Παρασκευή 18 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015






The Electras are the two faces of IANOS.
A modern tragedy approach different myth of Electra.
Befor the Sophocles and Euripides as today.
So the same actor play two roles.
Make the move from the one to another.
The Electra is a insubordinete , prifers to die
than to bend his hed to tyranny.
Her  sister Chrysothemi advise not to puts to the strong.
Electra speak freely and tell the truth about
the mother of the Klytaimnistra and her lover Aigisto.
The passions of Atreidon no end.
The circh le of deate shows the opening of the post-
after death- A world away and the new...... is near.
Electra dedicates it self entirely to the gods end home.
It follows the fate of a center passions and testing.
Denounces the unjast death of her father Agamemnon.
Dispute the power to privent the city from the evils
of tyranny.
Its center humans live events and choose between humanity and barbarity good man.
The fear, obedience diminate the city end Electra
resisted  at the cost is her life.
Pay withe the death.
The clearance comes through pain.
Electra devoted to the low.
The relationship between truth and lies, the myth functions
beyond the limits is a way of interpreting the world.
The fear and the mercy and the feelings  generated
the viewer at the tragedy are under the influence
of the victom - the passions-.
We oll make mistakes but you learn to avoid.
Oll resources are opening up longe - the big time-.
The poetry, tragedy , love and death is opening.
The destiny of man is driven by the life and time.
Makes nostalgic journey home.
Modern Electra is another history.
We must remember - we must forger .
This is a story.


This is the black love of Aegisthus
and Clytemnestra, the most fatal couple
in Argos and History.
This is the love of the damned lovers
which scattered death, fear and mercy.
The Eternal escape was the exile in the land of nowhere
and nothing, the passage to the other world.
The Island of Eternal Return became the final destination,
the origin, and their hope.
The darkness of Hades reveals the hell of In Time.
The two lovers paid the price for what they made
at Argos in the man of Clytemnestra,
Agamemnon and their two children, Orestes
and Electra, existed ruthless Tyrants.
Resourceful Odysseus and diverse partners
they arrived in Hades, in Hell of In Time
to learn if they turn back to the mythical Ithaca,
Ithaca of Eternal Return.
The beasts and monsters shouting and screaming
while mangled fighting each other,
giving terrible battles up to death.
The gates of Hell opened wide and swallowed
the miseries souls. Myriad people hanging upside down from heavenly stairs and fell in flaming abyss,
what is God, what is not God and what mediates
between them. Who sent you this dreadful country
where reigns death, posthumous
asked resourceful Odysseus.
O passionate love is the cause of evil
answered divine Clytemnestra, was caught out in networks power and sucked badly.
What I made no one god or man can forgive.
The tragic fury conquered my mind,
how to live after these heinous acts.
Black bitches Furies chasing me constantly
they want to wipe out, we were burned in hell
of In time. Who is your homeland, what is your origin
asked cunning Aegisthus.
The travel never ends replied mythical Odysseus,
my name is nobody  so call me acquaintances and friends.

Cursed my sons I condemn to eternal loneliness of death,
you did not respect your old father,
the man who grew to you.
When Eteocles did not deliver the power,
in his brother Polynices.
He left went to Argos in the courtyard of Adrastos,
and married his daughter Argeia,
convinced his father in law, help him get
behind the throne that belongs to him.
Argives walked all together against Eteocles
and Thebes because exiled his brother Polynices,
did not respect the agreement.
The passions of family Lavdakidon never end.


Evil became in the road of Fokida
there they met my man with my son.
Both went to the oracle to ask Phoebus
my son wanted to know, who is his father,
when he learned that he is the step son of Polybos.
My man what happened to my son, who luck he had.
When the coachman of Laius asked Oedipus
put aside to pass the king,
this pretended that did not hear.
Then the horses suddenly shaken
and hooves Bloody his feet.
My son got angry so much as a beast lunged
and killed his father, without knowing that he is the father,
with the other passengers.
When Oedipus solved the riddle of Sphinx,
Creon set that whoever solved the oracle,
and saved the city he would marry me.
I married my son Oedipus
and I made children with him,
Eteocles and Polynices, Antigone and Ismene.
The campaign of Seven against Thebes began
without Return.


King of Thebes Generous fearless Eteocles,
immediately you will know what think our enemies.
throwing lots who gate will take
Each leader to fights.
All together Argives prepared to scatter
the fire and death in much afflicted Thebes.
I run to the gates of Thebes to fight
the Seven Warlords, I will take the seventh Gate.    


My two beloved brothers, Eteocles
and Polynices killed outside the walls
Seven-gate city of Thebes. One Polynices remained unburied and unlamented outside the walls of Thebes,
while the other Eteocles with orders of Creon
he was buried with all prices as it suits in king.
It is impossible Polynices to remain unburied,
they will eat the vultures, jackals, worms.
My beloved sister, lovely Antigone
these are contrary to the orders of Creon,
the laws of city and the wish of Thebans.
Ismene think a little, even sisters we have completely
opposite opinion, different characters.
Remember what found our father mythical Oedipus
and our mother divine Jocasta.
If you are afraid alone me I will continue the work,
alone I will bury the dead brother.
Eyewitnesses and hearsay
parallel and same with history
we reveal the difference,
The passage from one to another.


Lovely Orestes the famous Argos
there under are found Lykeios Agora, the temple of Hera,
and just beyond the palaces of Pelopidas.
Your sister Electra baby gave to escape
from Aegisthus hands when the black net of death killed
your father, fabulous Agamemnon
when he returned victorious from Troy.
You are the most faithful friend for this pay attention to the project, based on that sued Phoebus when I went to the oracle to ask him. It's the perfect crime, without an army and chariots I will conquer Argos.
Foreigner you will enter in the palace and say that
Orestes is dead, tried to see what becames inside.
We will say that in this pitcher is my burnt body.


My mother Clytemnestra did the crime together
with her lover Aegisthus killed my father
divine Agamemnon just returned from Troy.
Uselessly I wait for appears Orestes and together
to take revenge for the murder of our father,
only Orestes can bring redemption.



Life is the One and the Many
the Same and different, this and other.
time wants art of life to blooms.


Time wants truth and freedom
to complete, to uncover the opening.



Creon someone buried Polynices
and made libations on the tomb,
despite the order that you gave.
Ignore the laws of city and the will of gods,
but we found who is the guilty.


They want to overthrow me
and to take the power.


Brave Creon
This is the daughter who buried the dead.
When she saw the grave began to lament
without delay we dashed above her
and we caught.


So it's like saying
speak you have the possibility
to defend yourself.
You know that the order is death
for anyone who disobeys and bury the dead.


From when the Laws of Gods
they are less than the laws of men.
You cannot order as god
after man you are a mortal.


Death awaits you for what you say and do.


Only Divine Justice defines life and death,

we are beings with free w