Σάββατο 4 Οκτωβρίου 2014



                   NIKOS KOLESIS 
              TRILOGY FALL OF CITY
                     FALL THE CITY
                Also wrote Theatre – Opera
Resourceful Odysseus and his multimode companions 
reborn with the world in the center of Mediterranean,
through the cycles of big time Return.
They lived the Same as Eternity rolled quiet
continuous discontinuity times of Big Time.
Will not defeat us barbarians shouted awesome Odysseus. The battle closed to the side of pirates,
then appeared Pallas Athena, took the wheel and made the ship of Ithaca invisible shadow.
Multiform Ithacans passed between the enemy ships without sees nothing.
Mythical Ithacans passed from Magna Graecia, Agrigento, Syracuse and discussed with Pythagoras, Empedocles, Archimedes, and they lived close to the Roman conquest.
Then know the country of Etruscans in the foothills of the Apennines that later named land of Tuscany.

Mythical Odysseus and divine Aeneas recognized each other the signs of mortals-Immortals.
Τhen kissed and asked legendary Aeneas.
Resourceful king of Ithaca
your passions end do not have
What wind brought you in fabulous Rome.
I do not know here I will know the reason replied multimode Odysseus.
But great king of Ithaca
an old tradition says that if a mortal immortal like you want to enter in the city, must first clash with me, to fight or wrestle. I prefer to fight answered multimode Odysseus 
not by accidentally killed someone.
They fought as equal to God and sweat bathed the bodies
but nobody defeat.

Then Remos with Romulus, Romans, multiform companions agreed that they are equivalent and proclaimed the opponents scoreless.
Now all the doors were open for fabulous Ithacans to get in the Eternal City, to discover the greatness and tragedy of Rome. Once they passed the gate to the right of the entrance admired the sculpture of divine Augustus.
The emperor with military uniform spoke to the Roman legions. Is the end of the Civil War and the beginning of PAX ROMANA.
The long march began from the Holy Way and lead to the imperial center.
Architecture and Urbanism looked great art of Romans.
The city reflected the beauty and

Innocence, later they know the wild Roman night, the darkness of dictatorship, the black light of death. Late – late they unfolded the Roman circles intersect by the god Tiber.
Multimode Ithacans advanced ecstatic to the great square
Julia Basilica, the Forum of Augustus and Vespasian.
Cicero speeches while the crowd listened- listened rapt. He spoke with style sometimes brilliant Greek and sometimes Latin. Standing proudly in a wonderful position as the eagles of Rome.
Among the audience were praetors and consuls of Rome, aristocrats, senators they wore the most expensive clothes, purple with white crowns and expensive diamonds, looked more like Alexandrians.

Caesar sat  in prominent place wearing his crown. So all together, assembled showed their force, wanted to avoid another Alexandrian War- Belum Alexandrum.
It was a popular assembly enthusiast, urban proletariat sometimes met and sometimes strongly disapproved.
Gaios Gracchus, K. Ortisios, Caesar, Marcus Anthony, M. Crassus the model of Cicero passed from this step saying revolutionary speeches. All together through the multiple opening of big time lived another Roman marvel.
The palace of Augustus built south-east of Palatine Hill
dominated in all Rome.

Augustus accepted the all world, listen the problems and gave solutions, just as did the democratic tycoons.
Multimode Ithacans passed the entry and entered in the garden of palaces, immediately felt intense the magic.
Augustus, the ruler of Pax Romana boasted of his great memory, a lot of knowledge, conceived and composed a lot of problems together. Extremely gifted created and expressed the quintessence of Roman Nation.
First spoke Aristoxenos the secretary of August, greeted cordially Greeks saying rejoiced double, he met this Greek fabulous Odysseus and diversity partners.
Presented divine August saying that it is
Principus first citizen according to the democratic standards, elected from the people with a large majority,
Imperator, Pontifix Maximus.
This brilliant man awaits for your arrival
ready to accept the opening of big time.

