Δευτέρα 29 Φεβρουαρίου 2016








Tell us Socrates what is the true city
where is expressed the Historical Creation?
asked the famous politician

<<Nothing is as it seems
what is said in many ways >>.
Iliani Creation
where is revealed the diversity
that bring the people
these are the passage
And the opening together.

<< Man is the measure of all things >>.

Answered sophist Protagoras

Quietly, quietly
now they visit me the demons
<< Know yourself >>
It is the essence of man.

The tropism of time the opening of time.

It is possible the knowledge
or is it impossible to view the world?
Eminent Gorgia the sky of Athens is full of poetry
and freedom, an incredible energy.

Nightingales sing the song of the world
flooding the souls with unspeakable joy and freedom.
Filled the air nice scents beautiful celebrate myrtles,
the apple trees and the plum, the flowers, the whole world.
Wandering in the path of big time
Texture of time changes as the light and shadow.
Who has the power and how he manages
rightly or wrongly.
Who dominate the many or few?
The City is
<< Independent, Autodicus, autonomous>>
 <<By decision of the House and the City>>
institutionalized by the city itself and was ruled by citizens
answered historianThucydides
Life is hereNekyia is Elsewhere
Inside the city revealed the Harmony and Measure
Completed saying resourceful Odysseus.
Dialogue is the flower of life revealing the truth
of the world.
Long-suffering Odysseus and tormented companions
with driver divine Athena following the road of post-mortem, they went to the jail where they kept Socrates.
Athenians condemned the teacher to death
because corrupted the young people,
morality of city and did not respect the gods.
They found a expiatory victim  as utmost solution.
Athenian hegemony sank after the Sicilian expedition
the biggest mistake of Athenians.
The terms of winners is always ruthless,
Spartans forced the Athenians
burn the ships, and demolish the long walls.
I can not see you so Socrates I do not want to see me crying I can not stand so much pain said Phaedrus.
Only Socrates is serene and unperturbed
as if nothing happens.


Nobody knows answered great philosopher Socrates
what is better for Him that dies.
He does not know that goes while those
who will live they do not know what waits for them.
What they are doing now the will remember in all the life.
It's time to bathe I do not want to burden women
with an extra work.
Socrates drank the hemlock said divine Plato
as if he drank a glass of sweet wine,
serene and calm he followed the way of destiny.
The drug paralyzed nervous system
causing terrible pain and contractions.
Death of Socrates shook his students.

He is a new hero
He is a new hero.

  He showed in the people how is that possible
to transform the world with Logic and with Word.
Completed saying diversity Odysseus.
He is the first man in history who died for his ideas,
the first man who died for what he believed.
Radically disputed the power and did Criticism
and Self-criticism, he spoke about the truth of world.
Since then Athenians spreading with their ships
the Empire of spirit and not the policy.
Man must free to meditate and Free to live.


Planetary Odysseus and chaotic companions
Intrepid navigators of the world, for driver had the stars,
without astrolabes and azimouthia theodolites and pyxides. Sailed the ocean blue Aegean sea
Mediterranean, Crete and Carthage.

Who is the island
Who is the island

Who is emerging bathed in the light where born from
the depths of sea. Serene and aunt brought
blue vastness of the world asked mythical Odysseus.
Nicosia, Ledra, Ammochostos, Kyrenia, Paphos
airy rocked the troubled Cyprus transparent into
 the blue sea. Deeply rooted in the beginnings
of Time.

They were all together on the mythical Ithaca
in the Nile Delta outside legendary Alexandria.
The shadows of many idols gathered in clusters
around resourceful Odysseus and the long-suffering companions.  All asked it takes them with him.
First revealed Alexander the Great with the
Macedonian aristocracy.
Multimode Odysseus
who winds brought to you outside
for my city, mythical Alexandria?
The winds of delusion and wandering Great king.
The past is the opening of future.
All together follow me in Alexandria
my favorite city answered Alexander.
This is the idol of beautiful Helen
she seduced unsettled Paris, It is true Helen.
The Prince of Troy slept with her Shadow
while This fled to Egypt asked eminent Peridis.
The time of war gained nothing with a sea lips
 lived Sleepless life.
They follow entourage of idols Priam, Hector, Ajax,
Achilles, Philip, Olympias. They want to come back
to life to make the travel of return Home.

Search with passion the truth
even to do not ever meet
in the wars and the great conquests.

 << I wish you now that
finish the wars
become HAPPY with peace >>.

The words of the great king pronounced
the early and late sounds of the world.

The copper newts warn we enter in the port of Alexandria,
It is something shocking, It is very big.
Lighthouse of Alexandria was shining showing the way
for mariners not to be lost in the wild night.
The armies of idols disappeared
they made wings for elsewhere.
In royal palaces expect Ptolemy A, Arsinoe
and Other courtiers.
All Ptolemies are together in the opening of Posthumous the Opening of big time.

Divine Odysseus
and you fabulous companions
welcome to the palace.
I know that comes from far away, the opening.

Polite and hospitality Ptolemy
I greet you and the Others
we come from the double spiral of Big Time.

