want to change roles becoming Odysseus and I Elpinoras, King in place of King asked Odysseus.
Why you think that I will be afraid, I accept gladly to become Odysseus bring to put clothes of Dragon with human form.
This change brought up under Involve in adventures both of Ithaca man, and multiform Odysseus asked to change
Again roles from mad Elpinora .

The Meeting of resourceful Odysseus with seer Teiresias, his mother Antikleia in underworld, in the palaces of Hades.
The souls of deads are pushed to get ahead,
to get a better position. They pull their hair and spread his hands desperately
, their voices are heard in all underworld
remarked Elpinoras
 But where is my mother Antikleia
the blind seer Tiresias.
Once we passed the Golden Gate, Big Nekyia unfolds scary. You see the idol of my dead mother how’s crying poor; it seems so miserable and helpless.
My boy tossed Odysseus
what do you want and descended into Hades.
Who is this with you Oh! The silly Elpinoras.
Will search his mum down here that came
and will stand for with you, who listens after.
Ah ! Mommy sweetheart mummy
How nice to see you, How I want to hug.
Do not make behind, please do not avoid me.
You're like an impossible dream
An Apparition , a Shadow of Hades
I cannot reach you, you touch upon.
Multimode Odysseus you make also intelligent,
You did not understand how you can reach her.
A fairy is, a cloud flying and lost in the abyss said Elpinoras.
What did you think my boy I am dead. Only my soul was flying to flutter like a bird. All other members of the body they burned at the stake. This is the fate of mortals
No one cannot be saved.
To ask the seer Tiresias what is his prophecy.
Blind seer Tiresias you will not have a problem
Blind you, you will see wonderful In the dark.
I wonder how godlike Odysseus took you with him
and not left you in a distant harbour.
Venerable old man you listened to the whole world.
Your prophecies were accepted from all and you did never fell out. Tell me what you foresee through cycles of future.
We will turn behind in desirable Ithaca or we will wander for eternity, making the travel of Eternal Return.
Enduring Ulysses with troubled soul, he wants to be very brave to descend into Hades in sunless palace of Pluto.
Wise old man only my heart knows, what I took to come this far. Another time I will tell you from the beginning.
Diogenes Laertiadi Multimode Ulysses
Know therefore that you will return to mythical Ithaca,
after many wanderings and adventures .You will pull a lot of ills until you reach your beloved homeland.
Never afraid of Laestrygonians and the Cyclopes.
Always brave you face the dangers be grateful that you received the journey despite the sufferings and adventures .
Famous Odysseus let's get out quickly, the deads cast their hands desperately, they want to come together us.
My Favourite Mommy and you Wise seer Tiresias
How afflict my soul hurts indeed, we leave so quickly to suddenly.

                     BATLLE FROGS
                RISE OF THE HADIS
Dreadful Pluto, the sovereign of Darkness ordered giant Antaeus to accompany the legendary heroes in the Upper World. He said to protect them from the adventures, sufferings, enemies or hazards of Great Nekyia.

               SO BEGAN THE BIG RISE

Divine Odysseus Seer Tiresias predicted the return to Ithaca after many hardships and adventures. We learned about the much afflicted Return in mythical Ithaca, all those years of wandering, I try to remember the form of my own but I can not. Resourceful Odysseus saw your mother, prudent Antikleia was the most shocking moment in Hades, she talked about the Beautiful Ithaca our
Multimode Odysseus and you ticklish Elpinora
I will not keep to you other in the down world. The road is clear and dogs tied Antaeus where are you stupid why are you messing around.
My King cried forever your servant.
What it became they leave already the visitors.
Divine Odysseus and multiform Elpinoras leave the underworld, they learned what they wanted.
You undertake to accompany them as the opening of Hades, who would hurt them have to makes with me.
Wants with me Cerberus, the dog with three heads
And the tail with the dragon head.
You Geryon undertakes to pass the heroes,
Over the abyss, dark abyss
Until the gates leading to the Upper world.
With what we will go up the travel is long and difficult
Asked multimode Odysseus.
As you went down with the boat of demon Flegya,
In Hades there are no luxuries answered king Pluto.
All together they left the boat demon Flegya
Mythical Odysseus, famous Elpinoras,
Giant Antaios, Cerberus there were standing
And looked around carefully. Flew over Geryon
The winged demon ready to intervene if necessary.
They passed over the abyss, the Island of Fire
Where becomes the PURGATION of SOULS.
They burnt until the expiation in all stages of Consciousness.
Angels of Deaths guarding the gates of Hades,
E!  Patriots what you make here continue asleep. Anyone wanting enters and exits the underworld.
Famous Odysseus and multiform Elpinoras
They passed from the Golden Gate of big time,
And left behind the down world.
Astonished they reached in mouth of Hades,
In Acheroysia lake with terrible fumes.
They left fast going to the next forest to escape.
They look alien
As if it came from another world.
Alea - aleo
Koax - koax
Let's see what they will make.

