Δευτέρα 29 Φεβρουαρίου 2016








Also I wrote from novel theaters and operas.




Who city, who country
they will accept us as fugitives of big time.
Who Continent will accept me blind Oedipus,
I killed my father splendid Laius,
I married my mother divine Jocasta,
and I made with her four children,
Eteocles and Polynices,
Antigone and Ismene.
My lovely daughter Antigone
how unjustly wander with me to foreign lands,
squander you spend your life
to be with me to take care of me closely.

Sang little Antigone

The memories travel with the speed of light
Inside the opening of big time,
Making the passes of Posthumaus.
Lovely Antigone
help me understand

In who country we are,
we arrived at last at lost Atlantis
through the cycles of Eternal Return.
Or are we in the Democracy of big time
where all are truth and freedom.
Did we found the THIRD CONTINENT
mythical Ithaca of Eternal Return where exist
the all dimensions of time past, present and the future,
what we know and do not know.

Splendid father
wise man Oedipus
all roads leading to the city of opening,
all roads leading to the city of everything.
It is not dominated by no one and the residents
live happy, free and without commitment and limits.
Enough you lived so much years in the dark,
enough you wandered in foreigner world.
We arrived in the city of the great Chimera,
we are travelers of the big time,
the warriors of light and opening.
I see-I see cried big Oedipus
with the eyes of the soul and mind.
Already I am in a world that disappears in Chaos
and returns through the cycles of Eternal Return.

Behold the man who defeated the Light
bihold man who defeated the Dark
travels in wormhole of big time
Inside the opening of the black hole of posthumous,
the brilliant creature that created the Universe.
Father -father
great Oedipus
we are in the space of Athenian Democracy
we are in the city of the fabulous Athens,
that is open to the world, to philosophers, poets
criminals, tyrants and political refugees.
Persons that were condemned by the gods,
In exiles, fugitives, cursed of big time.

Passions of resourceful Odysseus and much afflicted comrades brought to mind our own suffering,
what we experienced in the turbulent Thebes.
My lovely daughter Antigone
divine Odysseus and multimode comrades
they made the long journey to the opening,
to reveal the world,
while at the same time it was a discovery path
in the deeper Self, the immortal soul,
replied queen Jocasta.
The plight of Thebes is completely different
fill saying wise Oedipus.
The two brothers Eteocles and Polynices
they never managed to communicate with each other,
to share the power, for this my sons
they fled in a fratricidal war.
They usurped the throne and decided to resign
from one year each one.
First became king Eteocles
but refused to hand over the power
in Polynices when passed the first time.
Wise Oedipus because you remember,
what you want and scratching,
only make evil in the soul these tragic stories.
They in shape the internal, inside soul
Greeks give a tragic dimension.
Resourceful Odysseus glad, enjoys the life,
live the love and sometimes exceed Himself
added joyful lovely Antigone.

Never does not resign from the life and the difficult
moments, the journey never ends for
Resourceful king of Ithaca.
My lovely daughter Antigone
this we want and also to learn from our Passion
answered the blind king, wise Oedipus.
The man is resourceful, multimode
over and above the City with free will.
Only in a city where people think and do so free.


The mystery of history is unresolved,
the male and female is in constant conflict,
until prevail one of the two or to be a new composition.
I see a supplicant man holding olive branch,
while his hands dripping blood matricide,
embrace respecting the statue of goddess Athena.
Apollo you put Orestes to kill his mother Clytemnestra,
and her lover, tyrant Aegisthus.
Clytemnestra killed his father,
fearless Agamemnon said Phoebus,
for this I gave asylum to him in my temple
does not tease him no one. The matricide is matricide,
there are no exceptions for anyone.
Lovely goddess Athena
oracles of Apollo brought me supplicant to you,
resourceful daughter of Zeus.
I have committed wild murder, I killed my mother
Clytemnestra and her lover Aegisthus.
Terrible Furies suck my blood,
excruciatingly slowly, the impurity of matricide
I want fly over me. I want to wash away the body,
my soul from the evil that I made.
For this I invoke wisdom, your generosity,
to save myself. I followed the oracle of Apollo,
what else I could do. All that I can do is create
a new institution that the Law confer all
the people in the all world.
The Trial that I will fix will attribute Justice
and he will not wronged any citizen.
The injustice must not go beyond the law,
they would apply to all,
righteous shall live happily without problems
Justice illuminates the souls of men and ease the pain.
Orestes is protected me said Apollo,
Clearance must occur to him from the murder
of his mother terrible Clytemnestra.
That came as a witness Counsel
to defend him. I am totally responsible
why follow my oracle. Trial Begins said the goddess Athena with each gravity, where is the accused.
I killed my mother hated Clytemnestra
with my own hands, I followed the divination
of Phoebus without I dispute his oracles.
My mother formidable Clytemnestra killed
my father fearless Agamemnon
for this helped me splendid Loxias.
I will tell you all from the beginning as became.
This you make, we are curious,
we want to know how unfolded the facts.
Through the opening of big time,
let us return to Argos, living at the same time,
my multiple lives.


Nights entire I wait for the sign of flame
shows that Troy fell. Yes!! Yes I see shining showing
how conquered the much afflicted castle.
They go ten years where brave Agamemnon
and fearless Menelaus walked against the city
of Priam, where guarding the two sons,
divine Hector and beautiful Paris.
Agamemnon had to kill his daughter,
Iphigenia to blow the air to start the fleet over Greek ships.
Comes King Agamemnon, the conqueror of Troy,
the Trojans paid dearly the grab of Helen.
Shout the slaves to dress me said Clytemnestra,
the king must see me beautifully.
He returned majestic, fought for a Helen
that left with another, the hated Paris,
replied an old man of Argos. My father was a proud man
said divine Orestes and should not be killed
from his woman who had children together,
Iphigenia, Electra, Chrysothemis and Orestes.
Clytemnestra stayed faithful to her lover Aegisthus, ruthless and tyrannical disregards her children.
Maids run to spread the carpet,
to pass the king, the conqueror of Troy. Lady of the Palace It is best to honor as a man than as a god
said multimodal Agamemnon. Let women's antics,
happy is he who has a good ending.
My King to let me show you how I love you,
let me show you how I waited for you,
let me with your will to overcome you.
Woman multiform Clytemnestra
you must first accept the beautiful woman from Troy
slave to the palace, is princess.
Wonderful Cassandra welcome to Argos,
your position among the slaves.
I see the evil coming said the witch Cassandra,
nobody can prevent Fatal.
The dark woman weaves the death,
one living-dead prophesy that will kill me.
The black bitch prepares to kill her husband,
King Agamemnon and me, together we die.
But someone else will come who will take revenge,
Killing the mother that gave birth him.
Now he wanders alone and desolate in foreign.
Death of Agamemnon began with three blows
that paralyzed his body.

