Πέμπτη 12 Νοεμβρίου 2015

SYNOPSIS- TRILOGY ATHENIAN DEMOCRACY Prometheus Savior Oedipus Cycles Antigone of Thebes Bacchae Kitheronas A THEATER




    Prometheus Savior

  Oedipus Cycles

   Antigone of Thebes

   Bacchae Kitheronas       




Passions of Prometheus are without end,
nailed to the rock with steel shackles
endures badly.
Hephaestus the god of fire and the terrible State
they took the job after the orders of Zeus.
It caused the rage of gods because gave
in the people the secrets of immortals.
Nailed on this rock I say and foretell
the future of the world, the future of gods and men.
Prometheus Bound, Unbound, pyrophoric, savior
the power of Necessity is mighty.
Prometheus how you put with awesome Zeus
the gods dominate the world, dominate in the lives
of people, looking only they impose
the right of the strongest.
Olympian Zeus accused me because I dared
to speak about the future of his own,
how will lose the power and the throne
No one can change my opinion.
Jupiter when took the power and took the throne
from his father Cronus, handed powers
in the gods without figuring mortals.
I asked they have the right in knowledge, learning,
I gave the fire, the future appearred brilliant
for mortals, for all mankind.
I am a Bound, Unbound, pyrophoric, savior  torchbearer,  a liberator of unfortunate people
in the opening of light.

It is time to learn the passions of human beings,
hear to their history.
Learn how  I showed in mortal the movements
of stars, the numbers greatest wisdom,
to measure space and the time
I found the composition of letters
to Create an incredible language.
I gave them the memory, the most important muse,
I offered many wise arts to be better their life,
the way you think.
But look how I suffer, I can not be saved
From my ills, sufferings which I suffer.
What city, that they think.
Accept Him who is Bound, Unbound, torchbearer.
who city, who country
accept Him the saviour, the liberator Prometheus
he puts with the Olympian gods.

                 OEDIPUS CYCLES 


Favorite Antigone 
In who country we reached now. 
In who country will accept your blind father. 
Ah! Daughter-my daughter 
Child unholy father 
Unfairly wander in Foreigner. 


Sang little Antigone 

Blind Oedipus and his daughter Antigone arrived in Athens where the wretched  king  resorted suppliant in holy Kolonou, asking protection from the goddess. 
Theseus, the ruler of Athens protected the human. 

Who killed his father?
He married his mother
And had children together.

Began the Theban Cycles
Began the Circles of Oedipus ,
Oedipus Rex, Oedipus at Colonus,
Antigone, Jocasta .
Started cycles of Oedipus B and Antigone  B
Completing the circles of posthumously,
Reveal the past - present and future
What we know and do not know.


Omniscient Oedipus we came to ask you
How to save the city.
Make your miracle as you did before
from bitch Sphinx .


Thebans rocked my soul
From the evil that found us.


What I would not give to not hear
Those who I heard.

Do not happen these terrible facts. 

Phoebus asked to leave the impurity that contaminated the city, 
This who killed Laius when he went pilgrim 
In oracle of Delphi. 
Great Oedipus said front in all that discovers 
The guilty. 
Rumours said that a wayfarer killed Laius. 


Cry the seer Tiresias 
To uncover the culprit 
To save the city. 


I know the truth 
But I can not say 
Living great drama. 


Speak testy old man 
someone you hide
Do not shout the guards. 
Big Oedipus
You're the guilty
You killed Laius .

Tiresia careful what you say
Will not regret that you are blind.

Misfortune Oedipus
You are father and brother of your children
You are a man of your mother
Where did children with her.
You are the one who killed his father Laius
On the way to Delphi.

Then Oedipus accused Creon that he
Put  Tiresia say these nonsenses.

Well why you cry like little children
My husband and my brother fighting
As  roosters .

What said the wise seer

It's awful and terrible .

An oracle said that my husband
Will be killed by his son
That would make with me .
But Laios  was killed by robbers
in the  crossroads road for Phocis.
Once the child was born - we gave to a shepherd
To fly in Cithaeron,
After we tied up his legs  from ankles .

Once I heard that it should not have to hear .
I make what I should not make
The curses come true.

My husband you put  me in great concern
Ask what you want to know .

Was Killed  no one of the fray.

A servant who I sent him away after the murder.

Is a great need to see him .

When the shepherd came revealed to Oedipus
How he gave the baby to another shepherd
That took him and went to Corinth.
Growing Oedipus learned that an old oracle
said that he will kill his father ,
And will marry his mother.
For this he left Corinth and went to the oracle
Delphi to ask what makes.
In the crossroads road for  Phocida killed his father ,
Laius without knowing .

