Πέμπτη 12 Νοεμβρίου 2015



The attack of the light Warriors it is through the opening.
The anticipation just before the battle is unbearable
at that point they come to mind,the achievements of a lifetime, what became right and wrong said Jocast.
All together they went to camp walking against the seven-gate city Thebes to conquer the inaccessible castle.
Wonderful Polynices my son that attacked what he did, that gave the battle.
He fought bravely in front of them Krinea Gate with abnegation. All admired his bravery and the great ability in martial arts. A mythical warrior that did not calculate
no opponent, nor death.
The Other, the Other how fought other Greeks.
Bellicose Kapaneas walked in Gate of Electra,
awesome Tydeus at the Gate of Omoloidas
and terrible Adrastos at the Seventh Gate
answered messenger.
The gates of big time is the passage in the All
the warriors of fire come and leave.
The battle must have been tough, relentless
without mercy for the opponents.
All Together Danaans pounced at Gates shouting furiously
the dance of death is without return queen Jocasta.
The heads mowed as cobs and their bodies collapsed wounded,
filling with blood to the holy land of Cadmus.
My son that fought responded to conditions,
he did his duty as king.
Eteocles fought bravely as a bird thrown
from a gate to another, animating the Thebans
do not succumb and fight bravely, for their beloved city.
The deads must be many I think the mothers
where to mourn their children. I thing the women
who will mourn their men old men young children
that will stay alone without a father said sorrowful Jocasta
Around the walls they filled corpses, the brave warriors pass over deads corpsesto fight their opponents.
An incredible massacre, a terrible slaughter
take place outside the walls of Thebes seven-gate city.
Woe to the deads we are with the living left behind.
Kapaneas was struck mortally from the thunder of Zeus
constantly boasted that he could defeating the king of gods said messenger.
The warriors of light are revealed with Lightning.
The army of Thebes what did how fought my compatriots.
Brave Thebans rushed out like lions Hitting furiously Argives they began to subside. Killed many thousands were the deads carcasses, lie deads and unlamentedon the sacred land of Thebes, fortunately, the country was saved with the help of gods said messenger.
Fortunately not killed my sons Intrepid Eteocles and brave Ponynices, It is in good health answered with relief Jocasta.
My Queen
lovely Jocasta I do not want to be sad,
I do not want to tone down your joy what you feel.
Why you say what happened I want to learn
you will not hide from me anything.
Your son Eteocles Over the Wall caused Polynices his brother In front of the two armies, saying to Fight the two of them. Whoever defeat would reign forever in Thebes the other would be dead.
Polynices what reply what did my other son.
Gladly accepted the challenge, then the all army
Argives and Thebans they started cheering them,
saying that it is correct and fair decision.
Fatal It comes inevitably nobody can prevent it.
Whatever will be, will be Independent from our will.
Brave Thebans shouted in favor of Eteocles
and inspires the king that ignore death,
and he fought for his country.
And the terrible Argives did like insanes supporting Polynices. Such a warrior did not know the universe, fighting to get back the kingdom of Thebes.
Eteocles and Polynices
the two brothers duel outside from the walls
of Thebes seven-gate city
for who will become the king of the city.
They Duel front the walls of Thebes seven-gate city
defying the death.
Antigone, the daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta presented
worried in her mother.
Mother, mother I see you very sad What you have;
Tell me you feel better.
My lovely daughter Antigone
your brothers will duel front in the walls of Thebes.
We need to reconcile they will hear you,
in they have a terrible weakness.
Mother, mother how can be done this
what can I do, I do not want unjustly be killed
my beloved brothers.
Fast we will go together on the battlefield,
and we beg them do not duel.
Maybe we can change their minds and share the kingdom.
The brother will be killed by brother there is no worst thing,
furies secreting our lives absentia for this we found ourselves before a lot surprises.
Creon appears sorrowful he is inconsolable with what found him, wants looking little consolation to Jocasta.
Died lurking my son glorious, proud he died for Thebes
but the pain is unbearable.
