Πέμπτη 12 Νοεμβρίου 2015

TRILOGY ATHENIAN DEMOCRACY Bacchae Kitheronas Prometheus Savior Oedipus Cycles Antigone of Thebes A OPERA



 Bacchae Kitheronas

 Prometheus Savior

 Oedipus Cycles

Antigone of Thebes





Here in this coffin

I went to the mountain and gathered with difficulty
that left from him.
God reserves a bad end for our generation.
now he dead Pentheus
the only hope of our house.
Now I do not know what awaits me
what end I will have.
Your mother and sisters will be sunk in bereavement,
my grandson left his last breath
on Kitheronas fighting the new God.


Ah !! Now that the miserable, the hapless mother
I touch the shredded body of my son.
Unwittingly I did something terrible and unholy
with my own hands.
Wretched, the black bitch
on my madness, the bacchanal frenzy,
I killed my innard,
together with my sisters Aytonoi  and Ino.
How to endure so much pain, so much crying
what I want such a life.
My hands still drip the blood of my son,
big disaster found the gender of Cadmus
It goes we were destroyed.


Speaks to you Dionysus the son of Zeus
not behaved well to me,
now everything would be good and beautiful.

The oracle of Zeus says will become leader
at Barbaric army and conquer many countries.
In the end god Aris-Mars
It will lead you into the hands of the blessed.

Dionysus left after his speech.


I am an unhappy old man
head of barbaric army
I will turn in foreigner,
and I will drive him to Greece.


Father away in exile I will live
In black foreign lands.
Expelled from Thebes
I do not know where to go.


Βegan the cycle of Eternal Return
began the cycle of eternal escape forward
in Opening of big time.


I cry father
for what we spent
but more I cry for what waits for us.


Began the cycles of Democracy of big time
which discloses all the dimensions of time
the past-present and future.


Dionysus brought black disaster
the genus of Kadmeion.


Why we do not honour him
we did not accept his divinity.


The opening the opening
It is the only salvation, the escape to front
In the wormhole of big time.


Together with my sisters
we are going to live in foreign lands,
the unexpected, unpredictable define our lives.
Only God, the deus ex machina gives the solution.

Cadmus and Agave left separately
taking different streets.


God Dionysus showed very wild his force
It drifted me into the trap of death.


The gods always want
To impose their right
no one can resist.


I only wanted to apply the law
and the Order,
do not disrupted the life in the City.


We must be open
In -This- what comes
the different-the Other.

Alas unfortunate what happened to me
they slaughtered me with their own hands
my mother Agave and her sisters.
They scattered my pieces
in the trees on the slopes of Kitheronas.
Now I walk alone

In the vast expanses of After Death.
everywhere the darkness, hope no one
from where will come the Redemption, Clearance,
light a little light
nothing else.


The wretched and the Miser
how could kill my innard.
Terrible and indescribable madness
conquered my mind
and it led to the heinous act.
Horrible death I want
once with my own hands
I killed my child.
His only me
we furious bitches in mangling
without knowing what we make
we did not have our logic.
Soul of my soul
my heart pained you left
after an inglorious death it had,
Now the unfortunate collect your pieces.
Ah !! my joy
mortal you put with the god.
My son standing motionless
frozen from the death,

 You do not see that the dawn came
how I will see the light of helium.


Night is
accumulated darkness
front with eyes.
The mystery of Purgation
nothing bigger.
Light dispels the darkness
actions terrible that cause the pity
fear and mercy.
The soul spurts the Elegy of the world
listening to music.


The opening the opening
the passage posthumously
Manifested through the cycles
of Eternal Return.