After Augustus spoke and said majestically.
Equal to God Odysseus tall and beautiful stranger
and you polite partners welcome to the Eternal City.
Learn than when you passed the Prima Porta radically
changed your fate, from here you are under the protection
of the emperor  of Rome.
Rigise eminent Odysseus when he heard the words of emperor and said full of emotion.
Great and divine August your words sound like exquisite music.

The all streets show the street of return
and all hide him. Fight us gods and demons and bad radical us, however us protect goddess Athena.
Resourceful Odysseus 
tell us about your kingdom, the famous island
the residents of municipality, the town where you lived.
Roman generals and admirals will lead you back home,
you and your companions.
Divine August
the mythical kingdom of Ithaca is located in the archipelago of Ionian Sea. Includes beautiful Zakynthos and Sami with impregnable citadel, fertile Doulichi as rocky and barren Ithaca.
The people are hospitable and great doubters, industrious and hardworking but sometimes hard and heartless behave unfairly.
Learn big Caesar
How the god of sea Poseidon and warlike Mars they prevent to turn back to Ithaca.

Then in August asked from fabulous Virgil
to tell the story of Aeneas and Dido in Carthage.
Their great love and how he left to found the legendary Rome.
Multiform Ithacans met in the gardens of famous Meccene
philosopher Seneca with his students. Lucius Domitios, Nero distinguished  with his appearance, next was Titus the son of Vespasian and others.
Ecstatic they approached splendid Odysseus saying that
actually lived that taught the great teacher

the opening of multidimensional Diversity
where they met the legendary king.
So many times  read the stories of Homer and dreamed
that fought with him.
Said  all together
equal to God Odysseus
tall and beautiful stranger
welcome to the Eternal City.
Multimode king smiled and said he felt so happy that he met so much brilliant young people and asked where they go all together.
They answered that they did lesson with their teacher
philosopher Seneca. After completion of the course
the teacher encouraged to go to the theater of Pompey
to see the Electra that playing an Athenian theatre company.
On the legendary Rome had lunch the -Dinner of Love-,
Greeks, Romans, Jews, Slaves, philosophers, women
old men, children sat in the Same table.
All before God was equal.

Peter and Paul the two pillars of  Church were among the guests. Paul became the greatest preacher of East and Peter taught the Justice and testified before God and men. Just before the two apostles Peter and Paul washed the legs of  brothers in a beautiful sample of utmost humility.
Rome exudes the fragrance of roses and geraniums
with the smell of blood of wild animals.
The foul smell of human flesh when rip wild from torture.
The enormous building, the famous Colosseum

It was found under the shadow of the Esquiline Hill
When they went inside was already full, the senators,
the Roman aristocracy was in their places.
The knights, judges, distinguished citizens were directly from above the arena where became the fights
the animal fights, duels were huge.
Thousands of Christians were piled in basements, one above the other in adjacent rooms.
They cried with anguish of soul, a lamentation of death
that reached reach the sky.
Flavian Amphitheater  incarnated the Roman feeling,
thousands of people waited anxiously for the emperor to start fights. Once Nero and his escort arrived quickly
went to themade meaning and the orchestra began
the Sun King offered <<bread and circuses  >>
free wine and endless celebration.

Nero Claudius Drusus
Apollo and Sun together
Poet, actor, guitar player, wrestler,
Incest, fratricidal, matricide
became the beast of Revelation.
The Emperor made meaning and the orchestra began
playing loudly announcing the start of the Games.
The people of Rome wanted animal fights and duels,
broken heads and minds flown in the arena.
Lions fighting with tigers, panthers and hyenas, while tamer on horses and elephants kill those beasts they remained alive.
The glorification of death became spectacle was when
threw people into the Arena.

The pairs of gladiators came out and made
the tour of arenas having swords hold up. Arriving in front of the imperial platform shouting loudly

                          Ave Gaesar
                       Morituti te salutant

A big chill gripped the soul of legendary Odysseus and wonderful companions, felt so close to death that wanted to tame him.
A lot of couples dueled  satisfying the thirst of spectators for blood.The death of opponent was their life, remained alive until the next.
Once finished the duels, employees and slaves
of Amphitheater set up stakes in the Arena.
The torturers began to beat mercilessly with whips
the naked bodies of these miserable and suffered greatly.