Whoever is free death speaks freely,
does not afraid no power, no Tyrannous.
The truly free man creates
without dependencies, exceeds the Laws of City.
Οver and above the city without city
he is different while remaining Same. Illegal lovers of Argos, my mother Clytemnestra and her lover
Aegisthus killed my father Agamemnon,
when he returned from Troy victorious and triumphant.
The unholy lovers set up ambush and killed
the king, the conqueror of Troy.
Now I wait to get revenge for the death
of my father, legendary Agamemnon.
The long-suffering Orestes my brother returned
from exile, together we will take revenge
for the unjust death of our father.
They slaughter my children, my son Orestes
and Electra cried Queen Clytemnestra.
Aegisthus - Aegisthus
where are you, disappeared completely.
You slaughtered my father with your lover,
It's time to pay answered Electra.
Your sister Iphigenia was sacrificed by her father
he took my child through my hands.
My father legendary Agamemnon
that it made, it made for Greece.
Agamemnon returned to the long-suffering Argos
with his mistress Cassandra,
they did two children together.
My boy Orestes
only you know how I turn around in the night,
Waiting for your return.
Astounding Clytemnestra murdered my father,
as if he was your worst enemy,
When returned home happy, after the war.
Beautiful Helen caused the Trojan War,
when was stolen with Paris, the prince of Troy.
Electra accusing a life for all,
show a little understanding, you ever thought how I felt.
Aegisthus -Aegisthus
at last you came, do not see how they kill me.
Agamemnon the conqueror of Troy comes winner,
once he reached in mythical Argos.
Trojans have paid dearly in blood
the grab of Beautiful Helen.
E !! slaves I want you dress me to become beautifully,
appear that I am faith in the king as long as never.
They go so many years that I left from Argos
said fabulous king Agamemnon,
I returned alive to the beloved homeland.
I need to honor the gods and my friends,
It is time to meet Clytemnestra
waiting anxiously in the palace.
Divine Agamemnon returned from Troy,
turned my King, alone and desolate waits for
so many years, was missing
and my son Orestes to foreign lands.
Maids, slaves run and lay the purple carpet to steps
on my king, the conqueror of Troy reached in Argos.
Queen Clytemnestra
I prefer to honor me as mortal rather than a god.
My king your will is order for me.
Women's charm is irresistible
but I am not going to give in.
Divine Agamemnon I want to show that I love you,
Allowed a woman to become her own,
make her favor. Resourceful Clytemnestra
since you want so much, let it be yours.
I brought with me a princess of Troy,
slave to the palace. Wonderful Cassandra welcome
to Argos, this is your position, among the slaves.
Alas he found me great calamity,
coming great evil in Argos.
Lovely Apollo entranced I see the opening of big time,
the passage posthumously.
Dreadful Clytemnestra set up the net of death,
the loves of Paris with Beautiful Helen
they brought the disaster, the Fall of Troy.
King Agamemnon will die from the hand
of murderess, a heartless woman.
Preparing to kill the King and me
who brought with him as loot of war.
Prophesy my death, prophesy that I will die
with very violent, wild way.
The lioness will kill me first and then
wild will murder her husband.
Comes revenge comes from someone
who lives in the foreign, he will kill his mother who did this murder. Unhappy father only knew what would happen,
when you returned to Argos winner said Orestes.
Eventually was easier than I thought,
invincible Agamemnon fell dead with three strokes
said Clytemnestra full of pride,
he did not react, completely taken aback
Women of Troy we became slaves to the palace
of Agamemnon, we have no chance, no future.
My father Priam was great king
I was a princess and now I am a slave
in the services of Agamemnon.
The voices, the screams are heard even to our ears
since the burning of Troy.
The Greeks looted the city and took
immense wealth’s, but the greatest loss was
when my father died, King Priam.
Trojans ran like mad to escape
from the fury of conquerors, from certain death.
They campaign for her strategic location,
and the immense wealth’s and not for the grab of Helen.
A king is not never happy from the sight of dead warriors.



The man Resourceful
help oh Muse to sing
ever since fell the City
tormented Troy
<< Many people saw cities and knew well >>


Was lost divine Odysseus
in foreign lands.
It will not take place
Planetary Nostos,
series has brave Telemachus
take the power of kingdom in the hands.
Series has Telemachus to take the power in the hands.

Divine Penelope circulates ethereally among us
to induce sexual desire.
She wants to fight, to be facing each other
for who will make his wife
said the suitor Eurymachus.


Twenty years I weave and the night unpick
the sheet of love and death, the shroud of my father in law Laertes, surrounded from the suitors
that make me immoral proposals.
You must choose one of us for your husband
said the suitor Antinous, enough kept funny,
you mock us, the shroud it will not finish never.
Wretched I cannot gain other time
monologue prudent Penelope. I will recommend the suitors that whoever passed the arrow with the bow of Odysseus of these rings, this I will choose for man.


Multimode Odysseus and multiform partners
they returned in Athens through the centuries
of big time.
The holy rock of Acropolis looked from afar,
the luminous marbles of Parthenon reflected
the centuries of whole world.
Gave a feeling of lightness that waves in the air,
a music that overcame per year.