The detectors frogs Oros, Minos and Aiakos
Together with Prince Rhadamanthy led the Warriors
Of light in the palace of King Ogygou.
Nano frogs camped around the palace whole armies filled the surrounding hills, plains lakes until reaching the human eye. Meanwhile in the opposite camp
King Ajax, the makers and the Suitors they had military councils to decide how they will continue the great BATTLE FROGS. All hanging by a thread, a simple fact
That could change the outcome of the battle, the History.
Divine Odysseus and you multimode Elpinora
Welcome to the Land of Frogs.
Magnificent Ogyge brave King
Thanks for the welcome.
Multimode king of Ithaca
What reason brought you to our country?
My King we come from the underworld
Pluto left us free we are PEACEMAKERS.
As you can see we are at war with the Giant frogs
In a ruthless battle without Return.
Maybe we have the solution for this we want to be helpful.
Ajax King Giant frogs and famous Suitors
They in marriage my daughter, princess Rodanthe
To unite the two kingdoms.
Ajax did not even asked if I'm in love
If I want to be married, my opinion.
Rhadamanthys is the great love of my life
We are madly in love. Suitors declared the war
They want their woman beautiful Rodanthe.
We will fight until the end until we win.
I could not give my daughter
For charm an incompatible, ineffective alliance.
Wouls be a life miserable, she would suffer much.
King Ogyge immediately called a council of war
Exists way to overcome.

The most prominent nano frogs they come
in Cabinet War Rooms.
King Dude I thought great design to beat their opponents.
I suggest Princess Rodanthe take one of the Suitors
For man to be his wife.
What I hear if it is possible multimode King
I did not expect to hear this from You.
Resourceful Odysseus how dare you say such a thing
Thanks you are a guest of our King.
Let's listen first multiform Odysseus
What he has to say - what has to suggests.
Brave nano frogs I suggest the Murder of Suitors
How we become divine Odysseus
This did not pass never from our minds.
Princess Rodanthe will invite Suitors
At the palace to announce what she wants to they make
To win her heart and throne.
Set up the great TRAP
Alea - aleo
When they are gathered in the throne room
Will appear beautiful,
And you will ask to compete in some sports.
You will say that whoever beat you will marry
You will become his wife and this king.
Who are the fights, trials of suitors,
When Suitors are caught in trap you will decide what you will make.
Divine Rodanthe was late it goes down from on floor palace and the Suitors worried. Giant frogs went there without guard and weapons, they had great confidence in their forces. They wore official uniforms waited so handsome to learn what they want the Beautiful frog woman. When princess Rodanthe went down the scale
A marvelous exclamation sounded in the hall.
Antaeus the most handsome of the suitors said.
Divine Rodanthe I would do anything to be my wife.
Gorgeous Rodanthe I give my life for you
I am at your command.
Polite Suitors thank you from my heart for your kind words.
But not so fast I cried to tell you what I want from you,
What I want to make to become your woman,
I ask you to give some Games, whoever assembles the bigger grades this will be the new king!
Suitors went mad from joy, they did not expect this,
Immediately accepted the proposal. But the judges of competitions and viewers they were transformed warriors.
Once reach the Suitors in the field of sport
They touched them also they tipped the scales
 In the cage with the insanes.
In the end all together decided together Nano frogs
That he should not kill them, to stain their hands with blood and exiled them far away from the land of frogs.
The rest Giant frogs accepted defeat, and walked away from the battlefields. After that were set up big dance, big feast. Then became the marriage and the Coronation
Of Rhadamanthys with Rodanthe.