The spectacle began to become boring  when a cat jumped into the arena wearing the skin of a wild animal with a mask on his head.
The emperor himself in person lunged against Christians and began devouring  and raping men and women together.
Followed by another beast disguised, a ferocious gladiator, the freedman Satellite, man of Nero. After the strong beat, raped in front of the eyes of all empire.
This cried obviously satisfied and was making
shrieks raped virgin.
When finished the antics οf wrestler

Executioners appeared in black clothes, wearing hoods and shamelessly began to reap the heads
of Christians with axes.
Did not bear resourceful Odysseus and his brave companions, immediately jumped in the arena and with tremendous art began
to kill the executioner freeing the Christians.
Froze the Auditorium, all wondering who are these, but suddenly applause hotly, no one in Rome did not digest the executioners.
Nero quickly stood up and loudly asked playing theater.
Who are you  beautiful Stranger
how liberated in this way the wretched Christians,
you have no order.
Resourceful Odysseus answered with a divine voice
such that shook the theater.

Then Nero said shocked
brave Stranger you speak like Greek 
as the mythical king of Ithaca
in cyclops Polyphemus when with the companions
they escaped from the cave who kept by force.
Because I admire a lot Greece
I give you some time to save yourself and your Christians
for the glory of the Roman people and the world that is mine.
                         Ave Caesar
                       The last free
                        Greet you

Multimode Odysseus replied and greeted the crowds while cheered.
The fire swept everything in her passage, ravage entire blocks creating huge clouds of smoke, the looters were running like mad holding bundles filled with gold.
The rumor that Nero put fire for this returned hurried from Adio and oversaw with his guard to extinguish the fire. Nero gave rich loans to  people who like to build their homes, but when kept for himself the best land where he built the Golden Palace,
then they accused him that he put off the fire.
The fame that Christians put the fire quickly spread in the all city, the mob attacked the unfortunate people, many was led to prison.
The emperor himself appeared majestic knowing that the end is approaching. He wore a scarlet cloak embroidered with thousands of little stars above.

Actors, singers, dancers flanked the honor guard of Nero.
All together they passed the large circular room of conferences, were already in the middle of Golden Palace.
Around the vast gardens looked beautiful from the windows.
The walls were golden with elaborate decorations of gems and mother of pearl. When they finished the standard
took from the library where guarding a gold box
the lethal drug of Logkoustas.
The messenger from Iberian bring bad news.
Galba went with the rebels was like ordering

Nero to commit suicide. Nero was declared an enemy of Rome and sentenced to death, was defeated from a bald old man Galba.
Barefoot came out in the streets asking for help but no one opened the door neither those who once helped. The emperor together with the Seed, Epaphroditus some slaves went over to the horses and gallop to the villa of freedman.
They passed through then this great actor
he walked slowly to the center of the large hall.
Reserve with enough force had left a knife
and plunged in his neck, aided from his secretary Epafrodyto.
The blood was flown from his wound rulers, falling below said shocked. What great artist lost !! What great !!
Epaphroditus pulled skilfully the knife and closed the wound with a handkerchief. From outside heard loud footsteps of soldiers like drums of death.

Once they realized what was became rushed in and tried to save Nero- such order they had- but he said in a whisper.
Too late centurion  too late.
He took a wheezing, lost consciousness and turned upside down his eyes, then died.
The soldiers threw over a purple cloak,
he died as emperor, like Julius Caesar
as hero of tragedy just thirty-two years old.

                 BYZANTINE RHAPSODY

Planet Odysseus and his chaotic companions proceeded undaunted in wormhole of time. The opening unfolded before them, leading to the City of cities, the new Rome, Constantinople.
They followed Egnatia road until they reached in imperial Thessaloniki, where already waiting the other comrades
with Ithaca in the port of city.
Admired the city of St. Demetrios in all diachrony, proud and impregnable. Repeatedly occupied left with her wealths without they turn.
Enclosed from massive walls even from the side of sea was perfectly fortified, repelled off attacks keeping intact the Christian faith. They lived the famous Democracy of Thessaloniki strolling the Imaginary Museum of the City.

