Δευτέρα 4 Μαΐου 2015



 Theban Cycle

Oedipus Cycles



Began the Theban Cycle
began Big Time Return,
seven rulers attacked in a town
that had seven gates.
Eteocles and Polynices, the two sons of Oedipus
when blinded their father,
they usurped the throne and decided to reign
from a year each one.
First became king Eteocles
but he refused to hand over the power,
when passed the first time.
Oedipus was blinded when he learned
how married his mother, divine Jocasta,
both sons they locked him in a basement,
do not see him Human eye.

Cursed my sons
I condemn to eternal loneliness of death,
you did not respect your old father,
the man who grew to you.
When Eteocles did not deliver the power,
in his brother Polynices.
He left went to Argos in the courtyard of Adrastos,
and married his daughter Argeia,
convinced his father in law, help him get
behind the throne that belongs to him.
Argives walked all together against Eteocles
and Thebes because exiled his brother Polynices,
did not respect the agreement.

The passions of family Lavdakidon never end.
Evil became in the road of Fokida
there they met my man with my son.
Both went to the oracle to ask Phoebus
my son wanted to know, who is his father,
when he learned that he is the step son of Polybos.
My man what happened to my son, who luck he had.
When the coachman of Laius asked Oedipus
put aside to pass the king,
this pretended that did not  hear.
Then the horses suddenly shaken
and hooves Bloody his feet.
My son got angry so much as a beast lunged
and killed his father,
without knowing that he is the father,
with the other passengers.

When Oedipus solved the riddle of Sphinx,
Creon set that whoever solved the oracle,
and saved the city he would marry me.
I married my son Oedipus
and I made children with him,
Eteocles and Polynices,
Antigone and Ismene.

The campaign of Seven against Thebes began
without Return.
King of Thebes
Generous fearless Eteocles,
immediately you will know what think our enemies.
throwing lots who gate will take
Each leader to fights.
All together Argives prepared to scatter
the fire and death in much afflicted Thebes.
I run to the gates of Thebes to fight
the Seven Warlords, I will take the seventh Gate.

Oedipus was shocked upon hearing
how he is father and brother with his children,
and he had married his mother.
Went crazy just learned what he made
and in his great misery he pulled his eyes,
with his own hands and threw the bulbs,
on the floor flooding with blood the palace.
The unfortunate king lost his light,
In a moment lost everything, the wife, children,
the kingdom, the all world.

My kids were treated hard to their father,
they put him in a basement for forgotten the evil
Oedipus raged so much that given heavy curse
in my children.
He said they will resolve their differences with sword
fighting for who will reign in Thebes.
The two brothers agreed to reign from
a year everyone. Eteocles turned away his brother
when he became king without hesitating at all.
Polynices was saddened a lot from his brother,
he went to Argos, married the daughter of Adrastos,
and now front the walls of Thebes seven-gate city
came with an army to conquer the city,
getting back that belongs to him.
You did not try to reconcile your children,
Eteocles and Polynices,
does not exist way to coexist.
Just before the war
I managed to meet the two brothers,
and resolve peacefully their differences,
day and night I request to find a satisfactory solution

Intrepid Tydeus is front in the gates of Proetos
swearing and shouting, sounds in all camp
until the impregnable walls of Thebes.
Brave Polyfontis will occupy this gate,
matched to the words of Jupiter,
and it is not in danger from his lightnings.
Awesome Eteoclos is opposite
in the Nistes Gates has terrible horses and
with the difficulty keeps the fierce animals.
Opposite he stood Megareas Creon,
original sperm of Sparta, not shies forth
to anyone and anything.
Prudent Eteocles
learn how the famous gate of Ogkas Athena
took Ippomedontas.
The son of Oinopion, Ypervios I choose it enter
opposite to face him.
Polynices is in front of you my king,
angry shouts, as a Beast asks to get back
the city that belongs to him, famous Thebes.
Opposite I will stand
believing that I have the right on my side,
and that I will be the final winner.
It is time that the brother
dies from the hands of brother,
King from the hands of king,
and the two will fall deads
killed with their own hands.

It is time to complete
the terrible curse of my father,
let it be done.
If it is to die from the hand of my brother,
let it be, reached the time of final reckoning.

Mythical hero crossed the walls of City
and entered in to Thebes his homeland.
I must be careful I am in hostile territory
only my mother I trust.
E !! you women
I am Polynices son of Oedipus.
Venerable Queen
Quickly get out, to see who came.
My son, soul of my soul
you came, you came uninvited, without a wait.
Your blind father and I
we wait for your return to Thebes.
How unjust your brother turned you from the city. 
Mother, my beloved mother
you changed a lot,  I frightened I know you.
The time engraved on you,
I left you new girl and I find old woman with a cane.
How is my father Oedipus,
and my wonderful sisters, Antigone and Ismene.
My child, brave Polynices
I want to know everything for you.
My beloved mother
asked whatever you want.

Eteocles entered in the palace wearing royal
Costume, all bowed front him.