The souls of the dead are countless flocks, armies, constitutions come from the abyss. They came from the underworld along with me and resourceful Odysseus.
They want to live the life over again, that broke the bonds of death. The Eternal Return of opening reveals
the dimensions of the big time.
Until we find the Ideal City we have time, the birds show the way fabulous Elpinora.
Until we find Daedalus he is the man who became Dragon bird transformed into a dragon with wings
And then takes the form of Anthropomorphic Dragon.
A dance of wild arpies, prehistoric, historic
And migratory birds made noise spoiling the world.
The eagles, vultures, crows, other birds
And the servant of the Dragon with wings appeared
Jaunty, jaunty shaking their tails.
Very funny they became ridiculous, bozos
Spending for smart while being silly.
I live some of the transformations of an alien
 Now I am an exotic bird deep in good spirits.
I look changed but it does not matter
I will return to my normal levels.
So do not be surprised if you see change form,
Persons, to become someone else.
What kind of man he is from where keeps his generation.
This is also number, crazy and thinks he is something else
From where came from.
I am from the Democracy of Big Time, a meta chronic
Of time that became eagle, air grinding. We are not well we have no mind we bring planetary Peace.
Tralala- tralalo
For it cried this strange type we want to know him.
What kind of thing is, does not doing anything
Does not knows nothing,
Yet everyone obeys and is terrified.
Who shout so loud and woke up me the fools,
They think they are in the arena.
If I be angry will get them and lift up
Neither saves nor Zeus on Olympus.
Wow! Wow! He is enormous cannot move from weight.
Look Elpinora the Dragon bird transformed into winged dragon and then becomes Anthropomorphic.
It sucks everything at once, all over the world
When blowing the fiery flame out of his mouth,
Scans cities and villages. Makes demonstration of force to scare, he did not understand but in what has to be done.
Who is this windbag make the man, the smart
And he wants to clash with me.
What do you think wild dragon how to scare us
Neither have you understood who you're put.
Shut up fool do not to provoke him
It will be angry and will crush us in timber.
Oh! Resume excuses you make back and you put me to clean if it is possible.
What do you want stupid, idiot, you came to get my kingdom and present yourself so much provocative.


He is huge, it emits light blinding, I feel something like a magnet to pulls me close to him said prudent Odysseus
He has a great eye they see through the vast space.
With fingerlike legs and antennae easily dominates
The surrounding imposing what he wants.
His big nose shows how lying as long as more it speaks so much this grows. It causes fear and admiration
And has the knowledge and information for all.
Zoingk! Zoingk!
Polite bird grazy bird tell us how you came,
How you passed  the folds of Big Time
And security systems.
It appears you have supernatural powers.
Travels through the wormhole opening of big time. Depending on the time I live transformed into something other than I am. Sometimes I become rapidly bird
Sometimes angel of life and death, king, sovereign, prince, knight, General, fearless warrior who imposes his Power. Sometimes I go mad from joys and the Games
Of Love.


Asius the traveler of light was with Oort, Astaroth, Arcturus and other aliens, there appeared Although situated amid the global bird, for many reasons left unseen.
Companions of  big time do you know in who city we arrived I do not see nothing.
They saw us and hid, they must be scared.
We are very far from home, what folly we made
We do not sit in our house.
E! You strangers  E! You travelers rhey look like aliens
From where you came. Wow! Wow! What clothes you wear they look totally exotic figures.
We are travelers of light, chronic of time
We came to your city to see what becomes closely.
The walls are impermeable it is made of light and air,
How you build it.
The secrets are inviolable we do not disclose to anyone.
Only insanes would do something like talking openly to a stranger. We are the country of Peace.
There is absolute respect for others,
Old men, old women, men, women, children,
People regardless of color and origin.
Oh! I said and I calmed left a weight off me.
Who Reigns who Files in this country
We need to talk with him.

Αll together we exercise power
All together we exercise power
We are shared the Power
And with polls we exercise our duties.

              OTHER LYSISTRATA

Divine Odysseus and the Multiform Elpinoras arrived at the port of Piraeus, where left the ship of legendary Ithaca under a shed. On the way to Athens voices heard and asked to learn what happens a group of Athenian.
Goddess Athena was transformed into one of these
Replied politely.
Join us we will accommodate you
Do not turn yourself along and deserts in five streets.
Thank you-thank you
Are famous Elpinoras, the warrior of light,
And resourceful Odysseus.
When they arrived at the house of Lysistrata requested