Whoever once seen this town do not ever forget.
All together they farewell the splendid land of blessed,
sailed openly Athos when broke out terrible storm 
but had protactor Saint Nikolaos that led safely Ithaca
to the coasts of Mount Athos.
Resourceful Greeks felt deep holiness of Mount,
located in the Ark of Orthodoxy.
Here the path of God and Christian worship became for the salvation of soul. Many kings, princes, rulers and ordinary people wear the robe of monk. All together they went in awe in the interior of Democracy of God having  guide the priest Maximus. A entire state was erected magnificent, brothers you greet each other with a kiss-.

Mount Athos showed the humility and reverence
how much freedom brings Orthodoxy when you are given
A light breeze blew and partners opened the sails of famous Ithaca having destination troubled Constantinople.
Beautiful of Marmara, the famous Princes Islands
First, Antigone, Halki and the Prince appeared magical.
Ithaca did not catch any port , existed Turkish ships everywhere, proceed unseen to the legendary Constantinople the Ottomans myriads fought fiercely to conquer the City.
The warriors of Islam came to conquer impregnable Constantinople 
Allahu Akbar
they shouted fanatic when they made assaults while accompanied from tabors and nakarades.

Byzantines from in defended fighting bravely
with an unappeased passion for their beloved City.
Hadith of the Prophet said
what a great qeneral is this and what a nice army>
Mehmet new Pantisach believed strongly
how this is the Beautiful Soldier.
Virgin Mary appeared on the tallest mast irradiating
the light Unbuilt of world, around armies of angels sang dinine hymns.
In this awesome miracle of the Virgin Mary said with sweet voice full of love.
E !! you travelers of sky God with you
who wind brought you in her sanctified waters

of city ​​of God.
Taking courage from depths of his much afflicted soul,
resourceful Odysseus said shocked.
The power of big time Virgin Mother
we came to live closely the chronicle of Conquest of City.
Cried the Lady and did it again the miracle, changed the direction of Ithaca, passed between the enemy ships without knocks no bullet.
It broke the besieging ringer of Turks, magically opened the gates of Golden Horn and passed through the port without understand no one nothing.
Constantine Paleologos when he learned that reached
resourceful Odysseus and his multimode companions,
ordered the imperial officials to prepare a part of big palace to greet the legendary Greeks. The emperor waited for in Triconch, the great room with Grand Duke Loukas Notaras and some staff officers.

First spoke the great diplomat Loukas Notaras
divine Odysseus and you ​​fabulous companions
welcome to the city of God.
What reasons brought you here as you see
we are in a state of siege.
After greeted politely replied equal to God Odysseus
how is glad and sorry together because meets under these conditions the last Greek emperor.
The tragic king asked with grief
tell us splending Odysseus you know  the cycles of sky,
a chronic of time running through the opening
tell us about the End of the end,

what will be the fate of reign.
Multimode Odysseus did not want to grieves him
he said only that the End of the end began long before
for troubled city.
All together the imperial procession and fabulous Ithacans
went to the Hagia Sophia where waited for
Patriarch and the people of City.
Multimode heroes walked dazzled over the colorful carpet.
The magnificent mosaics depicting the forms of Saints and the light that entered from the windows, with the light of oil-lamps and the heavenly chanting they create an ecstatic atmosphere, similar did not meet anywhere.
When they sat prevailed big silence, then the Patriarch Gennadius started it and immediately all together began to chant the Akathist Hymn.

Young Pantisach made walks on stage ungentle beast.
Mehmet was the real Igenonas,
representative on earth of God, leader of faithful, the army, the navy, the son of Sultan Murad, the son of Sultan Mehmet.
The Turkish fleet sailed proud in the sea of Bosphorus.
Dai Karatzas Bey after the order of Sultan captured with the troops on the left side of the forehead, the area began from the gate of Charsiou as the Golden Horn.
The other Lales Isak Pasha with Mahmoud Pasha had under their command the bigger part of army.
Placed the right side of the front, occupied the area that began from the Golden Gate as the Gate of St. Romanos.

