Δευτέρα 29 Φεβρουαρίου 2016



 Eternal Cities



The man Resourceful
help oh Muse to sing
ever since fell the City
tormented Troy
<< Many people saw cities and knew well >>


Was lost divine Odysseus
in foreign lands.
It will not take place
Planetary Nostos,
series has brave Telemachus
take the power of kingdom in the hands.
Series has Telemachus to take the power in the hands.

Divine Penelope circulates ethereally among us
to induce sexual desire.
She wants to fight, to be facing each other
for who will make his wife
said the suitor Eurymachus.

Twenty years I weave and the night unpick
the sheet of love and death,
the shroud of my father in law Laertes,
surrounded from the suitors
that make me immoral proposals.
You must choose one of us for your husband
said the suitor Antinous, enough kept funny,
you mock us, the shroud it will not finish never.
Wretched I cannot gain other time
monologue prudent Penelope.
I will recommend the suitors
that whoever passed the arrow with the bow of Odysseus
of these rings, this I will choose for man.


Multimode Odysseus and multiform partners
they returned in Athens through the centuries
of big time.
The holy rock of Acropolis looked from afar,
the luminous marbles of Parthenon reflected
the centuries of whole world.
Gave a feeling of lightness that waves in the air,
a music that overcame per year.

Tell us Socrates
what is the true of city
asked the famous Pericles.
Quietly -quietly
now visit me the demons
answered divine philosopher.
   << Know yourself >>
It is the essence of man.
said the divine philosopher.
<< Man is the measure of all things >>.
complete the sophist Protagoras.

Who initiates and how
rightly or wrongly,

The City is
<< Independent, Autodicus, autonomous>>
 <<By decision of the House and the City>>
institutionalized by the city itself
and was ruled by citizens


Long-suffering Odysseus and his resigned companions
with driver Pallas Athena went to the jail,
where they kept Socrates.
Athenians condemned to death the teacher
because corrupted young people, the city's morals
and did not respect the gods,
they found a expiatory victim as utmost solution.
I can not see that way Socrates
I do not want to see me crying said Phaedrus.
Only Socrates was serene and calm
he said that no one knows what is best
for him who dies.
He does not know that goes while those who will live
they do not know what awaits them.
Socrates drank the Hemlock
as if he drank a glass of wine,
serene and unruffled followed the path
of Destiny replied Plato.
He is the first man in history
who died for his ideas,
the first man who died for what he believed.


The shadows of many images gathered in clusters
on mythical Ithaca around divine Odysseus
and multimode companions,
all asked it takes them with him.
First revealed Alexander the Great
with the Macedonian aristocracy.
Resourceful Odysseus
who winds brought you out of my city,
fabulous Alexandria asked Alexander.
The winds of delusion and wandering
great king,
the past is the opening of the future.
All along follow me in Alexandria,
my favorite city replied the great marshal.
In royal palaces waited for all Ptolemies,
first talked Ptolemy A΄.
Multimode Odysseus and you multiform partners
welcome to Alexandria.
I know that you come from far away
through the opening.
Kind and hospitable Ptolemy
I greet you and all the others.
Learn how we come from the double spiral
of  big time.


Many Alexandrians waiting outside the library
of Alexandria,
The first librarian Zenodotus, poets, philosophers,
copyists, grammarians.
Here is hidden the wisdom of world,
The scientific and philosophical knowledge,
the history of all great civilizations,
that marked the history of man.
Here reside poets, philosophers, great writers
and rebels said the eminent Odysseus.
All together they sat in the middle
surrounded in a circle the Others
the known and unknown.
Friends I propose to discuss for the Human,
the opening of life reveals the road
that leads to death said the mathematician,
philosopher, historian Eratosthenes.
The universe of time is the harmony of numbers,
the geometry of the world reveals the cosmic Is
complete the mathematician and author Euclid.
All together they went to the square King Sun, thousands of Alexandrians gathered in the streets
and the square to applause official.
When all gathered a rhapsodist
he went up to the podium and began to sing
in honor of divine Odysseus and wonderful companions.
People of Alexandria what I will sing
They are all true.
Resourceful Odysseus and multiform partners
travelling without end in time,
until they find mythical Ithaca,
but first I will start with Alexandria.
Memory of Alexandria
returned to the opening of world,
their Laestrygonians and Cyclops not been afraid,
only bids farewell Alexandria that is lost
the travel never ends.