Jocasta, Jocasta
I brought the dead to my sister to wash
and adorn him said Creon.
Pity misery Creon missed the queen with Antigone
they went there where to duel her children.
There were too many I do not know where to start and to stop. Do not hesitate at all from where do you think better.
The two kings of Thebes Eteocles and Polynikes
killed in duel front in the walls of seven-gate city Thebes
said sorrowful messenger.
Ah !! how will bear the suffering,
Jocasta how to bear such misfortune,
I understand perfectly why just lost my son, Menikea.
This became Angel posthumous.
The curse of Oedipus came true nobody should cause
the parents said sorrowful Creon.
Eteocles invoked Pallas Athena and Polynices fearless Hera, immediately thrown furiously one against the other.
Fought to the bitter end with all the force of their souls
while the two armies watched elated the result of the duel,
applause when one and when the other said messenger.
The two demigods Dueled up to final fall.
Battled up to death who will win; who will become king.
Eteocles and Polynices
They wildy dueled Death of One was the life of the Other.
They was equal, the same brave learned early the art of war they had the same teachers, they dueled many times
Playing the opponents.
Armies of angels posthumously watched sympathizing
was with the life and not with the death.
Who gave the first and who the final blow, It is very important.
Eteocles with deceit struck first in the abdomen.
Polynices reacted quickly while he was lay.
Hardly raised his sword and pierced by relevance
Eteocles in the liver said messenger.
The end of the end arrived merciless nobody can not avoid it. Then fraudulent Jocasta began shouting
with all the force of her soul, was heard in the all city.
She said: "My children
what you go to make”
"Eteocles' voice from the depth
gone mother finished,
it is unfair
from the hand
of brother
very unfair.
"Polynices' voice from the depth
gone mother
we die,
this becomes
when the brother
is worse
and from the enemy.
What did the devious mother
what did poor Jocasta
how reacted.
Distraught except self she took one of the swords of deads and went to put it with all the force in her neck.
Wonderful Antigone however It was there beside her,
and with as much force was kept at the last moment.
Antigone because
why did you do that,
other I do not want to live
what to do such a life.
My two children
Eteocles and Polynikes
slaughtered each other
the hapless hit with their own hands.
misfortune Jocasta the world needs you
you are the mother that all endures.
All fit yet you stand standing, never bend.
You are the mother Gender of world this creates life.
Ah !! now for who first I cry cried Antigene
for who first I eradicate my hair, threading clothes.
Blind father Oedipus come out to touch your dead sons,
Ah !! father be verified the dark song of wild Sphinx.
The dark song of terrible Sphinx unfortunately confirmed.
Daughter, my daughter
wonderful Antigone you had to leave me to die.
Children, my children
splendid Eteocles and brave Polynices
how slaughtered so much wildy.
How hatred nested in your souls,
the unlucky mother what to do for who first I cry,
for who first I mourn.
You are deads over the bloody soil of Thebes.
Ah !! my boys had to Die to save the city.
The long song of death heard in all Thebes.
Ah !! soul my soul cried Jocasta
how I will bear such villain that found me,
how I bear wretched such stroke from fate.
around the darkness, darkness everywhere
and the pain is leaden, very heavy.
That first I lean where first I bend the head.
Who will comfort me who will soothe my pain.
The long Epicedium of Jocasta has torn our souls.
Courage Jocasta courage brave queen
only you can to bring great Memory.
Only you can bring the gender of the world.
Only you can to overcome human.
Gender of world is female.
My children
Eteocles and Polynices
eternal will cite you in the centuries, as an example fratricidal hatred. Eternal will wish do not have your own Εnd. Nobody did back nobody compromised
In vain I tried to reconcile you.
Slaughtered yourself with your own hands
and the two you are flesh of my flesh.
Killed Eteocles and Polynices outside the walls of Thebes.
Fraudulent women what I went and made
I married my son Oedipus and we had children together.
Where my two children Killed in a duel.
That now lie deads on the holy earth of Thebes.
Eteocles and Polynikes dueled up to death.