The main army was at the center of the forehead, between the gate of St. Romanos and gate Charsiou.
On the walls the emperor walked upright with beautiful poise, loudly encouraging more the soldiers, beside him the great Logothetis Frantzis,
Genoese Giustiniani, the Venetian Baili Minot,
Grand Duke Loukas Notaras had command of the imperial fleet. Cardinal Isidore representative of Pope had come to negotiate the union of the two churches.
The emperor already put the seal of the agreement
ensuring the Papa support.
The western fleet was ready to start from Venice
once the news reached in Rome that agreement has been reached.
Later Luke Notaras openly disagreed forth in the all world.
He said in Hagia Sophia in the all world how best to see
in Constantinople Turkish turban despite the Papal Tiara.

Then the crowd burst out and began shouting Constantine -apostatic- spacer.
All together with a voice said to Cardinal Isidore
turned with your unleavened bread back to Rome.
A wild opera, a massacre of people were outside the walls
human bodies melted from the fire of hell.
Who God believed these brave fighters from the two camps.
Who God left be slaughtered so brutally mercilessly.
Nowhere in the Bible did not write for such carnage,
and the God of Koran at least in prayers was gracious and merciful.

Genoese Giustiniani and the Greek defenders bravely defended in the gate of St. Romanos. Resourceful Odysseus and multimode comrades took up arms and presented to Giustinian saying that they are friends of Constantine, and they have the permission
of the emperor to fight. Genovese realized how skilled warriors and kept close to him, wanted brave lads beside him. The first heroic Janissaries when stepped on strong legs onthe impregnable walls, lifted up their hands
shouting ecstatic.
Christians and Muslims fought with the all force,
the hands, legs and heads mow was like ears.
The bellies gore and guts thrown out while blood sprang like a jet.
The warriors of Islam hang thousands on the walls,
they looked like huge bunches of grapes on the stairs.

Loukas Notaras send secret messages to the Sultan saying that he wants to collaborates with Muhammad, let's put  Pantisach the conditions it wanted.
He was opposed with the Unionists and Paleologos
he believed that they delivered the City in Pope,
 leaving the Orthodoxy in her fate .
Unionists were in agreement with the powerful party of peace, had led the Grand Vizier Candarli Halil Pasha
Halil wanted compromise with the besieged.
The Greeks were forced to live between a Hammer and anvil milled by the millstones,

Even if destined to die. They were born again from zero and nothing. Notaras asked from Giustiniani to let his men to guard  Kekroporta. It was open and united palace of Blachernai with Charsia Gate and the Gate of St. Romanos. Never before in history, such a small gate played such a big role.
Only if you pass over my dead body will become this,
Villainous traitor said Giustiniani deep red from anger.
You prefer the Turks from Westerners.
The Notaras furious answered forgetting the manners.
Vulgar Genovese you forget what you made your similar Latins in 1204 AD. They were the ones who occupied the City for a generation in her thousands of years history. Robbed and burned many buildings and houses, took fabulous treasures all them while reported the name of God, being Crusaders.

This is a fact that became a lot of  years before replied Giustiniani I do not have no relationship.
Emperor Constantine Paleologos riding a white horse wearing clothes king gave courage to the warriors saying.
                           28 MAY 1453

Keep well-keep well and this
the time and the day is ours.

The brave men turned and looked almost through the grave, had also given the last vitality of their forces.
A whisper began to be heard while transmitted by mouth in mouth, they heard the brave warriors
and cut their legs, their hearts stopped beating.

                       29 MAY 1453

After the Greeks began to say more hard,
all wondered if it is lie until that became
loud cry.
They heard and began to shout the myriad Turkish soldiers until became sky-cry.
Shouts of joy, wild voice of Victory
but also immense sound of crash,
became cry of defeat and despair.


Resourceful Odysseus and his multimode companions
shocked just heard that, their souls like
thrown out of the Body. Never heard such a cry,
never felt such awe, such a collapse.

                   My people what you did
                   My people what you did   

The Greeks saw shocked the Turkish flags
fluttering over the Kekroporta

and palace of Blachernai. It was like had died a thousand times as many as the centuries of the empire.
The Janissaries lighter ran at length of wall,
mercilessly beaten everyone there in front of them
stepping on corpses.

