Τρίτη 15 Δεκεμβρίου 2015








 A  KING AGAMEMNON                




Nights entire I wait for the sign of flame
shows that Troy fell.
Yes!! Yes I see shining showing
how conquered the much afflicted  castle.
They go ten years where brave Agamemnon
and fearless Menelaus walked against the city
of Priam, where guarding the two sons,
divine Hector and beautiful Paris.
Agamemnon had to kill his daughter,
Iphigenia to blow the air to start
the fleet over Greek ships.
Comes King Agamemnon, the conqueror of Troy,
the Trojans paid dearly the grab of Helen.
Shout the slaves to dress me said Clytemnestra,
the king must see me beautifully.
He returned majestic, fought for a Helen
that left with another, the hated Paris,
replied an old man of Argos.
My father was a proud man
said  divine Orestes and should not be killed
from his woman who had children together,
Iphigenia, Electra, Chrysothemis and Orestes.
Clytemnestra stayed faithful to her lover Aegisthus, ruthless and tyrannical disregards her children.
Maids run to spread the carpet,
to pass the king, the conqueror of Troy.
Lady of the Palace
It is best to honor as a man than as a god

said multimodal Agamemnon.
Let women's antics,
happy is he who has a good ending.
My King to let me show you how I love you,
let me show you how I waited for you,
let me with your will to overcome you.
Woman multiform Clytemnestra
you must first accept the beautiful woman from Troy
slave to the palace, is princess.
Wonderful Cassandra welcome to Argos,
your position among the slaves.
I see the evil coming said the witch Cassandra,
nobody can prevent Fatal.
The dark woman weaves the death,
one living-dead prophesy that will kill me.
The black bitch prepares to kill her husband,
King Agamemnon and me, together we die.
But someone else will come who will take revenge,
Killing the mother that gave birth him.
Now he wanders alone and desolate in foreign.
Death of Agamemnon began with three blows
that paralyzed his body.


I will take revenge for the death of my father,
mythical Agamemnon said Orestes.
Together with my brother I will take revenge
for the death of our father said Electra.
Come Orestes is here in Argos,
the footsteps from his footprints.

Now I will be revealed to my sister Electra,
how many nights you cried for me,
wishing my way back home
I am Orestes, your brother
who waited for so many years to return
from foreign to bring order to the kingdom.
I am ablaze entire, is my favorite Orestes
together we will take revenge,
together we will kill illegal lovers.
Only then rested the soul of our father
divine Agamemnon the conqueror of Troy.
I kill Clytemnestra with my own, hands
answered Orestes with the tyrant Aegisthus,
they massacred the king of Argos.
My son Orestes, my soul
here is the chest you mild milk
swig -swing drank the milk.
I am your Mother
you take great pity on your neck,
Furies will persecute in all your life.
With your lover killed my father,
brave king, the fearless Agamemnon.
For years now I wander to foreign,
from King made me a slave.
Orestes my boy
black bitches Erinyes
they will hunt you constantly if you kill your mum.
Oime -oime
my child killing me,
with his own hands.
what monster I harbored in my belly

better to die in childbirth
despite that I nurtured the matricide
Fear conquered my soul,
no one will help me, I am dying, I am lost.
The murderer of my father tyrant Aegisthus
he is dead, my mother Clytemnestra is dead.
A matricide I am, the murmur of Erinyes
It took the mind, began the travel to Hades.
It is time to reconcile the goddesses of Nemesis
with the city said the goddess Athena.
Murder will be judged henceforth in
Supreme Court,  we pass in the orderliness of world.
I vote in favor of Orestes
a woman Clytemnestra
can not kill her husband and let it be queen.
Omniscient goddess Athena and you lovely Αpollo
you saved me litteraly.
Wonderful city that you have a such Democracy
no one has so much freedom, so much beauty
such a great culture.
You dreadful Furies you can stay in the city,
without you create problems in the humans.
Will care for good homes
and the guilty consciences of people.
Furies are transformed into Eumenides
the black became purple in the opening
of  big time.


The mystery of history is unresolved,
the male and female is in constant conflict,
until prevail one of the two or to be a new composition.
I see a supplicant man holding olive branch,
while his hands dripping blood matricide,
embrace respecting the statue of goddess Athena.
Apollo you put Orestes
to kill his mother Clytemnestra,
and her lover, tyrant Aegisthus.
Clytemnestra killed his father,
fearless Agamemnon said Phoebus,
for this I gave asylum to him in my temple
does not tease him no one.
The matricide is matricide,
there are no exceptions for anyone.
Lovely goddess Athena
oracles of Apollo brought me supplicant to you,
resourceful daughter of Zeus.
I have committed wild murder, I killed my mother
Clytemnestra and her lover Aegisthus.
Terrible Furies suck my blood,
Excruciatingly slowly, the impurity of matricide
I want fly over me. I want to wash away the body,
my soul from the evil that I made.
For this I invoke wisdom, your generosity,
to save myself. I followed the oracle of Apollo,
what else I could do.

