Πέμπτη 12 Νοεμβρίου 2015









 B            JOCASTA





Eteocles and Polynices, the two sons of Oedipus
when blinded their father,
they usurped the throne and decided to reign
from one year each.
First became King Eteocles
but he refused to delivers power
to his brother Polynices when passed the first time.
Cursed my sons
you did not respect your old father said Oedipus,
Completely unconcerned that I will live.
Brave Polynices fled in the courtyard
of King Adrastos in Argos,
when Eteocles  turned away his brother from Thebes.
There he married the daughter of Argive,
and now chief of army of Argos
he came to conquer Thebes, get back that belongs
the reign of the strife-torn city.
Oedipus gave heavy curse to his children
when they closed him in the basement
not to see him Human eye.
By the sword shall resolve their differences
dueling for who will reign in Thebes .
The ringer began to tighten around the town/////
Eteocles went to the gates of the castle
to fight the seven warlords.
He personally undertook to defend
the seventh gate, the most important.
Teeming boldly cried over the ramparts,
courage Thebans
nobody can subdue us.
The Argives want to destroy Thebes,
a Greek city, the fratricidal hatred governs Greek.
The curse of Oedipus got place
alas to Jocasta that was her sons.
Thebans decided to bury with honors Eteocles,
who died for his country before the walls
of his beloved city was worth a king.
While the other brother Polynices
he came to occupy the land of Kadmeia,
they decided to remain unburied and unlamented,
until they eat him vultures, dogs and jackals.
Man is Polytechnic and Resourceful
over and above the town without town.
Brave Creon this here is that it buried
dead brother, just saw the open tomb
she began to lament shocking our souls.
When she did to leave stumbled upon
and immediately caught the unfortunate girl.
So he's like asked Creon says,
spoke to defend yourself.
Yes I did, replied long-suffering Antigone,
I take full responsibility.
You know that the order is death
for anyone who cheats and bury the dead.
Nobody can break the Laws of the City
nobody is above answered Creon.
From when the Laws of the Gods are lower
from the Laws of Men replied Antigone.
Death lurks for those who you say
do not show no respect, no remorse,
you do not think and do not count no one.
Only Divine Justice defines life and death
we are beings with free will

and make what we think it appropriate and proper
answered with courage Antigone.
Now you will know the true face of power,
you are a rebellious, looked to put mind
to save yourself, you are too stubborn.
Polynices my brother how is possible
remain unburied and unlamented.
His dead body was flown in the ground
to eat the wild beasts.
The order is an order, even if you are child
of my sister Jocasta did not obey the law,
I can not make any exception.
Laws are changing respond Antigone,
citizens, societies shape their contents.
Death waits for you whatever you say,
find a better way to defend yourself, to tell your truth.
Creon I have nothing to lose,
nor riches, nor kingdom,
I am free to say my opinion
without I have any interest any second thought.
Antigone small Antigone
with what you say leads to destruction,
changed mind to save your life.
Awesome Creon
even if my relative do not seem to care,
I will have a beautiful death, a beautiful ending.
There is a greater glory than to die
for your ideas, your beliefs.
Antigone only you resist with such stubbornness,
Ignoring the consequences of the fatal end.
How can you say that it is a crime because I buried

