Πέμπτη 12 Νοεμβρίου 2015



Goethe sang Homer as another vocalist
in Achilliida imitate Homer great Greek epic poet.
You want to reach him asked Karl August.
Karl you exaggerated he is the greatest poet all time.
Whoever is compared with Homer is lost.
In my works I write for the Odyssey of Poet
a friend of God and people.
Together we unfold the skein of time really what becomes
with Faust asked Christiane Vulpious.
I live many lives, one I count the stars,
and the other looking in darkness of Hades.
Same - and Faust
I do not know who Self eventually prevail.
It shows the nostalgia of Return In mythical Ithaca
completed Charlotte von Stein, best friend of Goethe.
Faust-runs throughn my all writing in my all Life.
is a picture-a reflection of soul.
An Autobiography!
Asked John Christopher Friedrich Schiller.
No- I write - speak for Human tragedy
the fight of good and evil answered mythical Goethe.

Herr Goethe we read the manuscript.
Who is Faust has been selected by God, he is the Chosen said Gunter Hofmann actor of Faust.
Deadly love comes to murder and then hiding
from the world
in the woods completed Gambi Webber actor Margaret.
Greed blurs his mind, he does not know what makes
He lost all control continued saying Friederike Brion
mistress of Goethe for a short time.
Why put a bet with the devil although knows everything.
My Friends
Faust made one last move.
One last act of freedom causing his limits.
Who is doctor Faust
the man always searching for eternal youth.
Corrupt until the bone conquers nd finally seduce Margaret said Gunter Hofmann actor - Faust.
Famous Don Juan he wants to live with passion,
So invokes the demons as its highest values of human spirit completed Gaby Webber actror - Margaret.

Who is Faust
corrupter- Assassin - Don Juan
the absolute villain or none of all them.

The cycles of Eternal Return
reveal the -Time- of great time Light more light
answered great poet Goethe.
The past, present and future is a passage in the Opening.
a continuous transition from Goethe In Faust.
The Man of Weimar, the Man of Weimar

Faust sat in his office, a Gothic arch with a high dome.
Around piles were manuscripts, books with dusty
and mixed.
I am a Pan-everything-scientist a Universal Man
But nowhere found the real joy neither in Theology, Philosophy, non in Law, Medicine. I have nothing to say
snd I teach my students said Faust.
This cosmos is small-large, is not closed but open,
It is ours - the future-.
So I followed the path of magic Nostadramou,
perhaps discover some mysteries. Flashed my inspiration
inside enlightened mind. Light - the true
In the beginning is the -Logos-Reason as divine Heraclitus said, and the - Logos-Reason became flesh, as John the evangelist wrote. First is the Mind - Spirit, what is precedes-Act-?
Who is the composition of the two. What wants this dog
he looks very uneasy, finally make quiet.

None will go into the house.
We fly only up and down Right-left
cried playfully spirits.

Let illuminate Salamantra and then to disappear
Rolled straight to the ground. As it lost syflida
Be like a ray of levitators and toiled the hob.
Who is This that Defeating the creatures of air.
What is not given born -is unborn.
Oh! behind the fireplace something is moved
The spell inflated like a balloon said Faust.
Then Mephistopheles - dressed like a street salesman
Appeared through a cloud.
Well, I came the spirit that always denies.
Makes Good and Evil, include the sin,
the disaster cried Mephistopheles.
Extract and all you are entire front me answered Faust.
From the darkness is born the Light
the-Same- and Man It's part and all but never Entire
completed saying Mephistopheles.
Start from small and let big later said Faust.
All arrive in a great -world, from there, creating air, water,
fire cold and heat replied Mephistopheles.
From Chaos created the universe
How much I enjoy the discussion can I come back?
Wants and questions you have an open invitation
whenever you want. I can not find the way there are obstacles said curious Mephistopheles.
How becomes this φor an evil genius do not find the way
asked Faust, there are windows.
Devil - haunted leave from the street that enters.
The way to inside Is - Same- with the way outside.
Stay until the morning we have time to say jokes.
I have to go another time we discuss anything you want.
We make fun of our lives, but if you insist I live.
Whew! I was drowsy it took me the sleep
What! -How do you think that you will subclasses the devil.
Mephistopheles left without anyone stop him
I know - that I saw nothing.
Oh! some curious hits the door.
Mephistopheles appears from nowhere.

Doctor Faustus I greet forget me already.
I brought some things gor wore embroidered red cloth.
Take the sword and the hat with the feather cock
to feel Young, Free and Handsome.
You play with me I am too old for this, I have no desires.
I lived deprived the days left - passed without I enjoy the life, and when night fell deep crashed my soul.
-What I want such a life-
as and God left me, abandoned me,
If also his faithful servant.
Should comes his hour to dies the Man said Mephistopheles.
I lived without joy, I did not know no beautiful Girl,
kept alive the power of spirit answered Faust.
The Eternal Complaint of Faust
no one did not overcome the death.
I am tired to waiting for unfulfilled love, never looked.
Love - where is Love. Years of patience left
Burying the dreams of a lifetime.
I lived alone, lived with high ideas what I understand!
Neither money and no fame, I knew.
Live-live a new life rises.
Turn away the dark from the soul, stopped to weave the net of death and looked to rejoice life.
But if you want to live
you should follow me to become my friend.
If you really want I will be your slave.
Who is the price what I have to pay.
it is not free tell me the conditions what should I do.
As long as you live in this life your faithful servant I will be.
I will do whatever you want fulfilling every desire.
But when the inevitable happens
say goodbye to this vain world, you will be mine.
You will pay with the same-way- down in darkness of hell.
Only I do not know what happens down there
in your own world but what do I care
If I live in this life happy,
I do not interest what happens-after- In another world
If exists love-hate-war Light-dark.
Come quickly to ratify the agreement, do not be late.
Then you will see - what I can do. will change
your life completely.
What you can do, does not appear to you.
You have gold that melts, show me - show me said Faust.
What you can do. You can make a Beautiful Woman
madly in love! with me
I can make each of your wish I am a magician.
So the bet stands.
Nice - nice
You made a good choice
I am totally yours I belong to you.
Think well
Do not regret after and be cried
I want only from you to sign something.
What do you want a signature on paper.
My Reason is Contract will commit me Eternally.
What makes a parchment with seals - signatures.
Is one gap letter If is not in effect the Reason.
Fraudulent - wicked what you have in mind,
What commitment do you want named and became

If you put me in this way Listen what I want.
Sign with your blood a drop of blood is enough.

It sounds silly but let it be, since you want.
I leave all thoughts-spirit-knowledge
to get lost in passion, desires Life.

I am here - what you will ask to serve.
The youth-the youth
I am convulsed from the beauty
Well Dr. Faust
approached slowly - slowly.
Take this cup and drink the liquid who is inside.
The - Poison - will become In elixir of youth.
Presented the form of Margaret
I drink in the health of Beautiful Daughter
what divine creature.
FAUST empty a liquid from the cup
and the old man turns- transforms into
Come we go to conquer the world said smiling Mephistopheles
I will live wild Passions, Loves damned.
You are very handsome women will go crazy with you,
all they want to get to know up close and become
your mistress.


Grand Duke Karl August and his wife,
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Prime Minister
Christian Voulpious, the Council and the residents
of Duchy Saxony - Weimar celebrated
in Central Square Weimar for Anniversary of the City.

Grand Duke Karl August
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Prime Minister
The Council and the residents of Duchy
gathered in the square of Weimar.