Τετάρτη 16 Δεκεμβρίου 2015















Women of Troy
we became slaves to the palace of Agamemnon,
we have no chance, no future.
My father Priam was great king
I was a princess and now I am a slave
in the services of Agamemnon.
The voices, the screams are heard even to our ears
since the burning of Troy.
The Greeks looted the city and took
immense wealth’s, but the greatest loss was
when my father died, King Priam.
Trojans ran like mad to escape
from the fury of conquerors, from certain death.
They campaign for her strategic location,
and the immense wealth’s and not for the grab of Helen.
A king is never happy
from the sight of dead warriors.
The Greeks fought bravely until the final victory,
the total conquering of city.
Now I returned victorious from Troy
I must take over power in Argos
to becomes big the fabulous city.
The sacrifice of Iphigenia was the most difficult decision
I got in my life.
The way he died a moment did not leave my mind
The Trojan War was a great Epic
he showed the greatness of Greeks.
We grew our border acquiring great riches,
fame and prestige, now all respect us.
Revenge of Clytemnestra comes fatal,
the rage of queen is great, ask to get back
the blood for the unfair loss of her daughter Iphigenia.
The night of the great slaughter shouted Agamemnon,
I fell into the trap of conspirators.
Argives - Argives
you do not hear what becomes
the conspirators kill me with wild way.
They beat my body and lacerate the flesh
will not remain nothing from me.
Revenge is all mine cried Clytemnestra,
so many years I waited this time.
Clytemnestra you are my wife,
the mother of my children, mercy, mercy.
Agamemnon you did not show no mercy
when you sacrificed our daughter Iphigenia,
to start the campaign against Troy.
I did with anguish of soul, what you thought I wanted
to sacrifice my child, my innard.
I sacrificed my favorite Iphigenia
for Greece, for Greece.
Fool telling lies, you did great crime
then I decided that should you die.
I am the father of your children
what I should I make.
The palace flooded with blood,
what did you expect when you came back to Argos,
accept you like a girl in love.
I did not hesitate and you brought with you
your mistress Cassandra.
Do not asked me how I feel after so many years
you was away in the war, what I made alone.
Woman, woman I die,
let to conquer the tragic fury,
Was not my fault, pity me, what else do you want to do.
When you killed your daughter Iphigenia
the innocent girl shouted  and implored desperately
do not kill her, but you did not hear.
Now I sacrifice you the King of Argos
to you see straight in the eyes the death,
Aegisthus is my man
Aegisthus is my lover.

Agamemnon the conqueror of Troy comes winner,
once he reached in mythical Argos.
Trojans have paid dearly in blood
the grab of Beautiful Helen.
E !! slaves I want you dress me to become beautifully,
appear that I am faith in the king as long as never.
They go so many years that I left from Argos
said fabulous king Agamemnon,
I returned alive to the beloved homeland.
I need to honor the gods and my friends,
It is time to meet Clytemnestra
waiting anxiously in the palace.
Divine Agamemnon returned from Troy,
turned my King, alone and desolate waits for
so many years, was missing
and my son Orestes to foreign lands.
Maids, slaves
run and lay the purple carpet to steps on my king,
the conqueror of Troy reached in Argos.
Queen Clytemnestra
I prefer to honor me as mortal rather than a god.
My king
your will is order for me.
Women's charm is irresistible
but I am not going to give in.
Divine Agamemnon I want to show that I love you,
allowed a woman to become her own,
make her favor.
Resourceful Clytemnestra
since you want so much, let it be yours.
I brought with me a princess of Troy,
slave to the palace.
Wonderful Cassandra
welcome to Argos,
this is your position, among the slaves.
Alas he found me great calamity,
coming great evil in Argos.
Lovely Apollo
entranced I see the opening of big time,
the passage posthumously.
Dreadful Clytemnestra set up the net of death,
the loves of Pari with Beautiful Helen
they brought the disaster, the Fall of Troy.
King Agamemnon will die from the hand
of murderess, a heartless woman.
Preparing to kill the King and me
who brought with him as loot of war.
Prophesy my death, prophesy that I will die
with very violent, wild way.
The lioness will kill me first and then
wild will murder her husband.
Comes revenge comes from someone
who lives in the foreign,
he will kill his mother who did this murder.
Unhappy father only knew what would happen,
when you returned to Argos winner said Orestes.
Eventually was easier than I thought,
invincible Agamemnon fell dead with three strokes
said Clytemnestra full of pride,
he did not react, completely taken aback