Fabulous Ithaca sailing overbearing in Tiber,
when suddenly appeared on the deck of the ship,
the sons of the wolf, Remus and Romulus with Aeneas.
Mythical heroes immediately recognized each other,
and cried with sobs.
Even divine Odysseus wander in the centuries,
yes here in the eternal city I will find out why.
A tradition says that whoever mortal immortal
want to get into the city, must first wrestling
or fight with me answered awesome Aeneas.
I prefer to wrestling not and from error is killed no one
replied mythical Odysseus


What speech Cicero
this imperious eagle of Rome,
why so many people are cuddly in Agora,
what do they want the senators and Praetors.
If is destroy the oligarchy, is destroyed the state
Romans watchful,
only war ensures the wealth and glory of Rome
I suggest Pompey to leave quickly for Asia.
Great and divine Cicero you talk like a lawyer
that has interests in Asia answered a Roman citizen,
that  is created the new man, Homo novus.
The young man of the world takes time
to becomes Other answered divine Cicero.


Flavian amphitheater is the temple of the altar
where thousands are dying beasts and people.
It is masterfully made with great art and technique
thousands of Christians are found in the undergrounds
of Amphitheatre suffering badly,
an endless lamentation that reaches till heaven
said multiform Odysseus.
Nero cares to entertain the people of Rome,
came the emperor with his escort and Praetorian.
King Sun offers
<< Bread and circuses >> completed Peridis.
The people of Rome wants to see blood warm
run in the arena, broken heads
and brains scattered in the arena.
Handing out free bread to the Rome blempa,
sounding the trumpets and gladiators tour around
with extended the swords in front of the Emperor

 Ave Caesar
  Morituri te salutant

In the end remained only two, the best gladiators
of empire, the Fearless one truculent from Parthia,
and the freedman July that they dueled up to death.


Look how the executioners mowing the heads
of Christians with the axes.
The spectacle is appalling, this people
with flesh and blood said Citizen.
I can not stand to see another kill so many innocent people cried multimode Odysseus.
Immediately jumped to arena and began killing
the executioners with incredible skill.
Froze Amphitheatre, all wondered who is
this man and immediately followed and others.
Who are beautiful Stranger that you released in this way
without order the wretched Christians.
No one answered mythical Odysseus,
this answer gave resourceful Odysseus
when escaped with the partners from
the cyclops Polyphemus,
while holding them by force to the cave.
I am a warrior of the big time
I caught holy rage and indignation,
when I saw how unjustly killed the Christians.
Because you are brave Greeks
I give you a little time to be saved from certain death
to the glory of the Roman people.
 Ave Caesar
 The final free salute


The air smelled of smoke, maybe some of Rome district
be caught fire. Fire fighters were running like crazy
Rome was burning down, all run distraught be saved,
children were running scared asking their mothers.
When returned Nero asked to see Tigelino
and immediately drew great evacuation plan.
Nero wearing a mantle with a wreath in her hair
and the guitar in his hands waiting his friends,
The gardens of wealthy Mecene.
Fumes they covered the sky of city,
what a terrible night and this.
Nero went up splendid in the tallest tower
the garden to see what happens.
From here I see better the fire that rages
under my legs.
Recite to you verses that will remain in the centuries,
with divine inspiration I will sing the burning Troy,
in ecstasy with the help of Apollo
that dictates the turns.
The wind changed the direction of fire
an unanticipated fact saved the city.


The news from Spain is badly Nero,
Galba joined in the rebels,
There is no return
It's like ordering me to kill myself.
Dear Seed
bring me the gold box from the library
when stored inside the deadly poison
of Logoustas.
What do you suggest Tigelino
what to do to be saved.
Praetorian they are ready answered Tigelinos
we have the list of opponents,
we can immediately imprison your enemies.
I do not want to become civil war
I do not want to spill fraternal blood.
Nero then what you do
you expect to get caught alive,
they will kill you you have no luck said Tigelinos.
Along with the Seed, Epaphroditus and several slaves
they went up on the horses and set off for the villa
of freedman. When they arrived went inside the house
and Nero asked from Epaphroditus to help him
bring me this sharp knife
and help me
to sink deep into my neck.
Is flown the blood river my beloved king,
flooded the room, something to do.
Oh !!! what a great artist is lost, what a great !!!
Let me close the wound with this handkerchief.
I hear steps of soldiers sounding
as death drums coming to get me.
Nero lost consciousness and turned the eyes

upside down, then leaned over and died.
He died as Emperor
as Julius Caesar
he died like a hero tragedy.
Some said that Nero fled to Parthia,
since then multiply the guitar player in the East,
with a scar on the neck identical to that of Nero
that fake suicide.