Παρασκευή 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2015


    Cycles of Atreides


        A- HADES - HELL
              IN TIME

        B- CHAOSMOS


      IN TIME


Resist- resist
violence brings violence
the power anarchist power.
There are no big secrets
all are revealed in the light of sun,
under the light of justice.
Illegal lovers, my mother Clytemnestra
and her lover Aegisthus killed the winner
Troy, my father Agamemnon,
the unholy lovers had set up ambush.
Revenge will come from Atreus, Orestes,
wandering exile to foreign lands.
Something terrible becomes is inside the palace
voices, screams.
Me slaughtering my own children
Aigisthus- Aegisthus guards, guards
where you are, all was lost, left
shouted desperately Queen Clytemnestra.
Dishonest woman together with your lover Aegisthus
you killed my father, now will pay the price
with your own life said Electra.
Your father Agamemnon said lied about your sister Iphigenia
and unjustly sacrificed my child.
He said he wanted to marry with divine Achilles,
shameless brought from Troy his mistress Cassandra,
they made two children together.
Orestes I am your mother, who she gave birth,
how many times a lullaby and I cried on your pillow.
Mother never cared what I did to foreign,
you forced me and I left to get the power,
with your lover Aegisthus.
Clytemnestra where are the conspirators shouted Aigisthos
turned Orestes, rose the world, came out in the streets,
they want to take power.
Here front you what you see,
guards, guards circle their, does not be save no one.
The endless river of blood has no end in the palace
of Atreides. Electra that rushes naked and unprotected on swords and spears, your body will become a thousand pieces.


This is the black love of Aegisthus
and Clytemnestra, the most fatal couple
in Argos and History.
This is the love of the damned lovers
which scattered death, fear and mercy.
The Eternal escape was the exile in the land of nowhere
and nothing, the passage to the other world.
The Island of Eternal Return became the final destination,
the origin, and their hope.
The darkness of Hades reveals the hell of In Time.
The two lovers paid the price for what they made
at Argos in the man of Clytemnestra,
Agamemnon and their two children, Orestes
and Electra, existed ruthless Tyrants.
Resourceful Odysseus and diverse partners
they arrived in Hades, in Hell of In Time
to learn if they turn back to the mythical Ithaca,
Ithaca of Eternal Return.
The beasts and monsters shouting and screaming
while mangled fighting each other,
giving terrible battles up to death.
The gates of Hell opened wide and swallowed
the miseries souls. Myriad people hanging upside down from heavenly stairs and fell in flaming abyss,
what is God, what is not God and what mediates
between them.
Who sent you this dreadful country
where reigns death, posthumous
asked resourceful Odysseus.
O passionate love is the cause of evil
answered divine Clytemnestra, was caught out in networks
power and sucked badly.
What I made no one god or man can forgive.
The tragic fury conquered my mind,
how to live after these heinous acts.
Black bitches Furies chasing me constantly
they want to wipe out, we were burned in hell
of In time.
Who is your homeland, what is your origin
asked cunning Aegisthus.
The travel never ends replied mythical Odysseus,
my name is nobody
so call me acquaintances and friends.

This inhospitable place became our exile,
Aegisthus wild disaster found for us in the hell
of In Time.
Bad prophecies of Apollo brought the disaster,
the big murders will hunt us a lifetime.
I painted my hands with the blood of my children,
I am the one that killed her children, how to forget,
my soul became blacker than mourning οf death.
All are moved with make dizzy speed and are lost in chaos,
come back with the movement of light
has over billions of numbers and arithmetic acts.
It is written in the language of the great time,
immediately understood although do not know the language.
Clytemnestra to get the book, it will save us,
It is the escape route to the Upper world.
The Book of the world cried all together.
Aegisthus what hanging from your belt asked mythical Odysseus,
a sword, I have to cut potatoes, fruits,
what you want it does not cut at all is useless.
To see it little said resourceful Odysseus,
It is light as a feather, I feel an incredible energy
in my body, the sword is glowing burn that found front him,
has incredible powers, you can conquer the world.
Blinding light flooded space, convulsed my being,
I am another.
The sacred sword of light warriors cried all together,
makes us invincible, with this will conquer
opening, sovereignty the Democracy of Big Time.
Damned of In Time I am resourceful Odysseus,
King of Ithaca and make the travel of Eternal Return.