Mother- my mother
the pleading touched me
how to deny.
I came to hear you
and my famous brother
Son Divine Eteocles
with all force of my soul
I want to reconcile you and your brother.
This is the law, my judges gods
they know that I want your good.
The Law shines from only
because drove my brother,
I live alone and the black desert exile.
The curse of our father was heavy,
For we agreed to reign
a year, in order is not verified
terrible curse.
Yes but when passed the time
you did not deliver power, you kept the kingdom.
I do not give in no one the sceptres,
but why did you come with so much army
outside from legendary Thebes.
To get back my share
that I rightfully belongs,
because you with illegal and violent way
remained in power.
Eteocles my child
In has conquered the fury of power.
Equality, the Law brings people close
you must reigned with your brother
to share the power.
Eteocles to keep the kingdom
you must first Fight with me
with the sword in a fair fight.
You can not ask the kingdom
you have no right to Thebes.

On the bloody soil of Thebes
outside the walls happened fatal.
Eteocles and Polynices the two brothers,
two sons of Oedipus are deads.
The two kings were killed in a duel
front in seven-gate city walls of Thebes.

Thebans decided to bury with honors Eteocles
because he died for his country fending off enemies,
while another brother Polynices
who came to occupy the country of Cadmus.
They decided to remain unburied and unlamented,
on the ground until they eat vultures, dogs and jackals.
Alone me I will dig the grave
my dead brother,
alone me I will bury dead Polynes
with values and ​​not in this cruel way.
Nobody is above
he paid with his life.

My King victory is ours
we have the best army.

He said that things from the front,
Creon heard what I will tell you
It is order.
Brave Eteocles
that you will ask this will become.
If by any chance I am killed
you will take the kingdom of Thebes,
I blues successor.
You are my mother's brother,
I want to watch my old father,
and to marry Antigone with Aimona.
I will keep your orders
without to miss no one.
Cried Tiresias
but after I left to tell the oracle.
Polynices if die will not be buried in Thebes.
The penalty is death for anyone who wants
breaching the order and the laws of the City.
Thebans I came as quickly as possible
nobody knows what awaits him,
Creon you called me.
Seer Tiresias
you know that Thebes is in danger from the Argives,
that should tell us how to save the city.
Thebans will turn me away from the city
If I say what really happens.
Creon will not like
what you will hear.
How to save the city
let the half-truths and excuses.
Since you want to hear the truth.
Your son Menoikeas should be sacrificed
to save the city.
Tiresias what talking about
crazy old man, you lost your sense.

It is the pure truth, and if hurts
this is his fate.
Menikeas keeps from generation of Dragon
that Killed Cadmus.
Mars is angry
he wants to slaughter.
I can not leave my son
to die so unjustly.
I save him differently Furies
they follow me in all me the life.
Messenger came to the palace and conversing
with Jocasta, Queen of Thebes.
Jocasta, Jocasta
I search the queen.
My son lives or died
tell me bluntly.
He is alive not worry
do not worry.
My other son died?
what mother I am I should care for both.
He lives-lives are fine
but was lost the Menikeas,
the son of your brother.
He cut his neck with a sword
he fell  heroic for his country.

Ah !! Creon
my brother what happened
I see you are in a bad situation.
All together Danaans dashed at the gates
shouting furiously.
The heads mow as cobs
and the bodies  collapsed wounded,
filling with blood to the holy land of Cadmus.
My son that fought
he did his duty as king.
Eteocles fought bravely animating
Thebans to fight bravely.
Fortunately not killed my sons,
Eteocles and Polynices are in good health.
My Queen
lovely Jocasta
I do not want to upset.
Say I want to learn
will not hide anything.
Your son Eteocles over the wall
caused Polynices
In front of the two armies,
saying to duel the two.
Anyone overcame  would reign in Thebes,
the other would be dead.
Polynices what answer
what said my other son.
Gladly accepted the challenge
then all the army Argives and Thebans,
they started cheering them saying
how are correct and fair decision.
When they chanted in support of the One
and when in favor of the Other.

Antigone, the daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta
presented worried in her mother.
Mother what you have
Tell me to relieve
My daughter
wonderful Antigone
your brothers will duel,
front the walls of Thebes.
You need to reconcile
they listen to you.
Mother I did not want unjustly
Killed my beloved brothers.
Hurry together to go on the battlefield
and we ask them not Fight.
Fraudulent Jocasta began shouting
with all the force of her soul.

She said
My children what you go to make

ETEOCLES- voice from the depth

Gone mother
finished is unfair
dying from the hand of brother,
It is very unfair.

POLYNICES- voice from the depth

Gone mother
we Die
This becomes when the brother
It is worse than the enemy.
Distraught beside himself
took one of the swords of deads,
and went to put with all the force in her throat.
Βrave Antigone was beside her
and with as much force she had kept
at the last moment.
Why Antigone why did you
I do not want another to live, what to do such a life.
My two children Eteocles and Polynices
they slaughtered each other.

For who first I cry
for who first  I uproot my hair.
Blind Oedipus father come out to touch
your dead sons.
Verified the dark song of  Wild Sphinx.

Courageous Eteocles and brave Polynices
how slaughtered so much wildly.
Desolate mother what to do
who first I cry.
You are both deads
my boys had to die
to saved the city.