Πέμπτη 12 Νοεμβρίου 2015



Also wrote from the novel theaters and operas.
My hands dripping the blood of my father Laius,
how could, I married my mother Jocasta,
and I made four children with her,
Eteocles and Polynices, Antigone and Ismene,
I am father and brother together.
Father great Oedipus
freely we go into the opening,
the Democracy of the big time.
We are in legendary Athens through the cycles
of Eternal Return.
Leart my good daughter, lovely Antigone
how in Athens I will spend the rest of my life,
this shows Divine Justice and the Cosmic Justice.
The Light, the supreme Light This leads me
even if blind I see everything with the eyes of soul.
No one going to hurt me
I am a protected of goddess Athena.
Oedipus- Oedipus
Antigone- Antigone
At last I caught you, old men where you go without me you thought that will leave so easily.
Come -come
I have good news, I discovered that the mythical Atlantis,
Is the seer Tiresias, where we will go to ask
the wise old man for our future, what we will make.
Much afflicted Jocasta how to reach in legendary island
we must pass the vast expanses of Posthumous,
the cycles of Eternal Return.
Fabulous Atlantis is protected from the perpetual cycle
his infinite light, no one can penetrate it.
An oracle said that my husband,
will be killed by his son said multimode Jocasta.
But Laius was killed by robbers at the crossroads
for Phocis. When the child was born,
I gave In a shepherd and threw him in Kitheronas.
As soon as I heard that it should not I hear
the curses came true cried Oedipus.
My Light is the last time I see,
I murdered my father Laius
and I married my mother Jocasta.
The bitch I married my son, Oedipus
and I did four children with him.
Oedipus running entered in, looking distraught
Jocasta the wife and his mother.
He found the unfortunate woman lying on the floor,
with a sword nailed in her belly.
Once Oedipus saw dead Jocasta,
he started crying bitterly and hit in the chest,
saying wild curses and unintelligible words.
Over his great madness dipped his fingers in the eyes
he pulled the bulbs and threw them on the floor,
the blood started running river, flooded the room.
Began the Theban Cycle, began the big time Returm.
Seven rulers attacked in much afflicted Thebes,
with seven gates.
Eteocles and Polynices, the two sons of Oedipus,
when went blind their father, they usurped the throne
and they decided to reign a year anyone.
First he became king Eteocles but
he refused to hand over the power when it passed
the time. Then his brother Polynices left,
went in Argos, in courtyard of Adrastos married
his daughter Argeia.
There he convinced his father-in-law to help him
to get back the throne that belonged to him.
Argives walked all together against Thebes
and Eteocles exiled his brother,
Polyneikes did not respected any agreement,
It is time that the brother
he died from the hand of his brother,
both will fall deads Killed by their own hands.
Long-suffering Jocasta took one of the swords
of deads, and went to go with the all force
in her neck. Βrave Antigone who was beside her
with as much power had it saved his mother,
at the last moment.
Antigone and Electra, the heroines of mourning,
they were forced to live in family conflict,
Quarrels, rivalries, killings with bad outcome.
Antigone buried her brother Polynices
in complete opposition to Creon and the Thebans,
while Electra gave battle for her dead father,
the conqueror of Troy, legendary Agamemnon.
She stood against her mother Clytemnestra,
and her lover Aegisthusof who killed
the brave King just returned from the war.
Parallel and Same with the History
Eternal different revealing the opening.
My two brothers Eteocles and Polynices
they killed outside the walls of Thebes seven-gate city.
One Polynices remained unburied and unlamented
outside the walls of much afflicted city.
While the Other Eteocles with the orders of Creon
he was buried with all values as befits a king.
Alone I will bury the dead brother,
contrary the order of Creon and the Laws of City.
Eyewitnesses and hearsay
we reveal the difference
the transition from one to another.
My mother Clytemnestra made the crime
together with her lover Aegisthus.
They killed my father divine Agamemnon
when he returned victorious and triumphant from Troy.
In vain I expect to see my brother Orestes
and together to take revenge for the murder of our father
only Orestes can bring the redemption.
The suffering of Antigone and Electra end
they do not have, perhaps the mythical Atlantis they find
the final vindication. Only in conditions of absolute freedom the Man reveals the opening.
Resist in the Power
Resist in the Power
Magnificent Atlantis seems so much distant
and so close together said multimode Jocasta,
It's like being inside me beside me.
The greatest travel is the travel in the paths
of the mind and soul.
Utopian Atlantis keeps live the dream,
the hope for the People.
Father, mother we are in the opening of golden gate
the great time, everything is true-light and freedom
What a great surprise, we were fiund in the besieged Constantinople by the Turks in 1453.
The Ottomans at thousands fighting wild
to occupy the long-suffering city.
