Κυριακή 2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012



The Electras are the twe faces of IANOS.
A modern tragedy approach different myth of Electra.
Befor the Sophocles and Euripides as today.
So the same actor play two roles.
Make the move from the one to another.
The Electra is a insubordinete , prifers to die
than to bend his hed to tyranny.
Her sister Chrysothemi advise not to puts to the strong.
Electra speak freely and tell the truth about
the mother of the Klytaimnistra and her lover Aigisto.
The passions of Atreidon no end.
The circh le of deate shows the opening of the post- after death-/
A world away and the new...... is near.
Electra dedicates it self entirely to the gods end home.
It follows the fate of a center passions and testing.
Denounces the unjast death of her father Agamemnon.
Dispute the power to privent the city from the evils of tyranny.
Its center humans live events and choose between humanity
and barbarity good man.
The fear , obedience diminate the city end Electra
resisted at the cost is her life.
Pay withe the death.
The clearance comes through pain.
Electra devoted to the low.
The relationship between truth and lies, the myth functions
beyond the limits is a way of interpreting the world.
The fear and the mercy and the feelings generated
the viewer at the tragedy are under the influence
of the victom - the passions-.
We oll make mistakes
but you learn to avoid.
Oll resources are opening up longe - the big time-.
The poetry, tragedy , love and death is opening.
The destiny of man is driven by the life and time.
Makes nostalgic journey home.
Modern Electra is another history.
We must remember - we must forger .
This is a story.