Whoever is free death speaks freely,
does not afraid no power, no Tyrannus.
The truly free man creates
wthout dependencies, exceeds the Laws of City.
Οver and above the city without city
he is different while remaining Same.
Illegal lovers of Argos,
my mother Clytemnestra and her lover
Aigisthos killed my father Agamemnon,
when he returned from Troy victorious and triumphant.
The unholy lovers set up ambush and killed
the king, the conqueror of Troy.
Now I wait to get revenge for the death
of my father, legendary Agamemnon.
The long-suffering Orestes my brother returned
from exile, together we will take revenge
for the unjust death of our father.
They slaughter my children, my son Orestes
and Electra cried Queen Clytemnestra.
Aegisthus - Aegisthus
where are you, disappeared completely.
You slaughtered my father with your lover,
It's time to pay answered Electra.
Your sister Iphigenia was sacrificed by her father
he took my child through my hands.
My father legendary Agamemnon
that it made, it made for Greece.
Agamemnon returned to the long-suffering Argos
with his mistress Cassandra,
they did two children together.
My boy Orestes
only you know how I turn around in the night,
Waiting for your return.
Astounding Clytemnestra murdered my father,
as if he was your worst enemy,
When returned home happy, after the war.
Beautiful Helen caused the Trojan War,
when was stolen with Pari, the prince of Troy.
Electra accusing a life for all,
show a little understanding, you ever thought how I felt.
Aegisthus -Aegisthus
at last you came, do not see how they kill me.

Electra I beg you does not learn anything,
beloved Orestes I do not reveal to anyone the secret.
Tyrant Aegisthus went out of town,
and our mother Clytemnestra is alone in the palace.
Aegisthus Aegisthus
you disappeared, the guards disappeared completely.
My daughter Electra wants to kill me,
what hatred nested in her heart.
Dishonest woman forget what you did to my father,
In begged you do not to kill him
and you knocked with greater hatred.
Orestes you are my son suck the same milk with your sister, I am your mother, I want to live
I do not want to die so early.
Wretched imitator Clytemnestra
how unfair you exiled me in foreigner,
Away from friends and brothers
stateless was wandering from country to country.
Tyrant Aegisthus and terrible Clytemnestra
they went like hypnotized outside the palace.
Ah !! My children, my children
lovely Orestes,  unfortunate Electra
you are deads on the floor, frozen,
motionless from the net of death.
The black bitch killed my children,
no one will forgive me, will not understand.
Behold the woman who killed her children 
Behold the woman who killed her children.
Clytemnestra why lamentations and whine
they planned to get us out of the way.
Aegisthus blinded by passion, tragic fury,
now the same end awaits me.
Orestes, Electra, Pylades,  Educator
they are deads, the conspirators wove
Death Plans to overthrow us.
Only by force and rigging we will hold on to power,
those who resist they will have a pitiful end.


Tyranny is relentless no one does not be saved
children of Agamemnon chose the way
that will die.

No more tears for Electra
No more tears for Electra.

A Beautiful death suits your guileless soul,
a Beautiful death suits you
the rebellious of centuries.
The humanity eternal will cite you
and will curse the immunity lovers.
The black darkness of death
conquered my guileless soul.
Orestes, Orestes
the years of unspeakable loneliness
you were the reason for my existence,
I took courage from you to keep living.

Electra -Electra
you put with the Tyrants
the immune lovers of Argos.
They slaughtered you without no hesitation
and became a star shining in the sky.
Stayed alone all alone
with the Eternal complaint in lips
for unfulfilled desires.