To meet the multimode Athenian. This just hearing who was the two Foreign immediately came out to greet them
As if they knew long.
Pass-pass you have reached at the appropriate time.
We need allies to achieve-this-we want.
Wants and query Is it ever possible to deny something to a woman.
This I say to Athenian listen-we got the power from men
Women manage Athens.
Why men what do, eagle fly
They did not understand anything.
They are absent in the war fighting years away.
Gradually we take the power.
Wow! Wow this is awesome first time happens in History,
Women taking power. And what are you going to do
How will face the men.
And how do you achieve this. The opponents will exploit differences and will attack to conquer Athens.
We have Plan, Drawing Female Plan
We made it to the female mind, Is unbeatable!
No one can put us. We the women hold the fate of world
In our hands. Men only think the war and love.
Only a major upset saves us It is time to take the power,
Enough we tolerated the men.
Once the men return from the war fronts
They will impress from a lot Eros- Love
The unbridled passion up to final fall. They cannot get their feet will speak crazy from ecstasy. Not tolerate such change so they will not want to fight anymore.
 Bewitched by the mystery of Love
Will change their minds, the idea of ​​war.
I think to wear the most sexy clothes that I have
In order to impress everyone.
Tail Lovers! It will run from behind
I will not know who to pick.
I will not hide anything everything will be transparent
I want to see my shapely body.
I will affix my breasts against the war,
It is more beautiful than Helen,
And for mound I will put my divine ass.
Citadel will become the symbol of Fight
We founded the Ideal City where will prevail Women Peace. Come all together
Give Oath of eternal Faith and Friendship.
Life is Beautiful - Life is Beautiful
With so many women from around
Where mind for war. Enough I fought it reaches anymore
Let us rejoice and I just love, so long I have to see my wife I really miss-missing too much.
Dying for love but I do not want that.
I will be begging on his knees!
What are these caprices been driving me crazy.
Erato sweetie, come into my arms.
No I do not want Gorgias stay away from me.
You go to battle enemies,
Now you remembered me
What did you do in the war so long.
First we will discuss for Peace
How to stop the war.
Erato my sweet wife
Do not torturing another, I have sensitivities
Man I am, how many I will bear.
First we will discuss for Peace how to stop the war.

Do not do other frill
Plan will spray in the air.

Multiform Alcibiades, Beautiful Lysistrata
Famous Cleon and godlike Cassandra
Was invited in the house of divine Plato,
To celebrate Reconciliation of Men and Women.

Who is with you what is this goddess.
My queen-my queen the great love of my life.
Multiform Cleon asked to dance
Cassandra and the beautiful couple began
Dancing happy confirming his love.
Resourceful Lysistrata I learned that others did
When I was away at war. Rumble Athens, all for you speaks.
Ate horn the handsome Alcibiades
He must take care from where passing not knock in any door. Phew-phew far from me and where wants so be it.
Who are you talking Cléon 

Exists Other- exists Other Revealed divine Odysseus King of Ithaca. Once arrived in Athens, living in the house of Lysistrata its guest.
The bad languages say that you are already Elsewhere
How Hosting in your house a mythical hero. It will be the biggest duel became Ever.
Will collide with resourceful Odysseus
If I learn that you are his mistress.
When women have implemented the Plan of Love
Dominated completely without any doubt.
Most cannot afford war lost violence from within
And the rage of the warrior! We eat-drink pass marvelously and make passionate love.
We see the world with a different eye, different.
You are more beautiful from goddess Aphrodite,
We the light travelers, we bow front in your greatness.
The Galactic Peace of Big Time is true an irrevocable fact.

Resourceful Odysseus and Multiform Elpinoras
Viewed as- Ex Machina Gods And all raptures, remained speechless.
Divine Odysseus suddenly presented
As from Ex Machine-God-is amazing.

You guys always forget me I cannot understand,
I do the same things with the ingenious Odysseus.
Democracy of Big Time involves opening
The passage in multiple dimensions.
And the women - women where you put women
It is the other half of world.
The male and the female become One
In an opening passage in the eternal possibility of Love
For creation of a new life.
Godlike Odysseus King of eternal return
The representative of Democracy of Big Time
He has only friends and not nationals.
All we are Same-although different
Children of a world who constantly eludes
While revealed through the opening.

  ROME-NERO 54-68 AD

The couples of Gladiators came out and made it around the arena having swords hold up, to see spactators how many sharpened are.
The long-suffering Greeks had reached the heart of Latio in Rome's cradle out of the Flavian amphitheater. Once Nero and his escort arrived went to the imperial theater place. Immediately people burst into applause. The Sun King offered bread and circuses, complimentary wine and endless celebrations. The people had fun and drunk from morning to night. The pairs of gladiators came out and made it around the arena shouting loudly.