Eminent Odysseus talk to us for passages of passages
Asked mathematician, philosopher Eratoshenes.
They come from big trip and let the discussion for later.
Now is not the time for such questions.
We have all time to learn from mythical Odysseus
the secrets of this world answered Ptolemy A.

 The destruction of libraries changed
the history of man, the history of the world.
The great Library radiating cosmic energy
It is inconceivable what happens.
Many Alexandrians wait for from outside
first librarian Zenodotus, Poets, philosophers Copyists
and many grammarians of Library.
Here is hidden the wisdom of the world the scientific and philosophical knowledge, the history of all great civilizations, that marked the history of man
said divine Odysseus. 
Here live poets, philosophers and Initiates
great writers and revolutionaries.
Odysseus and Ptolemies sat in the middle
and around in a circle the Others Known and Unknown.
Returning the Panchronos and together the all History
of world, friends my favorites I propose to discuss for Being of Human.
The opening of the life and death capture the life
that leads to the death said fabulous Odysseus
The universe of time is the harmony of numbers,
the geometry of the world reveals the cosmic Being
said mathematician Euclid.
Together they went to the square
King Sun to see the city.
Thousands Alexandrians gathered in the streets,
front went the musicians and they followed
the Ptolemy’s divine Odysseus and Others.
Constitutions whole timeless spirits they gathered
in the center was the Star sixteen of Macedonia.

When gathered all famous rhapsodies went up
in the podium, and he began to sing
In honor of the long-suffering Odysseus
and much afflicted Comrades.
People of Alexandria
what I will sing is all true
big time Odysseus and the intrepid companions.
travelling without end until they find mythical Ithaca.
Sang us for the glory of Alexandria
Alexandria troubled Empress
embellished with precious gems
rubies, amethysts, pearls, zafyria, gold and enamel.
Wherever go the Mind, where to travel the Other is here.
Always ready the Alexandrians accept what comes.
Memory of Alexandria
returned in the opening of the world.
Their Laestrygonians and Cyclops do not be afraid.
Only farewell Alexandria that lost
the travel does not end Never.
Only farewell Alexandria while leaving
It is lost in the horizon.
The travel never ends Just started.


All together resourceful Odysseus, multimode companions, King Oedipus, mythical Jocasta wonderful Antigone, all Macedonian Aristocracy, many Alexandrians and others were on the -Same- boat , fabulous Ithaca.
They made the journey in the opening through the cycles
of Eternal Return.
Armies of idols followed the legendary ship
they wanted to live from near the end of great king,
to learn that died Alexander so young, so suddenly
and unpredictably.
They had heard of mythical Alexandria many myths,
stories and versions about his death that they did not know what to believe, what to accept.
The -Same- King Alexander his imaginary idol
in the Imaginary Museum of the big time,
who was with them
he smiled enigmatically when they asked him.
He did not give any response to the real causes of death,
who or what caused the death of great commander.
He never revealed to anyone that was buried,
only Alexander and Ptolemy A΄ they knew
the big secret that real was buried.

Alexander of Macedon
the greatest conqueror of world.
king of Macedonian state
the man who started from Greece
and reached as India and China.
The greatest commander of all time.
the emotion flooded the brave soul,
when he thought his troubled life.

Mythical Alexander king of Macedonia
he married divine Roxanne in holy Persepolis.
The man who started from Greece
and he reached as India and China
revealing the Eternal Return of conquests.
The greatest army commander of all Time
the bravest warrior of Greeks
He made the trip to multidimensional UNKNOWN.
 The emotion flooded his heroic soul
When he realized the adventurous life,
How many times he saw death.
Shouted General Ptolemy.
Μulti story Alexander Eternal People will talk
for your achievements,
the big conquests, the improbable realisations. 
Famous Alexander
you who have conquered the world
spoke a little before the marriage with Roxanne
proposed General Perdikas.

Ι conquered countless cities and peoples
Knew different cultures - religions
Languages ​​-mentalities - arts,
One thing I did not forget. 
That I am one Greek 
Who comes from Macedonia ,
And reached untill here THANKS TO YOU.
Only the beautiful Roxanne stole your soul
completely conquered you
Conquered and subdued by a Goddess
Said his best friend General Hephaestion.

All together Alexander - generals - officers
they started to meet the Beautiful Roxanne,
And her father Yaxerti, with other officials.
The famous army of Macedonian king was there
Cheering Alexander in his passage.
Persians and the representatives of populations  
they bowed front the great conqueror.
Yaxertis with the Beautiful Roxanne waited outside
the palace to give his daughter to Alexander
and become the Wedding.

King Alexander
The biggest army commander of world.
My King from here
The people waiting for

My Friends
Greek - Macedonian - Persian and you other folks
thanks for the welcome.
brought us so far to become the Wedding.


Brave Alexander - the invincible warrior
he became master of the world.
Alexander moved approached Perdica
And Yaxerti that they passed the rings of Marriage
For honeymooners.
Love is Invincible for the first time lost,
Worthy - Worthy.