Women of Troy
we had everything and lost
found us great calamity,
alone and desolate we are in foreign,
away from our beloved Troy.
Who is our new queen
I wonder we will appear lucky and will fall into good person,
or will eliminate us.
Misfortune Cassandra
you were a princess and become a slave.
Death conquered Troy, those who escaped became slaves,
killed unjustly Greeks and Trojans,
on the long-suffering castle of Troy.
For a Helen gave their lives for nothing,
for a ghost they fought, the real Helen
had left was already elsewhere.
The winner of Troy entered triumphantly to the mythical Argos,
King Agamemnon made proud the Argeioys.
Returned victorious from Troy, time to take

the power in the city. The Greeks acquired wealth
and glory, military force, grew the borders.
Little Orestes will take revenge for Atreus,
the offense lost blood requests clearance
shouted entranced the witch Cassandra,
the palace of the king smell death.
Spun large plot in wild trap
the wrath of Clytemnestra is great,
did not calmed the beast, the monster inside her asks revenge.


The Night of the great slaughter
The Night of big betrayal.


They set a trap to King Agamemnon
kill the king, unscrupulous killers.


Μiserable pierce my whole body
to slaughter like I am an animal
lacerate my bowels to fly to the vultures.


Slaughter Atreidi, King Agamemnon
the conqueror of Troy,
Illegal lovers want to take power.

How many unjust you sacrifice my daughter, Iphigenia
for the sake of Greeks.
You took the child through my hands
exists greater crime.


I made for Greece, was the will of gods,
my blood is thrown around the all body.
Clytemnestra show little mercy, I am your man
we made children together,
what will you say them how you killed their father.


Shamelessly brought with you
and your mistress Cassandra,
what wanted to welcome you with open arms.
With my own hands I killed the King
as he killed our daughter Iphigenia.


My wife Clytemnestra
show a little mercy, so much half
why not talking.


Aegisthus is my man
Aegisthus is my lover
he really stood beside me,
rather Agamemnon that was absent in the war.
The conqueror of Troy is dead
in front my legs helpless to reacts.
His soul was slow to come out, was brave warrior
did not afraid of death, only a couple of times when
realized that the end came, he began to cry
and begging to spare the life.


Aegisthus we are the first lovers of Posthumous,
the first lovers of mournful love, we created
our relationship on the death of others.
By how much nostalgia I remember when kissed in hair
face, mouth while combing in the mirror,
then we made mad love up to death.
Now not even touch me, avoiding even look at me.
Clytemnestra looked around you,
that I can fall in love again as the first time.
Lonely and desolate died Helen all forgotten,
nobody stayed beside her.
The People of Darkness did Funeral
Beautiful Helen and burned her dead body,
no one mourned mythical Helen.
The land of posthumously is full of illusions
gives the sense of lost happiness.

What I see who is the young man back there hidden,
why does not speak what is afraid.
Orestes, Orestes
turned my son Orestes.
Clytemnestra your son asks for revenge,
the cycle of death did not close still.
Now I know what is waiting for me, my only hope is
death, that you saved my boy, I had for dead
do not become matricide.
Myself was saved from the trap of death,
an invisible force helped to escape from bloodthirsty Aegisthus. The ex machina God saved me from
hands of my own mother.
My boy
do not make that we made, it looked at that we led
in breastfed with heart blood.
The bloodthirsty Aegisthus killed my father,
Agamemnon and slaughtered my sister Electra.
Mother how could and did so many murders,
that withstood and murdered with your hands,
your husband and your child.
Aegisthus poisonous drug, only this will save us,
the god of the damned protects us.
Νot so fast all now begin said divine Odysseus,
Mother what you make
nobody forces you to die,
wait, wait why hurry so much.
Aegisthus and Clytemnestra drank the poison together,
Clytemnestra how to live, how to die
I have no choice, death is freedom.
Cunning Aegisthus drifted me in murders
I had good intentions.
Alone you chose to follow me
Now why do you deny you make back
why mourn, is too late too late for tears.
Diversity Aegisthus
we were not glad neither love nor the power,
all left us even our enemies.
We are among the deads
reached in the end of travel.
To stay together until the end, do not give up,
no one knows where it goes, all are open.
This medicine will unite us up to the end
dying slowly poison flows quietly,
the soul leaves smell intoxicating.
I do not know who first to mourn,
my father Agamemnon, my sister Electra,
or my mother Clytemnestra that dies
now here in front of me.
Clytemnestra ghosts want to drown us,
trembles entire, my chest burning.
Had it all and lost, our love was cursed,
doomed from the gods and humans.
Aegisthus your body is deformed,
inflated your belly,
foams and blood run from the mouth,
you are pale as a ghost. Misery you took to the road
which has no return.
Τhe black wave posthumously,
I hear trumpets of death, the soul annihilate,
the end -the end of tyranny.
Ιt is late, very late we lost the way, the dream,
froze, became like wood, no one will harm your body
on your dead body.
Keeps in my hands, my death
together we will leave, I follow you.

The black circle of love and death
Eternal Return,
nobody does not remain Unpunished.