my brother fearless Polynices
he deserved a better fate,
to be buried in the right way.
Eteocles and Polynices killed each other
for who will become king of Thebes.
They are my brothers,
they have the same blood as me
how I can stay indifferent, to close the eyes,
I was obliged to bury the dead brother.
Polynices came with the army of Argives
to destroy Thebes,
this is high treason against the fatherland.
My Blood is my brother drank the same milk from
the same mother divine Jocasta.
I love them both very much
that should not is wronged anyone.
Sang lovely Antigone,
sang only love listening,
sang small Antigone
because only love frees.
Now I am really free
I fly over, inside and outside the city,
dancing the dance last free.
My son Aimona
Antigone chose the dead
you will not marry her, better you find another.
Father, father splendid Creon
I want to seem your worthy son but I love Antigone,
I want to share with her the happiness and misery.
can not stay alive, chose alone her way.
Father I want this, this I love,
I want to live with Antigone.
Unfairly you decided to die the wretched girl,
It is innocent, has pure soul.
She buried his dead brother Polynices
disobeyed the laws of the City
He knew that the sentence is death.
Father the truth has a lot of facets
the right is to listen, respect the opinion of Other,
make a little behind, show that you respect the deads. You went blind from the love for Antigone, 
you do not know what you say or what you make.
How I can ignore that I will marry Antigone.
My son Aimona
the decision was taken, it is dead
for that you can not marry her.
Father at this time you will kill me with your words,
you realize too late what happens.
wounded Aimonas lost amid the darkness,
nobody knows where he went,
what he decided to do.
Love is unbeatable,
negate all forms of power, love means Freedom
Resist in power, resist in power.
Cursed genus of Lavdakidon,
my father is also my brother,
slept with my mother Jocasta
being the son of Oedipus.
I will not have time to become a bride,
I can not have children.
Fair honored the dead and what I suffer,
I paid with my life.
Beloved Antigone
courage, courage said Aimonas
I will not leave together we will die.
Unfortunate I am the last Queen of Thebes,
I am the last free of Thebes
only love brings the permanent revolution.
Come my dear Aimona
help me I nail in the breast
this double-edged sword.
My sweetheart  Antigone
together we will die in the same way
no one can separate us.
Aimona unfairly  I take you with me in the other world,
what strikes your heart, goes it breaks
the sword came out from the other side of your abdomen,
the blood running river, flooded the room.
Wonderful Antigone
In loved with the all force of my soul
let me touch your face for the last time.
My love Aimona
together we will dance the last dance
embrace with the Grim Reaper.
Lifeless collapsed the dead body of Antigone
with a knife in the chest.


My beloved Antigone
In who country we reached now
who country will accept your blind father.
Unfairly you wander with me to foreign lands,
you did not live your life to take care of me.
My dear father do courage
we arrived in the city of the big time.
We arrived in the city where people
they think and act freely.
Sang little Antigone
memories traveling with light
dispelling the darkness of Tyranny,
the love of the world is truth and freedom.
My daughter Antigone
helped me understand in who city we are.
Father is the city of big time
her intoxicating aroma enchants the souls.
Tell me dear Stranger
who holds the power in this city
the people or the king asked long-suffering Oedipus.
It is unregulated and is not dominated by anyone
answered the traveler,
her inhabitants decide freely about their future.
This city will get many privileges
for those few that will make for me
replied multimodal Oedipus.
People- People
accept a man
who once looked man,
one supplicant of the great time.
I exist, I see, I feel
through Antigone, this leads.
Stranger who is your country,
you seem like a man much afflicted, persecuted
and despised, seems you passed many trials.
Please you do not turn me when I say my name
I am Oedipus, King of Thebes,
who killed his father Laius,
married his mother legendary Jocasta
and they made four children together.
Eteocles and Polynices
Antigone and Ismene
they are my children and my brothers.
It was all an incredible Luck
that does not fit the Mind of man.
A supplicant I am
I ask for your protection, I ask you accept a disrespectful
In the holy city of great all.
I will never Tomb Thebes
I am an exile, a fugitive of the big time.
Wonderful elders
If you accept me in your home country
nobody is going to hurt you.
I Oedipus I will be her savior,
the man who will protect
from all evil, from any enemy.
Great Oedipus
you are welcome with your daughters,
first we must make expiation sacrifice
and libations to soothe the goddesses.
That you ask I will make
I will not raise any objection.
Kindly requested from Eumenides be saved
as your daughters, this is essential.
That it is becomes as becomes
Is Fatal and accept it reverently.
It is time however Oedipus
to us narrated your passions, your history.