Tell us Socrates what is the true of city
asked the famous Pericles.
Quietly -quietly now visit me the demons
answered divine philosopher.
   << Know yourself >>
It is the essence of man said the divine philosopher.
<< Man is the measure of all things >>.
complete the sophist Protagoras.
Who initiates and how rightly or wrongly,
The City is
<< Independent, Autodicus, autonomous>>
 <<By decision of the House and the City>>
institutionalized by the city itself
and was ruled by citizens


The shadows of many images gathered in clusters
on mythical Ithaca around divine Odysseus
and multimode companions, all asked it takes them with him. First revealed Alexander the Great
with the Macedonian aristocracy.
Resourceful Odysseus
who winds brought you out of my city,
fabulous Alexandria asked Alexander.
The winds of delusion and wandering
great king, the past is the opening of the future.
All along follow me in Alexandria,
my favorite city replied the great marshal.
In royal palaces waited for all Ptolemies,
first talked Ptolemy A΄.
Multimode Odysseus and you multiform partners
welcome to Alexandria.
I know that you come from far away
through the opening. Kind and hospitable Ptolemy
I greet you and all the others. Learn how we come from the double spiral of  big time.


Many Alexandrians waiting outside the library
of Alexandria, the first librarian Zenodotus, poets, philosophers, copyists, grammarians.
Here is hidden the wisdom of world,
The scientific and philosophical knowledge,
the history of all great civilizations,
that marked the history of man.
Here reside poets, philosophers, great writers
and rebels said the eminent Odysseus.
All together they sat in the middle surrounded in a circle the Others  the known and unknown.
Friends I propose to discuss for the Human,
the opening of life reveals the road
that leads to death said the mathematician,
philosopher, historian Eratosthenes.
The universe of time is the harmony of numbers,
the geometry of the world reveals the cosmic Is
complete the mathematician and author Euclid.
All together they went to the square King Sun, thousands of Alexandrians gathered in the streets
and the square to applause official.
When all gathered a rhapsodist
he went up to the podium and began to sing
in honor of divine Odysseus and wonderful companions.
People of Alexandria what I will sing they are all true.
Resourceful Odysseus and multiform partners
travelling without end in time, until they find mythical Ithaca, but first I will start with Alexandria.
Memory of Alexandria returned to the opening of world,
their Laestrygonians and Cyclops not been afraid,
only bids farewell Alexandria that is lost
the travel never ends.



Fabulous Ithaca sailing overbearing in Tiber,
when suddenly appeared on the deck of the ship,
the sons of the wolf, Remus and Romulus with Aeneas.
Mythical heroes immediately recognized each other,
and cried with sobs.
Even divine Odysseus wander in the centuries,
yes here in the eternal city I will find out why.
A tradition says that whoever mortal immortal
want to get into the city, must first wrestling
or fight with me answered awesome Aeneas.
I prefer to wrestling not and from error is killed no one
replied mythical Odysseus


What speech Cicero
this imperious eagle of Rome,
why so many people are cuddly in Agora,
what do they want the senators and Praetors.
If is destroy the oligarchy, is destroyed the state
Romans watchful,
only war ensures the wealth and glory of Rome
I suggest Pompey to leave quickly for Asia.
Great and divine Cicero you talk like a lawyer
that has interests in Asia answered a Roman citizen,
that  is created the new man, Homo novus.
The young man of the world takes time
to becomes Other answered divine Cicero.


Flavian amphitheater is the temple of the altar
where thousands are dying beasts and people.
It is masterfully made with great art and technique
thousands of Christians are found in the undergrounds
of Amphitheatre suffering badly,
an endless lamentation that reaches till heaven
said multiform Odysseus.
Nero cares to entertain the people of Rome,
came the emperor with his escort and Praetorian.
King Sun offers
<< Bread and circuses >> completed Peridis.
The people of Rome wants to see blood warm
run in the arena, broken heads
and brains scattered in the arena.
Handing out free bread to the Rome blempa,
sounding the trumpets and gladiators tour around
with extended the swords in front of the Emperor

                    Ave Caesar
                Morituri te salutant

In the end remained only two, the best gladiators
of empire, the Fearless one truculent from Parthia,
and the freedman July that they dueled up to death.

                  THE CHRISTIANS

Look how the executioners mowing the head
of Christians with the axes.
The spectacle is appalling, this people
with flesh and blood said Citizen.
I can not stand to see another kill so many innocent people cried multimode Odysseus.
Immediately jumped to arena and began killing
the executioners with incredible skill.
Froze Amphitheatre, all wondered who is
this man and immediately followed and others.
Who are beautiful Stranger that you released in this way
without order the wretched Christians.
No one answered mythical Odysseus,
this answer gave resourceful Odysseus
when escaped with the partners from
the Cyclops Polyphemus,  while holding them by force to the cave. I am a warrior of the big time
I caught holy rage and indignation,
when I saw how unjustly killed the Christians.
Because you are brave Greeks
I give you a little time to be saved from certain death
to the glory of the Roman people.



With difficulty spoke with some generals, 
From one point and then could not articulate a word. 
Only shook his head-eyes - hands 
The generals-officers-soldiers. 
They passed in front of him, submitted their respect 
Saying words of consolation - loyalty - love, 
They saluting for last time great king Alexander the Great. 

Alexander with your conquests 
Popularized the Greek Civilization the Greek Language. 


I always dreamed to unite the Greeks 
In a large state - Greek-, 
And as reacted Athenians with the Thebans. 
I extinguish late – late – I tremble entire 
Nobody found what I have
From what I suffer to heal. 


We'll find it, we came here, and we gave so many battles 
We will not stop an illness - a cold. 
Alexander you cry, the tear of Alexander, 
Never you did not exceed the loss of your
Savoir Cleitus 


I wanted to put an end to my life 
Fortunately you keep me. 
Furies turned my brains  wanted me near them. 
There is nothing-a disease I'll beat her. 
I do not leave the job to take breath. 
General Perdiccas walked in anxious 


Alexander big Macedonian 
I greet you. 
You'll get over also this
Nothing did not bend you. 


Be careful my beloved Roxanne 
My son, furies terrifying scream. 


I will not leave them alone. 
When the satrap of Phrygia Antigonus 
And the satrap of Egypt Ptolemy 
Rebelled against  Pardiccas, he marched against them. 
When crossing the Nile many soldiers 
eaten of crocodiles. The army reacted 
Two officers Antigenes and Seleucus 
Murdered Perdiccas - the largest Macedonian general. 
After a short while - successors-killed Roxanne 
Her son - Alexander D-the son of Alexander. 