They shouted making attack.
Hadith of Prophet said that the City will be invaded.
It is inevitable that this city be conquered by me,
It is written in Kismet.
Only one thing I think constantly
how to conquer the City of cities.
I disagree radically with the union of two Churches,
better I see the Turkish turban in the city,
despite the Papal Tiara.
Nobody forgot that the Crusaders conquered the City
they burned and looted Constantinople in 1204.
Only then we will be saved from destruction
and havoc shouted the Unionists.
Constantine you did apostasy
Cardinal Isidore turned back to the Pope and Rome,
they called all together the anti-unionist,
brothers- brothers think rationally there is still time.

Night and day Constantine on the walls fighting
and animated the defenders of the city.
The war was continued until the fall of city
the sons of Osman will not stop in front
the walls of Constantinople.
Allahu Akbar
Allahu Akbar
shouted ecstatic the Turks.
Around the Gate of St. Romanos played
one of the biggest tragedies of history.
Never before had a gate so important
for the evolution of the world.
The first heroic Janissaries stepped their legs,
on the unconquerable walls.
The battle was given body with body,
arms, legs, heads mow as cobs.
Abdomens gore and guts are thrown out
while the blood was jumped like a jet.
A whisper began to be heard from mouth in mouth,
those who heard him, felt the legs CUT, cut their breaths.
After the brave Greeks began to say aloud.
Ηeard him the attackers Turks and they make
a very loud scream
The souls of Greeks thrown out of the mouth
and lost in the abyss. Greeks left Kekroporta open
from there entered the Turks,
The great betrayal had happened.
Janissaries entered from there spreading the havoc,
the great betrayal had occurred.
The last Greek emperor was fighting alone
in the gate of Agios Romanos looking
straight in the eye the death.
Α blow with the sword in the face
and he retaliated immediately, another in the chest
and rushed like a lion against all.
He killed countless enemies, but was all alone
similar to Angel of Paradise.
A powerful blow with sword found the emperor over
and he fell down dead this last Greek Emperor.
Fall the City
Ealo- Fall
Whole neighborhoods burned three days,
the ships were leaving loaded with countless world
gold, jewelry, money and immense wealth.
Heartbreakingly heard the screaming of women
that they raped into the houses from janissaries.
Mehmet II the Conqueror entered in the city
from the gate of St. Romanos, riding a snow white horse,
overjoyed as if passing the gate of Paradise,
Mehmet the Conqueror cried all together the Turks.
Only Venice could accept the Greeks
after the fall of Constantinople.
Became the new homeland of Greek refugees
where created the Other Byzantium in Venice
said multimodal Oedipus, that great traveler of time.
I see resourseful Oedipus
how also you look for your own Atlantis.
How also you dream of another city
who can accept you to live without constraints and limits, without the guilts of the past.
These eternal misery will follow you wherever you go
whatever you do, in all states and you travel
observed much afflicted Jocasta.
Such reception never imagined the Greeks,
Venetians greeted overwhelmed the refugees
as they descended from ships.
The rulers of Venice were all together over
the platform in St. Mark's Square.
Doge Francesco Foskari 1423-1457 said
to the Greeks of Constantinople.
Venice is your new home
Multimode Odysseus
what became in the city, what made the awful Turkish
In the proud Greeks.
Ealo -Fall the City
Ealo- Fall
Loudly shouted resourceful Odysseus
to hear all the Venetians.
Ealo the City
They answered all the Venetians overwhelmed
from the terrible news.
Ealo the City - Fall the City
Ealo- Fall
Shouted the gondoliers, Nicoletti, Capuchins
Venetians from Judecca, San Zaccaria, Arsenale,
Cannaregio all together went to the square San Marco.
Died Constantine Palaeologus,
the last Greek emperor riding a white horse,
at the gate of Paradise, like an angel of Paradise
shouted hard divine Odysseus.
The Greeks and the Turks killed each other
as if she's Second Coming.
Such wild slaughter did not become never in the History.
The screams of the wounded tearing the air,
the souls transparent came out slow- slow
and directed to the sky.
Thousands of people huddled in the harbor,
to get inside the ship to save them from the massacres
of Ottoman Turks, they left full
with fabulous treasures of Constantinople.
In Laurent palace and palace Forseti
lived mythical Anna Palaiologina waited for
to reveal the Brotherhood Code St. Nicholas,
the Greeks of Venice went to meet the Anna Notara.
Emperor Constantine loved Anna,
he wanted to be his wife, wanted a lot one successor
Because he believed that it was possible to save the City.
The political considerations are not allowed to do
this marriage. Archduke Loukas Notaras belonged
in another camp, he was one passionate anti-unionist,
he believed that if he marry his daughter with the king,
positively affect Constantine, how he would rule the empire.