                             Ave Caesar

                         Morituti te salutant

The death of other was- their lives, remained alive only when they achieved to kill the opponent. Gladiators gutted crawling with offals thrown out over the earth, in vain asked imploring help kill them.
Existed hands cut underfoot, heard groans and fierce voices of those still fighting. An incredible straggler conduced in front of the viewers eyes.
Countless slaves and employees of amphitheater began to erect poles in the arena. After at thousands they drew Christians
tied behind his back the unfortunate.
When somebody as cat jumped amid the arena wearing the skin of a wild animal with a mask over his head. The Emperor himself in person lunged against the Christians and began devouring and to rape men and women together. Followed another beast disguised, a ferocious gladiator, the freedman Satellite, the man of Nero after the strong beat, raped him madness front the eyes of all Empire. This cried obviously delighted shrieks and was making like <raped virgin>.
All Amphitheatre laughed and mocked with his soul, was visibly happy because such Emperor entertained so much the world and did everything for Population. When finished the antics of wrestler executioners appeared with the black clothes, wearing hoods and shamelessly began indiscriminately to reap the heads of the Christians with great ax. Did not bear resourceful Odysseus and tormented comrades immediately jumped in Conistra.
And with awesome art began to kill the executioner freeing Christians. Froze the Auditorium, all wondering who are these, fast Nero stood up with a loud voice and flamboyant style, he asked ironically playing theater. Who are you nice stranger
How release with this way
The wretched Christians, you have no order.
Multimode Odysseus flooded from holy wrath replied with divine voice, such that rocked the Amphitheatre.


The None.
And Nero said shocked.
Brave stranger you talk like Greek
Like the mythical king of Ithaca.
Thus replied divine Odysseus in Cyclops Polyphemus, when with his comrades escaped from cave while kept them prisoners.
Because I admire greatly Greece,
I allow you with Your Christians
Leave as long as it is time
Otherwise the Praetorian are ready to intervene.
I give you some time to save yourself
For the glory of Roman people and the World
who is mine.

                     Ave Geasar
               The last free Greetings

Divine Emperor with his guard directed
And gave orders, smoked and battening walked on burning Rome to give courage to the world. He gave orders to share food from the imperial warehouses and care for wounded. Some Romans said openly how Nero and Praetorian blame for the disaster, but he showed magnanimous understanding.
Multimode Odysseus and his long-suffering partners went to a safe area with her eyes deep red from the smoke. Many Romans had already set up a great feast, staring in awe as the city burnt while

Huge flames and smokes covered the sky of Rome. Poet Emperor went up this horrible Night in the tallest tower of garden, and while the noise of fire raged under the legs toy-recited verses saying it would remain for centuries.
Nero sang the burning of Troy.
Ecstatic with the help of Apollo that dictated via this speed, the booming voice was sounded strong but faded from the chaos of fire. The officer and the soldiers tried to save Nero - such order they had-
But he said in a whisper: Too late centurion too late.
He took a wheezing lost consciousness
Turned upside down his eyes then died.
Then the soldiers threw over a purple cloak covering the person.

He died as emperor as Julius Caesar,
He died as a hero of Tragedy
This absolute monarch having the best age, thirty years old, was educated truly, had great passion with the Arts and Humanities. Grand when wanted, deeply sick
Became criminal because surrounding was Rotten.


                     1453 AD

The Emperor Constantine Palaeologus when he learned that arrived the resourceful Odysseus and multimode comrades

Ordered the imperial officials to prepare a part of Grand Palace to them receiving Ithacans.
Paleologos, the last Emperor asked
Full of excitement with anxiety because divine Odysseus
Said nothing about the fate of Constantinople.
Big King what should we expect?
What is the fate of the City?
Resourceful Odysseus understand the anxiety of Emperor, did not want to grieves him, said only that the End of end began much earlier for the City.
An aide came running and said something softly in Notaras,
He immediately made sign to the emperor that all was ready.

     << In Constantinople, God have the Hagia Sophia, the Emperor the Palace and people the Hippodrome. >>

All together they came from the west gate, speechless saw the splendor of the Church in all its greatness.
First time saw such a colossal building and were surprised, divine chanting flooded the glorious Temple. A huge crowd chanted along with the Patriarch and made the souls of much affected Odysseus and prudent partners to rigisoun emotion.
When everyone sat long silence prevailed,
Then Patriarch Gennadius made the beginning
And immediately all together began to chant the Akathist Ymno. Young Pantisach very worried he walks back and forth on stage, beast Ungentle fitted

Place. Mehmet was the real Sovereign
Teeming flare said staff officers and submissive.
He's a long time since went up in the throne, since then one and only thought comes in my mind.
That I will conquer the City of Cities.
Sultan gave orders to his staff settled on the hill north of the Golden Horn from where he directed forces.