Alexander - Beloved 
How it happened 
You were bouncing and from lion. 
Leaned over kissed him - You burn entire  
What is that fever doctors-doctors 

Cool slightly I had a bath. 


Alexander do not-let us what will become of 
Is in danger our son Alexander,
Comes-comes-on time. -Caressing her belly- 


All right 
You will be under the protection of Perdicca 
As he stayed faithful to me 
The - Same-will do for my son and his mother. 
-General Perdiccas agreed- 


You did Alexander 
Look at Persia-Egypt-India 
Changed all-Humans-Cities - the ideas 




Roxanne I love listening to me 
Listen to the big complaint of a King 
Who died very young?  I fell in love at first sight 
With your look you conquered 
The greatest conqueror the world. 


Alexander  I love you listening to me. 
Charmed just I saw you
A Greek God told myself. 
The Greeks will commemorate 
Forever and ever-In the centuries of centuries.  
Soon arrived Ptolemy 
Alexander what you have comes first your health. 


It hurts my neck - my neck 
That moment came and Seleucus I 
What I see Alexander you must tell me the truth, 
Why you are in this situation such a great king. 


A cold is - will pass I have the care of doctors. 


Do not hide - I know you from the School-. 
Never reveals your secrets.  Only the teacher Aristotle 
Understand your thoughts-your feelings. 


Coughing incessantly 
Thirsty - bring some water to drink. 

 Same – they answer 


with death. 

My Friends the game is over
There is no other time. 
The light faded the-Light-. 

Alexander said and fell into a coma 
Omitting to leave a successor. 
Let <<succeeds me the better man >> 
He said when asked. 


No one does not know 
From what died Great Alexander. 


Eteocles and Polynices, the two sons of Oedipus
when blinded their father,
they usurped the throne and decided to reign
from one year each. First became King Eteocles
but he refused to delivers power
to his brother Polynices when passed the first time.
Cursed my sons you did not respect your old father said Oedipus, Completely unconcerned that I will live.
Brave Polynices fled in the courtyard of King Adrastos
in Argos, when Eteocles turned away his brother from Thebes. There he married the daughter of Argive,
and now chief of army of Argos
he came to conquer Thebes, get back that belongs
the reign of the strife-torn city.
Oedipus gave heavy curse to his children
when they closed him in the basement
not to see him Human eye.
By the sword shall resolve their differences
dueling for who will reign in Thebes.
The ringer began to tighten around the town/
Eteocles went to the gates of the castle
to fight the seven warlords.
He personally undertook to defend
the seventh gate, the most important.
Teeming boldly cried over the ramparts, courage Thebans
nobody can subdue us. The Argives want to destroy Thebes, a Greek city, the fratricidal hatred governs Greek.
The curse of Oedipus got place
alas to Jocasta that was her sons.
Thebans decided to bury with honors Eteocles,
who died for his country before the walls
of his beloved city was worth a king.
While the other brother Polynices
he came to occupy the land of Kadmeia,
they decided to remain unburied and unlamented,
until they eat him vultures, dogs and jackals.
Man is Polytechnic and Resourceful
over and above the town without town.
Brave Creon this here is that it buried
dead brother, just saw the open tomb
she began to lament shocking our souls.
When she did to leave stumbled upon
and immediately caught the unfortunate girl.
So he's like asked Creon says,
spoke to defend yourself.
Yes I did, replied long-suffering Antigone,
I take full responsibility.
You know that the order is death
for anyone who cheats and bury the dead.
Nobody can break the Laws of the City
nobody is above answered Creon.
From when the Laws of the Gods are lower
from the Laws of Men replied Antigone.
Death lurks for those who you say
do not show no respect, no remorse,
you do not think and do not count no one.
Only Divine Justice defines life and death
we are beings with free will
and make what we think it appropriate and proper
answered with courage Antigone.
Now you will know the true face of power,
you are a rebellious, looked to put mind
to save yourself, you are too stubborn.
Polynices my brother how is possible
remain unburied and unlamented.
His dead body was flown in the ground to eat the wild beasts. The order is an order, even if you are child
of my sister Jocasta did not obey the law,
I can not make any exception.
Laws are changing respond Antigone,
citizens, societies shape their contents.
Death waits for you whatever you say,
find a better way to defend yourself, to tell your truth.
Creon I have nothing to lose,
nor riches, nor kingdom, I am free to say my opinion
without I have any interest any second thought.
Antigone small Antigone
with what you say leads to destruction,
changed mind to save your life. Awesome Creon
even if my relative do not seem to care,
I will have a beautiful death, a beautiful ending.
There is a greater glory than to die
for your ideas, your beliefs.
Antigone only you resist with such stubbornness,
Ignoring the consequences of the fatal end.
How can you say that it is a crime because I buried
my brother fearless Polynices  he deserved a better fate,
to be buried in the right way.
Eteocles and Polynices killed each other
for who will become king of Thebes. They are my brothers,
they have the same blood as me
how I can stay indifferent, to close the eyes,
I was obliged to bury the dead brother.
Polynices came with the army of Argives
to destroy Thebes, this is high treason against the fatherland. My Blood is my brother drank the same milk from the same mother divine Jocasta.
I love them both very much
that should not is wronged anyone.
Sang lovely Antigone,
sang only love listening, sang small Antigone
because only love frees. Now I am really free
I fly over, inside and outside the city,
dancing the dance last free.
My son Aimona
Antigone chose the dead
you will not marry her, better you find another.
Father, father splendid Creon
I want to seem your worthy son but I love Antigone,
I want to share with her the happiness and misery.
can not stay alive, chose alone her way.
Father I want this, this I love,
I want to live with Antigone.