All that I can do is create
a new institution that the Law confer all
the people in the all world.
The Trial that I will fix will attribute Justice
and he will not wronged any citizen.
The injustice must not go beyond the law,
they would apply to all,
righteous shall live happily without problems
Justice illuminates the souls of men,
and ease the pain.
Orestes is protected me said Apollo,
Clearance must occur to him from the murder
of his mother terrible Clytemnestra.
That came as a witness Counsel
to defend him. I am totally responsible
why follow my oracle.
Trial Begins said the goddess Athena with each gravity,
where is the accused.
I killed my mother hated Clytemnestra
with my own hands, I followed the divination
of Phoebus without I dispute his oracles.
My mother formidable Clytemnestra killed
my father fearless Agamemnon
for this helped me splendid Loxias.
I will tell you all from the beginning as became.
This you make, we are curious,
we want to know how unfolded the facts.
Through the opening of big time,
let us return to Argos, living at the same time,
my multiple lives.

                     POST ORESTEIA

Thousands are the deads inside and outside the walls,
of City. Thousands carcasses one above the other,
under the scorching sun.
Black slavery crushed the Trojans, the black net
of death was spread from the city of Priam.
Comes Agamemnon the winner of Troy
returns majestic, to the triumphal procession.
Slaves run quickly to spread the purple carpet,
to get the winner of Troy, the first between of Greeks.
Woman let the tricks
better to honor as a man than as a god.
King Agamemnon will die from the hand
of his wife, hateful Clytemnestra.
Together she will kill me, prophesy my death,
said the unfortunate Cassandra,
but will come revenge from Atreus, Orestes.
The unholy lovers are dead cried Clytemnestra,
there is no return.
My father Agamemnon was killed unjustly
from my mother, tyrannical Clytemnestra.
The blood of killed king asks revenge
I am praying to turn my brother Orestes,
to get revenge.
Much afflicted Electra
I am your brother Orestes that was missing on foreign,
the braids, the footprints are the same as yours,
can you distinguish.

My beloved brother
Orestes you are together we will take revenge
for the death of our father Agamemnon.
The murderess killed the King
the palace drowned in blood.
Orestes you are who punctured with sword
shouted tyrant Aegisthus.
I have the same end with Agamemnon
that I killed with Clytemnestra.
Comes and my own end shouted the queen
my son, my son
I am your mother, looked the chest that you drank milk
do not kill me, it's a shame
you will carry it in your all life.
Furies will hunt eternal as matricide.
You are the one that killed my father, Agamemnon
with your lover.
What monster I harbored in my belly, how I know
better to die in childbirth.
The poor guy I make wild murder for this I came supplicant
in goddess Athena. Follows the oracles of Phoebus,
I had to obey, what else I make.
Now the impurity of matricide want to chase away
over once and for all.
Goddess Athena want to protect me, to give solution
learn how I killed my mother Clytemnestra
she killed my father Agamemnon.
Loxias prophesied to take revenge
and to come big time suppliant in your temple.
Nobody can do anything,
but I think to create a new institution
the Supreme Court that will administer justice
to all humans.
Orestes is under my protection told Apollo
no one can hurt him.
Supreme Court will judge rightly the all world
without no exception.
I vote in favor of Orestes
a woman can not kill her husband
In this way.
Omniscient Goddess Athena
it saved me with wonderful Apollo.
You terrifying Furies you can stay in the city,
without creating problems in humans.
Furies were transformed into Eumenides
the black became purple.
Opening of big time involves  Iliani Creation.
the story is a sea Inexhaustible that waits explorer.

Androgynous Athena, Goddess of Wisdom
brings the sex of the world
which are male and female,
causing transformation of horrific Erinyes.

Inside the transparent light
constantly transformed
I become an Other,
bringing Justice
in Ecumenical Court of world,
the Imaginary Museum of the big time
through the cycles of Eternal Return.

Henceforth perpetually I will transforming
In the multidimensional Multiplicity.
I become an Other, a Iliani of Time
revealing the time of big time.
Only the imaginary Court of time
he may answer in the Mysteries
and the great guilts of the world.

This becomes Other in the opening
through the circles of Eternal Return.