Emperor Constantine left hurried,, the generals warned that the Turks made a general attack and had to be at the forefront for face the enemies.
Greeted politely the world and told to divine Odysseus that will meet later.
Declaration of Union meant the salvation of the new Rome-was the political movement of Constantine.

Later Luke Notaras openly disagreed front in the all world.
He said amid the Hagia Sophia how butter to sees in Constantinople the Turkish turban despite the Papal Tiara.
Then the crowd erupted and began shouting Constantine
Apostate - Apostate
And all with one voice said Cardinal Isidore,
Turned back with the unleavened bread to Rome.
Emperor Constantine Paleologos, forty-nine years old with beard, he loved loneliness, had no children although married twice, conciliatory without the arrogance of others Palaiologoi.
Royal dignified helped workers to build the walls, and encouraged their masters and overseers.

Constantine took the Gate of St. Romanos the section from the river Lykio Charsia Gate, the marshal Giustiniani had substantial responsibility, he organized the defense.
Vailos of Venice with the Venetians installed in the palace of Blachernai the impregnable fortress of city, the warriors of San Marcos undertook the keep between Charsias Gate and the Palace of Porphyrogenitus.
Greeks had entirely the Golden Gate and Sylivriani.
Loukas Notaras and his men guarding the port and
The interior was the weakest part of the wall.

Turks in myriad camped outside the walls within eight hundred meters, arrayed for battle awaited the final command.
Sultan Muhammad with his entourage inspected riding in snow-white filly the walls, next to Spachis most elite riders was ready to die for him.

Divine Odysseus and Beautiful girl were looked at ecstatic, felt as if they knew centuries, as if they had lived many lives together. This deceived and wandering, first time felt so fully, traveling to the open fields Love.
Fabulous Odysseus greeted politely asked what her name is.
Helen Paleologos replied hesitantly
You're the famous king of Ithaca.
If I had not heard for you I will pass

For some Sovereign of City.

                     -ALLACHU AKMPAR-

Janissaries with guns and swords in their hands raided screaming loudly

                         Allaah - Allaah

The voices sounded Eventually the ends of world, until they reach the walls as most fell dead from the vaccines free besieged. Collapses down to form huge mountains of corpses. Those saves and reached up to the exterior walls, they thrown with force the torchbearer who held spears and swearing vulgar the besieged, they reciprocated the same. Greeks threw over the Liquid Fire,
Turks they took immediately fire and burned alive starting
Heart breaking voices.

What God believed these so brave soldiers and fighters from two camps. Who God let be so mercilessly slaughtered without pity, so violently.
Nowhere in the Gospel did not write for such slaughter,
And the God of Koran at least in prayers was gracious and merciful.

Resourceful Odysseus and his multimode companions 
They did not bear to see other such slaughter,
The Greeks are killed so much wildy and these
To remain simple observers. They took up arms and ran
To presented marshal Giustiniani

Saying that they are friends of Constantine and have permission from the Emperor to fight.
Genovese realized how skilled warriors as they kept their weapons and told to stay close to him, he wanted to have beside brave lads, know from war.

                          27 MAY 1453

Janissaries had huge displacement, struck with such force that opponents are forced to backtrack several steps. First went up in the wall by pressing over the piles of corpses, mountains of formed around the inaccessible castle. They sacrificed to pass the Others,
An endless song of Death.

              LAST PALAIOLOGOS

Riding a white horse wearing royal clothes,
Had red robe draped over his shoulders
Green jacket with golden figures
And purple shoes, give courage to say
 For warriors

                             28 May 14

          << You keep well and this time
                And the day is ours >>

That brave men turned and looked at him

Almost through the grave, and had given the last of their forces with the difficulty they raised swords for fight.
                       29 May 1453

After the Greeks began to say louder,
All thought is it lie until he was yelling and then loud cry.
To listened also and took it to the lips and began to shout
Myriad Turkish soldiers until became great cry.
Shouts of joy, will voice of Victory
But also immense sound of crash,
Became Cry of defeat and despair.