Greeks left the Kekroporta open
from there entered the Turks
the great betrayal had happened.

Greeks pulled the troll
and they unlocked the door,
from there entered the Janissaries
spreading the havoc
the great betrayal had taken place.

Almighty Lord
accept our prayer
forgive us

My people what you did
Now only death reigns
      my people
let my voice heard.

Nobody could stop the world
neither Constantine cried in vain
do not abandon their positions.


Responded they desperately and the voices heard
as the end of world, as another dance of Tragedy.
Foretold things to come over the body of a city while dying.


Increasingly, there were increasing enemies around Constantine more and dilutes the guard around him,
One-οne leaving a hole.
then the last Greek emperor said with anguish with all the all force of his soul.

               << There is a Christian
                     to get my head >>

Single fought Constantine Palaeologus,
multiply the enemies around him but he tirelessly
he despised the death similar to angel of Paradise,
lived haughty solitude of death.
A sword found Constantine in person
and he retaliated by throwing the enemy down,
after another over the chest
and swooped like a lion against all.
Killed countless but was all alone.
From behind found the emperor one strong
then another and fell down dead,
this last Greek.
Constantine Palaeologus the last king,
Eternal grief, forever will be heard in the centuries.
Mehmed the Conqueror the great triumph

entered through the Gate of St. Romanos
riding a snow-white horse, jubilant like
passed the Gate of Paradase.
He walked among thousands of corpses,
devastated houses and broken objects
following the road to Agia Sophia.
This Mehmed the Conqueror dedicates to 
the one and only God of Islam
the great church of Christians.
Mehmet annoyed from Notaras had heard for his sons, sent his harem eunuch to bring little son, he wanted the child to his harem.
Once arrived to the eunuch with the sons, Lucas Notaras
without kneels said fearlessly in Muhammad
How can I leave my son to do this. 
Had to find a better way to kill me, let the Lord be great.
One thing I will ask. The executioner first to kill my sons,
lest fear and change their minds, then let's get my own head.

Resourceful Odysseus could not bear such horrors
and cast forth as a tomcat in Sultan.
He lost it, became yellow from fear,
he thought that the end came on the greatest glory
multiform Laertiadis had the ability
be transformed in that he wanted.
So took the form of death
and while for others it was a divine Greek Knight
for Muhammad took the form of an angel of death.
Then to surprise of all the great conqueror knelt

and started begging and begging
let him live a little longer to enjoy
all this greatness.
Never more completely enslaved people,
sigh under the Tyranny.
Three days and three nights kept the slaughter,
such misfortune did not found other city.
River the blood of the deads, startled sun
Turkomans brazenly raped small girls,
the women became wild objects of disire.
The unlucky Greeks ran to hide in vain to escape death.
An endless song of death
Lamentations and chanting, screaming and shouting voices of women. Atheists destroyed the holy altars,
the relics of Saints and martiron

                         May God bless us
                         Fair your use

Divine Odysseus and the fabulous companions
night they left from Constantinople.
All Greeks wept bitterly,  left behind the city
In the darkness of tyranny. Regretted very much that he could not see the beautiful Helen Paleologos wonder what happened, saved, died, fled elsewhere.
Ithaca left invisible from the Golden Horn
without seeing the fabulous ship.
Sailed proud for Elsewhere
the Other Byzantium
the Serene Democracy of Venice.

Sultan Muhammad Khan gazi
Son of the Sultan Murad Khan gazi
Twenty years he conquered Constantinople,
and died forty nine years.
Muhammad said in  Çandarlı Halil Pasha
Lala << needs a fort here >>
Soon gave instructions and build
fortress was completed- Paskesen- named.

Killed Çandarlı Halil Pasha -killed Çandarlı Halil Pasha
He shared the dream of the great Ottoman Empire
with Osman Gazi,
using the God of Islam and the power of the Sword,
No longer lives.

So as humiliated by Sultan he was ready
to accept the executioners axe.
He would take his head without saying a word
dying for his beloved City, died as befits
a Çandarlı Halil Pasha

This is the Democracy of Big Time
This is History