Constantinos Paleologos was a great king
he understood the intentions of Lukas Notaras
and did not go into marriage although loved
Anna Notara from small child.
Mythical Ithaca, Cardinal Bessarion and other Greeks followed Anna Notaras, in the secret crypt.
Gold coins, gems, diamonds, rubies, emeralds were in naval chests and trunks filled with glittering gold.
Thousands codes, books, scrolls were on the bookshelves
containing all the wisdom of Byzantium.
Venerable Anna Palaiologina with this treasure
you can buy fabulous Venice.
The purpose is sacred replied the wise princess,
the treasure is for the enslaved Greeks
groaning under the tyranny of Turks.
The last Greek emperor said
with the money to buy weapons for the enslaved Greeks
to rise up against the Turks.
He believed that the Ottoman conquest
was a parenthesis in front of thousands of years
of the empire, as became the 1204 with the Crusaders.
He said that in sixty years we turned away the Latins,
the same will happen again with the Turks.
We came little late despite our will
lovely doge Alvize Mocenigo
for the price that you make us we will tell you a song,
Requiem Posthumously in Venice.
Beautiful port of Venice
Sleeps the ships
With the wash of waves,
A magnificent song
He sounded the depth of the Night ......
Requiem is dedicated in all brave
they go to liberate the Holy Land
The fall of Venice to the Frenches brought an end
of Serenissima Democracy.
What amicably replied Viletar in doge Ludovico Manin
the word does not suit in the conquerors.
Divine chanting sounded from Saint Mark
all together the Venetians took place the last one
Divine Liturgy in the lovely church just before
fall into the hands of Frenches.
After this Ludovico Manin 1725-1802
the last doge of Venice said in the Venetians.
Proud Venetians
the Democracy of San Marco conquered
from Napoleon Bonaparte,
Only Nikopoios Virgin Mary can save the city.
To us fell to this tragedy,
after thirteen hundred years to deliver
our favorite town in French’s.
Others prayed with sobs
and others wept manful.
I considered my ultimate duty
to save fabulous Venice,
the city had to live, not destroyed.
I did not want the Most Serene Republic
burned without reason,
as it happened with other cities,
as became with fabulous Istanbul
when was captured from the Turks.
A sea story never ends
a story about the creation of the world,
the travels to the stars, lost in the opening
In the vastness of an endless time,
the universe said wise Oedipus.
Resourceful Odysseus is a king without the kingdom, traveling through the circles of Eternal Return.
Who excellent man
who traveler of stars,
he only has friends and not nationals.
Exiled fugitive fled to Venice
after the fall of Constantinople,
to continue the history of Greeks.
As Others singers of Homer we will sing
for the Democracy of big time,
differently than became up to now said Oedipus.
We will see how he descended into Hades,
To asks seer Tiresias if it turns back
In mythical Ithaca, his favorite island.
What he saw shocked the dead mother
venerable Anticlea and asked why she died
complete the multimode Antigone.
Then we have the Second Emigration
the passage in the opening lived many lives
same and different emigrations.
Fabulous Odysseus died
divine Odysseus LIVES
The same we make continued saying
long-suffering Jocasta, when we will met
the seer Teirisia in mythical Atlantis,
to learn what will become,
what we will make in the future.
Utopian Atlantis will haunt the souls
the people, will never cease to dream.
What you say that it became in fabulous Atlantis
with the seer Tiresias, occurred inside
the imaginary opening of big time.
Long-suffering Jocasta the hardships than you passed made imagining a ideal world where all become
with good intentions from the People.
Welcoming Venetian lords and sovereigns,
the Greeks of the Brotherhood of St. Nicholas,
they asked from resourceful Odysseus
tells them a story, something from much afflicted
life his. Multimode Odysseus spoke for the first
Return to Ithaca, he was the recognition from
his father Laertes.
After he narrated for the Second Emigration,
how beautiful Helen fled from the gods
In the land of the Nile in Egypt.
He narrated the fall of Constantinople from the Turks. The barbarians burned, looted the city, massacred thousands of Greeks and raped women.
What wild slaughter, what wild carnage did not become
never in history.
Ealo-Fall the City
The descent into hell of In Time
together with Ithakissios his son and his grandson Michelangelo had many surprises.
Was retreatants coming and regenerates
In hell of In Time making the passages
from Hades to Nekyia.
The outfit made invulnerable travelers of light,
traveling in wormhole of big time.
Dictators, barbarians, thieves, murderers, pimps
they tortured without mercy in a endlessness
game with death.
What are you, who sent you
your armor is invulnerable
It is obvious that you come from another world,
asked all together the damned in Venice.
Otherworldly invaders conquered Venice