I am Dionysus son of Zeus
and my mοther Semele daughter of Cadmus.
I came to Thebes to found a new religion,
revolutionized the women keep thyrsos in the hand.
The Thebans seized by the bacchanal frenzy,
and went to the mountain to take part
in the ceremonies.
Pentheus the son of Agave is opposite to the deity.
Comes the new religion, the new god
Dionysus came to Greece from Phrygia.
Bacchus is the son of my daughter said Cadmus
that needs support. Pentheus I can help you said Dionysus to see what women do in Kitheronas.
A lot I would like answered Pentheus.
They will understand you immediately added Dionysus that wore women's clothes,
we go inside the palace to clothe you,
you will become unrecognizable.
Pentheus pitiful death will find, his mother Agave
she will kill her son, with her own hands.
Pentheus came out from the palace wearing
bakchika clothes. Dionysus went behind with a attaché.
First Agave saw her son lurking and cried the other Bacchae, Bacchae who it is that came to Kitheronas
to see what we make.
Were Lost the son of Echiona, Pentheus.
when we arrived in Kitheronas at festival
said Pentheus, on a tree will go up
to see better there at the top of the tree,
he became perceptible from the maenads.
Was deeply heard the voice of Dionysus says,
women are the one that is opposite in the new religion, that tyrannizes you.
Bacchae just heard the words of God flowed
crazy on the slopes and ravines to find Pentheus,
the king. When he saw the king on the tree began
throwing stones, spears, Thyrsos, but could not reach him.
Then they uprooted the tree and fell down Pentheus
noisy crying from the pain.
His mother Agave made a start and rushed over
the King threw the braid to recognize him.
Mother, Mummy, your son Pentheus I am,
I was wrong, do not kill me, do not kill me.
Agave was making foams from the mouth and
her eyes throwing flames, seized from
 the bacchanal frenzy.
She caught Pentheus from left hand and immediately
detached his shoulder. Ino her sister pulled
the flesh and around Aytonoi and the other Bacchae
they shouted crazy asking another blood.
They scattered the pieces of the rocks,
his mother Agave got the head, nailed
at the edge of Thyrsos like he was head of a lion,
and turning the Kitheronas.


Passions of Prometheus are without end,
nailed to the rock with steel shackles endures badly.
Hephaestus the god of fire and the terrible State
they took the job after the orders of Zeus.
It caused the rage of gods because gave
in the people the secrets of immortals.
Nailed on this rock I say and foretell
the future of the world, the future of gods and men.
Prometheus Bound, Unbound, pyrophoric, savior
the power of Necessity is mighty.
Prometheus how you put with awesome Zeus
the gods dominate the world, dominate in the lives
of people, looking only they impose  the right of the strongest. Olympian Zeus accused me because I dared
to speak about the future of his own,
how will lose the power and the throne
No one can change my opinion.
Jupiter when took the power and took the throne
from his father Cronus, handed powers
in the gods without figuring mortals.
I asked they have the right in knowledge, learning,
I gave the fire, the future appearred brilliant
for mortals, for all mankind.
I am a Bound, Unbound, pyrophoric, savior torchbearer, a liberator of unfortunate people in the opening of light.



Favorite Antigone
In who country we reached now.
In who country will accept your blind father.
Ah! Daughter-my daughter
Child unholy father unfairly wander in Foreigner.


Sang little Antigone

Blind Oedipus and his daughter Antigone arrived in Athens where the wretched king resorted suppliant in holy Kolonou, asking protection from the goddess.
Theseus, the ruler of Athens protected the human.

Who killed his father?
He married his mother and had children together.

Began the Theban Cycles, vegan the Circles of Oedipus,
Oedipus Rex, Oedipus at Colonus,
Antigone, Jocasta .
Started cycles of Oedipus and Antigone
Completing the circles of posthumously,
Reveal the past - present and future
What we know and do not know.


Omniscient Oedipus we came to ask you
How to save the city, make your miracle as you
did before from bitch Sphinx .


Thebans rocked my soul
From the evil that found us.


What I would not give to not hear
Those who I heard.
Do not happen these terrible facts.
Phoebus asked to leave the impurity that contaminated the city,  this who killed Laius when he went pilgrim
In oracle of Delphi. Great Oedipus said front in all that discovers the guilty.  Rumours said that a wayfarer
killed Laius.

Cry the seer Tiresias
To uncover the culprit to save the city.


I know the truth but I can not say
Living great drama.

Speak testy old man someone you hide
Do not shout the guards.


Big Oedipus
You're the guilty, you killed Laius.


Tiresia careful what you say
Will not regret that you are blind.

Misfortune Oedipus
You are father and brother of your children
You are a man of your mother
Where did children with her.
You are the one who killed his father Laius
On the way to Delphi.
Then Oedipus accused Creon that he
Put Tiresia say these nonsenses.


My two beloved brothers, Eteocles
and Polynices killed outside the walls
Seven-gate city of Thebes. One Polynices remained unburied and unlamented outside the walls of Thebes,
while the other Eteocles with orders of Creon
he was buried with all prices as it suits in king.
It is impossible Polynices to remain unburied,
they will eat the vultures, jackals, worms.
My beloved sister, lovely Antigone
these are contrary to the orders of Creon,
the laws of city and the wish of Thebans.
Ismene think a little, even sisters we have completely
 opposite opinion, different characters.
Remember what found our father mythical Oedipus
and our mother divine Jocasta.
If you are afraid alone me I will continue the work,
alone I will bury the dead brother.

Eyewitnesses and hearsay
parallel and same with history
we reveal the difference,
The passage from one to another.


Creon someone buried Polynices
and made libations on the tomb,
despite the order that you gave.
Ignore the laws of city and the will of gods,
but we found who is the guilty.


They want to overthrow me and to take the power.


Brave Creon
This is the daughter who buried the dead.
When she saw the grave began to lament
without delay we dashed above her and we caught.


So it's like saying
speak you have the possibility to defend yourself.
You know that the order is death
for anyone who disobeys and bury the dead.


From when the Laws of Gods
they are less than the laws of men.
You cannot order as god after man you are a mortal.


Death awaits you for what you say and do.

Only Divine Justice defines life and death,
we are beings with free will
to do what we think proper, right.


Now you will know the true face of power.
You are a rebellious
put little mind do not put with the power,
you can not change the world.


Polynices my brother
could not to remain unburied and unlamented.
The corpse was thrown to earth,
to eat the birds and the beasts.


The order is an order although child of my sister
did not obey the Law,
I can not make any exception.


Laws are to change
the Citizens, societies form
their content depending on the conditions.


Death awaits for you that you say also
whatever sophistry and you think.


I have nothing to lose beither riches nor kingdom.
I am free to say my opinion effortlessly
without any interest.

Little Antigone

but you do not understand that you are lead to death.


There is great glory
when you die for ideas and your beliefs.