                   EALO THE CITY - FALL THE CITY

Resourceful Odysseus and his multimode companions
They shocked just heard, the souls say
And thrown out of the Body.
Never they did not hear such cry,
Never did not feel such awe, such collapse,


This awesome feeling of the End
It always comes back to memory.
The cry of Fall until freed themselves
And the City together

                      My people, what concocted 
                      My people, what concocted 

 This dreadful day forever etched in the soul of much afflicted Odysseus. Increasingly multiplied Janissaries around Constantine, increasingly diluted guard around a -a fled secretly. Then the last Greek Emperor said with anguish with all force of his soul.
         << There is no Christian
                 To get my head >>

Lightning crossed his mind that this sacrifice
Would be followed by a resurrection.
What if fall with him a thousand years of Empire,
Heroic action will brighten the centuries.
Paleologos went down from the horse,
Removed the Imperial robe
And chain, so keeping the shield in one hand
And sword in the other fighting
Front of the Gate of St. Romanos
Divinely handsome looked at straight in the eyes the death. Alone fought Constantine Palaeologus,
Multiply the enemies around him, but who tirelessly
He despised the Grim Reaper stroking the look
Opponents, similar to Angel of Paradise.
Alone fought Constantine Paleologos
Lived imperious immense loneliness of Death.
In his hands it kept the whole earth,
Only those thoughts and feelings are not
Left the mythical king.
Now and then a lightning pierced 
His mind and had the feeling that
He was already in Paradise.
The wall seemed very small and people Ants
While they climbed over until they reach the top
The world turns upside down.
A sword found Constantine in person
And he retaliated by throwing the enemy down,
After another over the chest
And swooped like a lion against all.
Kill countless but was all alone,
From behind found the emperor still one strong,
After another and fell down dead
The latter Greek,
Constantine Palaeologus, the Marbled King
Eternal grief, forever will be heard for centuries.

EALO-                                  FALL

Turks stepped Reigning

                 VENICE 1453 AD

Venetians flooded the square, occupied the whole waterfront, overwhelmed from the news warmly greeted the Greeks while
Went down from ships rhythmically chanting the name of the city.



All together, the doges of Venice embraced warmly resourceful Odysseus, multiform Elpinora and other Greeks.
The Council of Ten, doge Francesco Foskari, bankers Pisani, doges Giovanni and Andrea Gkriti, Dukes, Counts, admirals, generals, aristocrats, all Patricians State of the sea- was on the big platform.
Godlike Odysseus took a deep breath and looked after one by one officials turned to the square was full of Venetian and with booming voice as if it ran centuries he shouted hard.

                  EALO CITY -FALL THE CITY
                            EALO -          FALL

Venetians heard overwhelmed the new could not believe their ears. Constantinople was captured, the most beautiful, the richest city
In the world.

                   EALO CITY - FALL THE CITY
                           EALO -            FALL

Said Venetians from all apartments-temple
San Giovanni in Bragkiera, San Giacometti
in the Rialto as Scuol Grande di San Rocco, they ran terrified with the soul in the mouth to the Piazza San Marco. Screamed like mad, crossed themselves and entered in the churches to pray, mothers looking for their children.

                     EALO CITY - FALL THE CITY
                             EALO -            FALL

They said to each other and their voices  covered the city,
A mortal cry raises the souls.
Constantine Palaeologus the last emperor
Fighting along riding a white horse
In front of the gate of paradise.
Died Constantine Paleologos shouted
Venetians all together the last emperor
The Turks pulled the reign.

Anna Notaras is one Beautiful Greek
exclaimed Cardinal Bessarion like someone interrupted his thoughts. It was between two men and an empire
And had to choose.
The father of the great Duke Luke Notaras, charismatic men of Constantinople, a nobleman of Byzantium dominated in the political Play of City.  It grew small Anna giving the all supplies in order that one day becomes a great empress.
Constantine Paleologos was the man of her life, the great love, how he wanted to be his wife. It believes it was the perfect empress, a great woman, would make children with her. The most important was madly in love with Anna.