Together we will uncover the truth
Together in life and in death .
The child that I gave birth with Laio
We left him in Kitherona
Because we knew the Oracles .

I want to see the shepherd .


My two beloved brothers, Eteocles
and Polynices killed outside the walls
Seven-gate city of Thebes. One Polynices remained unburied and unlamented outside the walls of Thebes,
while the other Eteocles with orders of Creon
he was buried with all prices as it suits in king.
It is impossible Polynices to remain unburied,
they will eat the vultures, jackals, worms.
My beloved sister, lovely Antigone
these are contrary to the orders of Creon,
the laws of city and the wish of Thebans.
Ismene think a little, even sisters we have completely
 opposite opinion, different characters.
Remember what found our father mythical Oedipus
and our mother divine Jocasta.
If you are afraid alone me I will continue the work,
alone I will bury the dead brother.

Eyewitnesses and hearsay
parallel and same with history
we reveal the difference,
The passage from one to another.


Creon someone buried Polynices
and made libations on the tomb,
despite the order that you gave.
Ignore the laws of city and the will of gods,
but we found who is the guilty.
CREONThey want to overthrow me
and to take the power.


Brave Creon
This is the daughter who buried the dead.
When she saw the grave began to lament
without delay we dashed above her
and we caught.


So it's like saying
speak you have the possibility
to defend yourself.
You know that the order is death
for anyone who disobeys and bury the dead.


From when the Laws of Gods
they are less than the laws of men.
You cannot order as god
after man you are a mortal.


Death awaits you for what you say and do.


Only Divine Justice defines life and death,
we are beings with free will
to do what we think proper, right.


Now you will know the true face of power.
You are a rebellious
put little mind do not put with the power,
you can not change the world.


Polynices my brother
could not to remain unburied and unlamented.
The corpse was thrown to earth,
to eat the birds and the beasts.


The order is an order
although child of my sister
did not obey the Law,
I can not make any exception.


Laws are to change
the Citizens, societies form
their content depending on the conditions.

Death awaits for you that you say also
whatever sophistry and you think.


I have nothing to lose
beither riches nor kingdom.
I am free to say my opinion effortlessly
without any interest.


Little Antigone
but you do not understand that you are lead to death.


There is great glory
when you die for ideas and your beliefs.


I am Dionysus son of Zeus
and my mοther Semele daughter of Cadmus.
I came to Thebes to found a new religion,
revolutionized the women keep thyrsos in the hand.
The Thebans seized by the bacchanal frenzy,
and went to the mountain to take part
in the ceremonies.
Pentheus the son of Agave is opposite to the deity.
Comes the new religion, the new god
Dionysus came to Greece from Phrygia.
Bacchus is the son of my daughter said Cadmus
that needs support.
Pentheus I can help you said Dionysus
to see what women do in Kitheronas.
A lot I would like answered Pentheus.
They will understand you immediately added Dionysus that wore women's clothes,
we go inside the palace to clothe you,
you will become unrecognizable.
Pentheus pitiful death will find, his mother Agave
she will kill her son, with her own hands.
Pentheus came out from the palace wearing
bakchika clothes.
Dionysus went behind with a attaché.
First Agave saw her son lurking
and cried the other Bacchae,
Bacchae who it is that came to Kitheronas
to see what we make.


Were Lost the son of Echiona, Pentheus.
when we arrived in Kitheronas at festival
said Pentheus, on a tree will go up
to see better there at the top of the tree,
he became perceptible from the maenads.
Was deeply heard the voice of Dionysus says,
women are the one that is opposite in the new religion, that tyrannizes you.
Bacchae just heard the words of God flowed
crazy on the slopes and ravines to find Pentheus,
the king. When he saw the king on the tree began
throwing stones, spears, Thyrsos,
but could not reach him.
Then they uprooted the tree and fell down Pentheus
noisy crying from the pain.
His mother Agave made a start and rushed over
the King threw the braid to recognize him.
Mother, Mummy, your son Pentheus I am,
I was wrong, do not kill me, do not kill me.
Agave was making foams from the mouth and
her eyes throwing flames, seized from
 the bacchanal frenzy.
She caught Pentheus from left hand and immediately
detached his shoulder. Ino her sister pulled
the flesh and around Aytonoi and the other Bacchae
they shouted crazy asking another blood.
They scattered the pieces of the rocks,
his mother Agave got the head, nailed
at the edge of Thyrsos like he was head of a lion,
and turning the Kitheronas.