Cursed my sons I condemn to eternal loneliness of death,
you did not respect your old father,
the man who grew to you.
When Eteocles did not deliver the power,
in his brother Polynices.
He left went to Argos in the courtyard of Adrastos,
and married his daughter Argeia,
convinced his father in law, help him get
behind the throne that belongs to him.
Argives walked all together against Eteocles
and Thebes because exiled his brother Polynices,
did not respect the agreement.
The passions of family Lavdakidon never end.


Evil became in the road of Fokida
there they met my man with my son.
Both went to the oracle to ask Phoebus
my son wanted to know, who is his father,
when he learned that he is the step son of Polybos.
My man what happened to my son, who luck he had.
When the coachman of Laius asked Oedipus
put aside to pass the king,   this pretended
that did not hear.  Then the horses suddenly
shaken    and hooves Bloody his feet.
My son got angry so much as a beast lunged
and killed his father, without knowing that he is the father,
with the other passengers.
When Oedipus solved the riddle of Sphinx,
Creon set that whoever solved the oracle,
and saved the city he would marry me.
I married my son Oedipus and I made children with him,
Eteocles and Polynices, Antigone and Ismene.
The campaign of Seven against Thebes began
without Return.


King of Thebes Generous fearless Eteocles,
immediately you will know what think our enemies.
throwing lots who gate will take
Each leader to fights.
All together Argives prepared to scatter
the fire and death in much afflicted Thebes.
I run to the gates of Thebes to fight
the Seven Warlords, I will take the seventh Gate.    


Mother I did not want unjustly
Killed my beloved brothers.


Hurry together to go on the battlefield
and we ask them not Fight.
              ANTIGONE -ELECTRA

My two beloved brothers, Eteocles
and Polynices killed outside the walls
Seven-gate city of Thebes. One Polynices remained unburied and unlamented outside the walls of Thebes,
while the other Eteocles with orders of Creon
he was buried with all prices as it suits in king.
It is impossible Polynices to remain unburied,
they will eat the vultures, jackals, worms.
My beloved sister, lovely Antigone
these are contrary to the orders of Creon,
the laws of city and the wish of Thebans.
Ismene think a little, even sisters we have completely
opposite opinion, different characters.
Remember what found our father mythical Oedipus
and our mother divine Jocasta.
If you are afraid alone me I will continue the work,
alone I will bury the dead brother.
Eyewitnesses and hearsay
Parallel and same with history
we reveal the difference,
The passage from one to another.


Lovely Orestes the famous Argos
there under are found Lykeios Agora, the temple of Hera,
and just beyond the palaces of Pelopidas.
Your sister Electra baby gave to escape
from Aegisthus hands when the black net of death killed
your father, fabulous Agamemnon
when he returned victorious from Troy.
You are the most faithful friend for this pay attention to the project, based on that sued Phoebus when I went to the oracle to ask him. It's the perfect crime, without an army and chariots I will conquer Argos.
Foreigner you will enter in the palace and say that
Orestes is dead, tried to see what becomes inside.
We will say that in this pitcher is my burnt body.


My mother Clytemnestra did the crime together
with her lover Aegisthus killed my father
divine Agamemnon just returned from Troy.
Uselessly I wait for appears Orestes and together
to take revenge for the murder of our father,
only Orestes can bring redemption.



Life is the One and the Many
the Same and different, this and other.
time wants art of life to blooms.


The Electras are the two faces of IANOS.
A modern tragedy approach different myth of Electra.
Before the Sophocles and Euripides as today.
So the same actor plays two roles.
Make the move from the one to another.
The Electra is an insubordinate, prefers to die
Than to bend his heed to tyranny.
Her sister Chrysothemi advise not to puts to the strong.
Electra speak freely and tell the truth about
the mother of the Clytemnestra and her lover Aegisthus
the passions of Atreidon no end.
The circle of death shows the opening of the post-
After death- A world away and the new...... is near.
Electra dedicates itself entirely to the gods end home.

It follows the fate of a center passions and testing.
Denounces the unjust death of her father Agamemnon.
Dispute the power to prevent the city from the evils
of tyranny. Its center humans live events and choose between humanity and barbarity good man.
The fear, obedience dominate the city end Electra
resisted at the cost is her life. Pay with the death the clearance comes through pain. Electra devoted to the low.
The relationship between truth and lies, the myth functions
Beyond the limits is a way of interpreting the world.
The fear and the mercy and the feelings generated
the viewer at the tragedy are under the influence
of the victim - the passions-.
We all make mistakes but you learn to avoid.
All resources are opening up the big time-.
The poetry, tragedy, love and death is opening.
The destiny of man is driven by the life and time.
Makes nostalgic journey home.
Modern Electra is another history.
We must remember - we must forger.


Orestes we arrived in the city than you were born,
Bad luck willed it to turn to foreign stateless.
An errant warrior of light said the educator,
you came to reveal the truth
what happened in the dark palaces of Argos.
My good friend, a life you were next to me
for this gently listened plan.
Phoebus gave the oracle says
<< Only to go to Argos and I do fair murder >>
Conceitedly in the palace you enter in order to
learn what becomes.  After so many years no one will know me answered the educator.


Ah !! wretched
as long as I live I will shout with all my force,
the villain, my mother Clytemnestra
with her lover, Aegisthus,
they killed my father divine Agamemnon.
In vain I expect the return of my brother Orestes,
together we will take revenge for the death
our brave father Agamemnon.


Be careful how you talk sister Aegisthus will bury
live - dead.


The Electras are the two faces of IANOS.
A modern tragedy approach different myth of Electra.
Before the Sophocles and Euripides as today.
So the same actor plays two roles.
Make the move from the one to another.
The Electra is an insubordinate, prefers to die
Than to bend his heed to tyranny.
Her sister Chrysothemi advise not to puts to the strong.
Electra speak freely and tell the truth about
the mother of the Clytemnestra and her lover Aegisthus
the passions of Atreidon no end.
The circle of death shows the opening of the post-
After death- A world away and the new...... is near.
Electra dedicates itself entirely to the gods end home.
It follows the fate of a center passions and testing.
Denounces the unjust death of her father Agamemnon.
Dispute the power to prevent the city from the evils
of tyranny. Its center humans live events and choose between humanity and barbarity good man.
The fear, obedience dominate the city end Electra
resisted at the cost is her life.
Pay with the death. The clearance comes through pain.
Electra devoted to the low.
The relationship between truth and lies, the myth functions
Beyond the limits is a way of interpreting the world.
The fear and the mercy and the feelings generated
the viewer at the tragedy are under the influence
of the victim - the passions-.
We all make mistakes but you learn to avoid.
All resources are opening up longe - the big time-.
The poetry, tragedy, love and death is opening.
The destiny of man is driven by the life and time.
Makes nostalgic journey home.
Modern Electra is another history.
We must remember - we must forger.