Reached in the palace where he lives Anna Palaiologina
Continued the Cardinal, changes permanently houses,
Nobody knows what really remains.
Anna Palaiologina is the only that can succeed
The great Constantine Paleologos.
The only that can reverse Ahmed, Muhammad the Conqueror.
Can link the all Greeks it has enormous capacities,
Knows from policy - she managed an empire and is excellent in the war against the enemy.
Revolution must be continuous and eternal, until leave also the last Turkish soldier of territories of Byzantine Empire. Palazzo Lorendan and Ka Forseti, twins Veneto-Byzantine buildings, in these lives Anna Palaiologina, exclaimed prince Ithakisios.
The batler with servants waiting at the entrance of white palace Laurent. Pass you pass, Excellency waits for you it said, he made ​​royal curtsey the person in charge of reception. From here please
All together the Ithacans, Cardinal Bessarion and the knights of Greek Code followed Anna Palaiologina, the last Byzantine princess. Beside her was the Great Seals and key holder of the palaces of Constantinople, Emmanuel Lascars. Constantine Paleologos confided to him the keys of empire one thousand years and even Further.

Passing from a narrow corridor, the daughter of Luke Notaras opened the door of secret crypt and all went through.
The Greeks of Brotherhood remained voiceless from unimaginable treasure that saw. Whole Trunks, chests, nautical chests were full of gold coins, precious stones, emeralds, rubies, diamonds, pearls were thrown on the floor. Countless bars of gold, pure silver, thousands Codes, manuscripts, books, scrolls, official papers, documents, evidence that they managed to salvage from the destructive fury of Turks. With these wealth’s with this improbable treasure you can buy Venice said resourceful Odysseus, to make investments across Europe

You will organize the Brotherhood of Serenisima and
You found centers of Hellenism in the anile Continent.
The aim is holy answered Anna Palaiologina with teardrops in the eyes. The bigger part of treasure will go
 To the enslaved Greeks, they need that, the Greeks of empire groaning under the tyranny of Ottomans, are enslaved from the Turks.
Constantine Palaeologus, the last emperor, just before going to fight the Turks in the Gate of St. Romanos. Shortly before he falls heroically fighting like a lion, alone with a few brave against an entire empire put under oath to make quickly Revolution against the Tyranny of Ottomans. Approach my friends
Said in the knights of Greek Code.

Come -Come
To see what trust us the Emperor.
I give you the Code of Constantinople she said
It will be your guide in the Centuries,
Until regenerate the Greeks creating a new renaissance
To get back the town, my beloved Constantinople.
Do not wasted so much blood spilled for reign.
The Greeks of Byzantium created the most brilliant civilization of Humanity, this transmit in all Europe. The Greeks are the first people in history who founded a Democracy without have government owned Entity, without practices power intervened multimode Odysseus.

Brotherhood of Venice founded a difference Demecracy after the fall of Constantinople.
The only power is the Solidarity- Unit- Freedom, justice and equality among all the Greeks, having designed the Greek Revolution, the rebirth of nation.
History, knowledge and education of thousands of centuries are an incredible creation of Greek Nation, with the connective tissue the unprecedented Greek language. The war against the Turks must be relentless until you release the empire and the double-headed eagle fluttered over the walls of Constantinople.
-Charter of Venice-
Said that will rise the slaves Greeks
Against Ottomans for the creation of a new Greek state.

How to regenerate the Genus
Proclaimed nationality Liberation Struggle
Along with the Cultural Resurrection,
Having as promise the DEATH
Having as prospect the FREEDOM.

Divine Ithakisios we live absolute Erota- Love
Who keeps countless centuries
One Night and one Day in magical Venice.
Come let us put masks continued love Eleanor.
The two lovers were puzzled when they went out
In the crowd of carnival and lost.
Eleonor- Eleanor, Lost Eleonor
Shouted the knight Ithakisios it was mixed with the world

Was Lost in the dance of Carnival.
Ithakisios - Ithakisios
Where is Ithakisios
Asked Beautiful Leonor.
Surrounded from admirers
How we were lost without we want
Said prince Ithakisios, pity will not come with me,
I will see later in the dance of Palazzo Ducale.

Beautiful prince
I want you see something if becomes this marriage,
If I become Queen of Sweden and live there.
There will be no marriage will not let that happen never
Nobody will get you despite your will
Reply with fervor the little prince, he must first duel with me. My Favorite Sophia only death can separate us.

They said the brave knight as multimode Sophia opened the door of a lovely living room going to the big library.
The heart of princess was beating like crazy 
Looked at with admiration divine Michelangelo.
Looks Beautiful as a Greek and she felt an unspeakable happiness flooded her soul, Sophie could not take her eyes off him.
The naked transparent bodies with bright outlines founded the DEMOCRACY OF LOVE extracting the share of eternity that was rightfully their.