Orestes we arrived in the city than you were born,
Bad luck willed it to turn to foreign stateless.
An errant warrior of light said the educator,
you came to reveal the truth
what happened in the dark palaces of Argos.
My good friend, a life you were next to me
for this gently listened plan. Phoebus gave the oracle says
<< Only to go to Argos and I do fair murder >>
Conceitedly in the palace you enter in order to
learn what becomes.  After so many years no one will know me answered the educator.


Ah !! wretched
as long as I live I will shout with all my force,
the villain, my mother Clytemnestra
with her lover, Aegisthus,
they killed my father divine Agamemnon.
In vain I expect the return of my brother Orestes,
together we will take revenge for the death
our brave father Agamemnon.


Be careful how you talk sister Aegisthus will bury
live - dead.


This is the black love of Aegisthus
and Clytemnestra, the most fatal couple
in Argos and History.
This is the love of the damned lovers
which scattered death, fear and mercy.
The Eternal escape was the exile in the land of nowhere
and nothing, the passage to the other world.
The Island of Eternal Return became the final destination,
the origin, and their hope.
The darkness of Hades reveals the hell of In Time.
The two lovers paid the price for what they made
at Argos in the man of Clytemnestra,
Agamemnon and their two children, Orestes
and Electra, existed ruthless Tyrants.
Resourceful Odysseus and diverse partners
they arrived in Hades, in Hell of In Time
to learn if they turn back to the mythical Ithaca,
Ithaca of Eternal Return.
The beasts and monsters shouting and screaming
while mangled fighting each other,
giving terrible battles up to death.
The gates of Hell opened wide and swallowed
the miseries souls. Myriad people hanging upside down from heavenly stairs and fell in flaming abyss,
what is God, what is not God and what mediates
between them. Who sent you this dreadful country
where reigns death, posthumous
asked resourceful Odysseus.
O passionate love is the cause of evil
answered divine Clytemnestra, was caught out in networks power and sucked badly.
What I made no one god or man can forgive.
The tragic fury conquered my mind,
how to live after these heinous acts.
Black bitches Furies chasing me constantly
they want to wipe out, we were burned in hell
of In time. Who is your homeland, what is your origin
asked cunning Aegisthus.
The travel never ends replied mythical Odysseus,
my name is nobody  so call me acquaintances and friends.

      IN TIME

Resist- resist violence brings violence
the power anarchist power. There are no big secrets
all are revealed in the light of sun under the light of justice.
Illegal lovers, my mother Clytemnestra
and her lover Aegisthus killed the winner
Troy, my father Agamemnon,
the unholy lovers had set up ambush.
Revenge will come from Atreus, Orestes,
wandering exile to foreign lands.
Something terrible becomes is inside the palace
voices, screams. Me slaughtering my own children
Aigisthus- Aegisthus guards, guards
where you are, all was lost, left
shouted desperately Queen Clytemnestra.
Dishonest woman together with your lover Aegisthus
you killed my father, now will pay the price
with your own life said Electra.
Your father Agamemnon said lied about your sister
Iphigenia and unjustly sacrificed my child.
He said he wanted to marry with divine Achilles,
shameless brought from Troy his mistress Cassandra,
they made two children together.
Orestes I am your mother, who she gave birth,
how many times a lullaby and I cried on your pillow.
Mother never cared what I did to foreign,
you forced me and I left to get the power,
with your lover Aegisthus.
Clytemnestra where are the conspirators shouted Aegisthus turned Orestes, rose the world, came out in the streets, they want to take power.
Here front you what you see,
guards, guards circle their, does not be save no one.
The endless river of blood has no end in the palace
of Atreides. Electra that rushes naked and unprotected
on swords and spears, your body will become
a thousand pieces.



Divine Odysseus and the Multiform Elpinoras arrived
at the Port of Piraeus, where left the ship of legendary Ithaca under a shed. On the way to Athens voices heard and asked to learn what happens a group of Athenian.
Goddess Athena was transformed into one of these
Replied politely.  Join us  we will accommodate you
Do not turn yourself along and deserts in five streets.
Thank you-thank you
Are famous Elpinoras, the warrior of light,
And resourceful Odysseus.
When they arrived at the house of Lysistrata requested
To meet the multimode Athenian.
This just hearing who was the two Foreign
Immediately came out to greet them as if they knew long.


You have reached at the appropriate time.
We need allies
To achieve-this-we want.


Wants and query
Is it ever possible to deny something to a woman.


This I say to Athenian
Listen-we got the power from men
Women manage Athens.


Why men what do, eagle fly
They did not understand anything.

They are absent in the war
Fighting years away.
Gradually we take the power.


Wow! Wow this is awesome
First time happens in History,
Women taking power.
And what are you going to do
How will face the men.


We propose the Peace
In a feminin way Peace.


And how do you achieve this.
The opponents will exploit differences
And will attack to conquer Athens.


We have Plan, Drawing Female Plan
We made it to the female mind,
Is unbeatable!
No one can put us.

Listen-listen Plan I am all ears
Maybe we can help.


They did not slaughter prrrrtsss!!!!
We will not disclose our secrets
We did not even know you.
Can men betray us,
You support each other.

Men are the losers of Game,
The sex of the world are female.




The souls of the dead are countless flocks,
Armies, constitutions come from the abyss.
They came from the underworld along with me
and resourceful Odysseus.
They want to live the life over again,
That broke the bonds of death.
The Eternal Return of opening reveals
the dimensions of the big time.


We travel through the wormhole of Big Time
Making passes posthumously.
Nobody exceeded the cycles of birth and death.
The world collapses
We must invent Other City, a Other Life.
Divine Odysseus gave advice to tickle Elpinora how behaved, what he makes and does not start running behind women. He reacted by saying that it is worse
And he had countless mistresses.
If I open the mouth and speak for your wives
Does not save you anything, will become loss.
Discussing arrived in a country Unknown, Large
Unexplored and uncreated.
Heard only the rustle of leaves, the trumpets
And the gallop of horses.


Until we find the Ideal City
We have time, the birds show the way,
Until we find Daedalus.
He is the man who became Dragon bird
Transformed into a dragon with wings
And then takes the form of Anthropomorphic Dragon.
A dance of wild arpies, prehistoric, historic
And migratory birds made noise spoiling the world.
The eagles, vultures, crows, other birds
And the servant of the Dragon with wings appeared
Jaunty, jaunty shaking their tails.

Very funny they became ridiculous, bozos
Spending for smart while being silly.


I live some of the transformations of an alien
 Now I am an exotic bird deep in good spirits.
I look changed but it does not matter
I will return to my normal levels.
So do not be surprised if you see change form,
Persons, to become someone else.


What kind of man he is
From where keeps his generation.
This is also number, crazy
And thinks he is something else
From where came from.


I am from the Democracy of Big Time
A meta chronic of time
That became eagle, air grinding.
Tralala- tralalo
We are not well we have no mind
We bring planetary Peace.
Tralala- tralalo


Resourceful Odysseus King of Ithaca and tingling Elpinoras decided to descend into Hades,
to ask seer Tiresias if they turn back to Ithaca,
or they will wander constantly in
the opening, in the circles of Eternal Return.
When they arrived at the lake of Big Time,
They lead them famous Gargalonia- Frog Eggs to Underworld.
All together went up on a boat of old ferryman Charon
paying three obolus freight to download them
to the underworld, in palaces of Pluto.

 Descent into Hades
 Descent into Hades

Darkness covered Hades did not appear nothing,
Fiery flames sprang up from the bowels of earth,
And they burned that in front of them.
An endless song of death, the human pain.


We are crazy Gargalonia- Frog Eggs
The warriors of sweet water
The teasers - the teasers
No one escapes from us.
Koax - koax -ko -ko -aa

No more money - end the money
They finished the jokes, we arrived at the end.
From here the god of Hades with you .
I hope you liked and you give Life!
We confused said resourceful Odysseus
How we will find the house of Pluto,
I do not see anything, it is pitch-darkly,
It's like an imaginary hologram.
The passages are subtle; perhaps this
It is the city of future, the home of future.


Filthy what you want here
Get fast, you will gut the monster of Hades
With seven heads and many hands.
How you passed from Cerberus
And the madness gargalonia,
They're checking around the world!


Divine Odysseus and tingling Elpinoras
They arrived in Hades.
Want to meet the king of underworld
The awesome and terrible Pluto, the seer Tiresias .


Multimode Elpinora hiding behind me
You want to change roles
Becoming Ulysses and I Elpinoras, king in place of King.


Dreadful Pluto, the sovereign of Darkness ordered giant Antaios to accompany the legendary heroes in the Upper World. He said to protect them from the adventures, sufferings,  enemies or hazards of Great Nekyia.


Divine Odysseus and tingling Elpinora.


Seer Tiresias predicted the return to Ithaca
After many hardships and adventures.


We learned about the much afflicted Return in mythical Ithaca, all those years of wandering, I try to remember
The form of my own but I can not.
Resourceful Odysseus saw your mother, prudent Antikleia
Was the most shocking moment in Hades,
She talked about the Beautiful Ithaca our relatives.


Multimode Odysseus and you ticklish Elpinora
I will not keep to you other in the down world.
The road is clear and dogs tied
Antaio where are you stupid why are you messing around.


My King cried forever your servant.
What it became they leave already the visitors.


Divine Odysseus and multiform Elpinoras leave the underworld, they learned what they wanted.
You undertake to accompany them as the opening of Hades, who would hurt them have to makes with me.


Wants with me Cerberus, the dog with three heads
And the tail with the dragon head.


You Geryon undertakes to pass the heroes,
Over the abyss, dark abyss
Until the gates leading to the Upper world.


With what we will go up
The travel is long and difficult.


As you went down with the boat of demon Flegya,
In Hades there are no luxuries.


King Pluto thanks for hosting
You looked after with more.
This was one of the most important experiences of my life.


Wonderful Lord of Hades
We are grateful for the help.
I will narrate in our children and grandchildren
How I met legendary Pluto and you would not believe.


Thank you - thank you rarely hear good words,
Take a little courage we to do our job.
We have we make dealing with deads
They are very wayward, that villain.
All together they left the boat demon Flegya
Mythical Odysseus, famous Elpinoras,
Giant Antaios, Cerberus there were standing
And looked around carefully. Flew over Geryon
The winged demon ready to intervene if necessary.
They passed over the abyss, the Island of Fire
Where becomes the PURGATION of SOULS.
They burnt until the expiation in all stages of Consciousness.


Angels of Deaths guarding the gates of Hades,
E! Patriots what you make here continue asleep.
Anyone wanting enters and exits the underworld.


Angels my good Angels open the doors we pass.
We are good people we did not make anything wrong.
I swear on my mother and my mistress.


Who stupid shouts it woke up us abruptly,
We cannot sleep little we have a lot work.


They want to get out of Hades
Go - crazy
Nobody does not leave from underworld,
Does not exist Return.


Sleepyhead you open the doors
We have order from King Pluto.
To look at the evidence  
If the learned lord of darkness
Will be angry a lot.

Well we made a joke guys colleagues we are
Immediately you took seriously.


E! You guards open the gates
To pass the warriors of Big Time.

Famous Odysseus and multiform Elpinoras
They passed from the Golden Gate of big time,
And left behind the down world.
Astonished they reached in mouth of Hades,
In Acheroysia lake with terrible fumes.
They left fast going to the next forest to escape.


They look alien as if it came from another world.
Alea – aleo, Koax - koax
Let's see what they will make.

The detectors frogs Oros, Minos and Aiakos
Together with Prince Rhadamanthy led the Warriors
Of light in the palace of King Ogygou.